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Once down at the hotels bar we order a beer then begin chatting. Dean and I talked about random shit for a while laughing and toasting each other. Seth joined us with his candy for the night before leaving and heading to his room. I see Alexa with some guy that I don't recognize, she's looking at me from across the way smiling. Dean suddenly nudges me about chick on the other side of the bar. "Man she's been glaring over here since she came in fifteen minutes ago" "Maybe she likes what she sees" I say leaning back stretching then flexing. "Well I'm going to try a shot at her" "You be my guest Ambrose I'm going to talk to the girls" I say looking over towards the Bellas, JoJo, and Mandy. "I wish you luck on that" "None needed" toasting him before I walk off.

"HEY (Y/N)" they all shout "SIT DOWN WITH US" Nikki yells. I slide in to the high booth "How's it going ladies" "Pretty good I'm waiting on Daniel to get here he was coming in later" Brie says. "Yeah I heard he's making a come back, I'm happy for him, he's very passionate about what he does" "Yeah I am too, he's a good man, the best man I've ever met" "I can believe it" I say downing the rest of my beer ordering rounds for us all. "How'd Dean and you settle in to your room" Mandy says rasing an eyebrow. "Honest I put him on the pull out bed" "I seriously don't blame you because the way it looks he's going to need it" she gestures over to him hanging off the chick from earlier. I look up and see Renee coming into the room. Oh shit oh shit what do I do... act fast think last... "RENEE, COME SIT WITH US" I shout waving her over. I look out the corner of my eye, Deans looking at me curiously. I shake my head to him, he pulls off the chick he's on, and goes to where we originally sat glaring at me.

"Hey guys" Renee says cheerfully. I give her my seat as we all greet her. "I'll be back in second you guys anyone want anything from the bar" I say sitting my empty bottle down. They all give me their orders and I walk to the bar flopping beside Dean. "What the hell was that about man" I hear him say as I finish the order. "What are you talking about now" "You are totally trying to hit on Renee" "No fuckstick I'm not. I saw you over there all over some bitch you don't know, and who at the end of the day will mean shit all to you... then I see the woman that loves you walking in so I called her over to keep her from seeing your stupid ass doing stupid shit. I made sure I was loud enough so you heard me" "Well what do you call giving her your seat" "I needed a new beer, and she didn't have a seat. So there's no point in making her stand when I can get the order and grab a seat on my way back. Or just stand it's called being a gentlemen" "No it's called using kindness to advance" "I don't want to advance on her. I know she cares for you and I'm not that kind of person dick weed" "Whatever I'm going back up to the room" "Dean calm the fuck down. I don't want Renee. She's in love with the person I'm closest with on the team. So why would I want to fuck up my friendship" "I am calm. I just... this whole thing with Renee still caring for me. It's got me fucked up" "Well I'm the last person to worry about" "I know. I'm just losing it. Make sure she gets to her room she's a lightweight" "No problem man" "But stay out of her room" "DEAN piss off" "Yeah yeah... but for real...stay out." he says laughing and walking towards the elevator.

I grab a chair on my way back to the table. "What was that about" Nikki asks me as the waitress hands out our drinks. "Just Dean being Dean. He thinks I'm embarking on a lady he's interested in is all" "Oh he's finally moving on" I hear Mandy scoff. I look over to Renee she seemed to be hurt by the remark. I remember she doesn't want Mandy to know so I'm discreet as possible. "I mean I guess. I don't know what the context is or who but I talked to him about it while you were in the store. He's really shocked this person cares so much about him. He has feelings for her as well to. I'm sure she will be shocked that lunatic has feelings left" I say laughing. Renee smiles taking a drink from her little fruity beverage  she asked for.

"So what about you (Y/N), have you found anyone interesting of late" JoJo says twirling her hair around a finger. I see Mandy elbow her in the side causing her to tense up. "Uh I honestly can't say I've been paying much attention to anyone special if that's what you're wondering" I say realizing the look of hurt on Mandys face. It's the truth I honestly wanted so bad to be with Alexa... but we all know that won't happen until she changes... I wonder where she is know. I think to myself before look to where I saw her last. She's still there typing with that guy from earlier. "So you're telling me you're in a company with practical models and nobody has caught your eye" Nikki says crossing her legs tapping her martini. "Uh yeah, I'm more personality based. Looks are great, but... I'd rather the woman I'm with have a brain between her ears" "So what's the excuse with Alexa" "Okay that was to the point. I like that. I fell quickly for a fake painting. I wanted something and jumped when the first girl showed interest" "Well see that's where you messed up... she's a girl. You need a woman" she says glaring at me over her glass. It was a very devious smile. One that is all to familiar to me sadly. I feel a knot form in my throat as I swallow the rest of my beer. "You'll have to excuse her. She loses her filter the more she drinks. Now with John gone it's gotten worse" "Brie I know exactly what I'm doing I'm trying to fuck (Y/N) to make John see I don't need him" "I ugh I gu..." "NIKKI" they all scoff. I just sit there and grab another beer from the waitress passing by. "I'm just being honest. So (Y/N) What do you say... when can be fuck buddies? Atleast til one of us finds something more solid. Or even make our exs jealous and then they want us back" Nikki says I almost choke on the swallow of beer in pushing down now. "Brie can you please calm your sister" Mandy says sounding offended. "Listen Mandy it's not my fault you have a thing for him but are to scared to say it. We're not in school anymore sweetie. When it looks good jump" "So you want him to just be a tool" Mandy harks back to Nikki before storming off. I look at Renee who is holding back laughing, and grabbing a beer. I look to JoJo who is just taking a drink to hold a laugh back. "Maybe (Y/N) should be allowed to answer Nikki" I turn to see Summer Rae.

"Ugh how long have you been eavesdropping on our conversation. There's a reason we quit inviting you out with us. You're obnoxious, jealous, nosey, and over opinionated" Nikki shoots back at her. I raise my eye brows and lay back in my seat looking to Renee who is now holding tears back she wants to laugh so hard. "Well being that you're being so loud I think alot of people heard it. On that note... Nikki I never cared to hang around you anyways. You're fake... your tits, your personality, and just your life in general" Summer says back using her finger in some odd way to express herself. "Okay listen bit..." I hear Nikki start to say before Brie cuts her off "Nikki come on we don't have time for this... honestly Summer take a hint, and grow up" she says pushing away from the table. Grabbing Nikki by the hand, Nikki jerks back grabbing a pen from the waitress after paying and giving me her number on a napkin with "Text me your answer ♡" wrote beneath it. She winks to me before walking away. Summer goes away once they have left leaving JoJo, Renee, and I which we're all busting out in a fit of laughter.

"So about what she just said about Mandy being interested in you" JoJo says looking at me catching her breath. "I know she's in to me, but honestly I know trying to start something serious just be best for me. I'm still interested in Alexa. She just isn't acting right well not like relationship material atleast... I mean... look at her" I motion to her and the guy she's been with all night now leaving together. "You can't help who your heart wants" Renee says patting me on the back. "Its sad you have to know that feeling as well" I say back to her with a pierced smile. "Well I think I'm going to call it a night you guys... behave, and be safe" JoJo says doing the my eyes on you gesture. "If I'm safe with anyone around me whule I'm drinking it's (Y/N) JoJo. Have a goodnight" "Awh how cute" "Its not like that, Goodnight JoJo" I say waving her off.

With Renee and I just sitting there she drunkingly begins talking about Dean. "So did he really say he was interested" "Yeah, he did. I'd say you should talk to him but right now... not the best idea. Wouldn't want you boning him the regretting it in the morining" I say laughing as she chimes in. "You know I really miss him. I miss everything about him. He made me feel so safe" she says starting to tear up. "Woah woah woah. No need to cry Renee. He's not going anywhere" "I know I just I need to see him so bad right now I have a urge to... to ju..." she stops speaking and looks over my shoulder. I look behind me to see Alexa back in the bar. "Didn't she leave with another dude like earlier" "Yes... Yes she did" I say sighing. "I'm sorry I shouldn't of brought that to your attention" "No you're fine. It's not like expected any mess of her" "Do you want to leave" "Nah she's not going to get to me" I say downing another beer.

We sat there for an hour or so talking about relationships, work, past experiences, and told super corny jokes. We only left when the bartender told us it was ten minutes to closing. When I went to get up I realized just how tore back I was. I grabbed the table so I didn't fall. Renee started laughing to the point she almost fell out her chair I caught her which in turn she laughed hard again and began hiccuping. "Ugh really get a room" I hear a voice say. It took a minute for my vision to realign to see it was Alexa. "Fuck you" I say laughing as we walk to the front desk. "Excuse me I need an escort for my friend and I here" I say to the clerk. "Yes sir do you have your keycards" "Yes we do" I say as we begin waving them around. "Right this way please" I hear a man say. We follower him to the elevator. We take Renee to her room. "Here we are 7.., have a goodnight ma'am" he says handing her card to her, I blank out make sure shes in before I get took mine.

Once in my room I strip to my boxers and flop across my bed. "What the fuck" I hear a voice say. I just put my finger to my lips "Shh Deans asleep" I say laughing. "Oh boy you're fucked up" "Maybe just alittle bit" I say laughing lightly. "Where's Renee?...(Y/N)! Did she make it to her room" I nod my head and black out.

A/N so since I am just now getting your comments notifications... it's made me happy to see so many enjoying the book. Please share. Vote. Add to your reading lists. Comment. This chapter is early for all your support! Thank you all♡

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