Wake up

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"WAKE UP (Y/N), CUT OFF THAT FUCKING ALARM" I hear someone scream and throw something at my head. "Shhh" I grab my ears. "How much did you fucking drink" "Alot" "So I see". I open my eyes to see Dean taking a drink of water. I reach for it. He sees me and rolls his eyes before handing it to me. I take several gulps. "So what all did you get in to" "Too much" "Did you go in to Renees room" "Don't start that shit with me" "Hey I'm just asking a question but I'm going to assume no since you have this" he says waving the napkin with Nikkis number on it. "That's Nikkis number" "How the fuck do you do it" "Do what" "Get all these bitches numbers. What does she want you to answer" "She wants to be fuck buddies to make John jealous or Alexa... or until we get with other people" "Oh shit, you're going to say yeah I hope" "Probably no reason not to. She straight called out Mandy for being interested last night" "What'd Mandy do" "She stormed off, then Nikki and Summer got in to it. Renee almost died holding back laughing. Oh by the way she really wants to see you" I say reaching for him to pull me up. "She said that" "Yes she did she misses you ALOT now please quit yelling" "Thats not yelling THIS IS YELLING, I guess we should get cleaned up and go down for breakfast" "Ahh you fuck. Yeah man that's fine I'm just going to soak in a bath for a bit" "Yeah no shower and let's go" "Fuck... fine" I say getting off the bed I so lazily crashed on.

I got out the shower throw on one of my SHIELD shirts, gym shorts, and my Adidas. "I'm hitting the gym after we eat" "Yeah we all are" "Oh... alright" I say after pulling the lace on my shoes once more.

Once we get to the small dining room there's two groups of people at different tables. Renee, JoJo, Mandy, Bellas, and someone I don't recognize. Then the guys with of course... Alexa in the middle. Roman and Seth are at the fruit bar so we walk over to them. "Sup (Y/N) You look like shit" Seth says handing me a bowl. "What gave it away" "Heh the eyes and the bags under them" "Yeah I had a good bit to drink lastnight" "Yeah we heard... Alexa said you went up with Renee hanging all over you, and a front desk manager" Dean looks at me. "Woah woah no not like that. She could barley keep her balance so I was helping her walk, swear, and the clerk guy was taking us to our rooms" I say throwing my hands up in a defensive motion. "I swear I'll kill you if you touched her" "If I was to you would know, trust me. I leave my mark" "That's what a dead man walking says... so watch yourself" "watch yourself" I say mocking him as I finish my fruit bowl off.

"Well... ugh where are we sitting. I vote we get a new table started" Roman says waving his bowl towards and empty table beside Renees' group. "Yeah that's fine with me" Seth replies. So we all walk over to it passing Alexas table. "Hey (Y/N) did you have fun lastnight" I hear her say. "I don't know Alexa did you figure how much dick you could take before passing out yet" I say continuing on by her, she scoffs and goes to say something else but Dean cuts her off "Listen bitch we don't care what you have to say so stuff that mouth like usual" "Damn man, that was pretty good" I nudge him and we both cackle and continue walking. We're bow beside Renees group and Deans got his head down in his fruit bowl walking. "Hey (Y/N)" Renee says happily. "Hey Renee" I reply. "Thanks for getting me back to my room, sorry I got that way. I'm pretty embarrassed" "Are you kidding me that was pretty funny. It's no big deal someone warned me of you being a lightweight. Then threatened my safety if I didn't make sure you got back to your room" I say cutting Dean a look. She looked at him and cut a smile, except he didn't see it because he was too busy looking into his bowl still. "Well I'll let you guys eat, so you can hit the gym" "How'd you... the gym clothes" "Yeah dead give away" she says giggling. "Hey I was being serious lastnight" Nikki says motioning a call me. "Hey I'm down" I say before I even think. Her mouth drops "O..oh okay I'll see you at the arena then" "Yeah I'll text you so if you want to hang before then just let me know" "Okay I... I will" she says looking at me smirking. "Okay I'll see you all later" I say waving and walking off to our table where Seth and Roman waited for us. "About time damn you two should if just sat with them" Seth says picking at his berries. "I considered it" I say back. "So you and Nikki now" "It's a fuck buddy thing" "Very public about it too" "Hey I have to do what I have to. So what are we doing in the gym" "Cardio" Seth says. We all just groan and keep eating.

"Alright let's knock this out" Seth says enthusiastically. "How about we take turns knocking you out instead" Dean pops back. I look at Roman and we both shrug and agree with Dean. "Hey hey hey... team" Seth says backing up as we all walk towards him. We all throw jabs at him before we start and finish our work out an hour later. "Alright not a bad workout guys" Seth says clasping his hands. "Well I'm going to shower... again" I say going out the door, running in to none other than Alexa on the way. "Hey I was looking for you actually" "Actually I was just leaving so... better luck next time" "Look I really need to ask you ab..." "Look I really don't give a flying fuck. I'm drenched in sweat I still have a headache, and I really don't care to put up with your shit right now. Go talk to the guys about it" I say moving past her and walking off. I hear her continue in to the gym. Great I wonder what else she's done got all of us in now. I think as I enter my room. I hear a crinkle, realizing I've  stepped on a piece of paper I lean down to pick it up. It reads "PLEASE come to room 767 as soon as you can".

Hmmm I wonder what this is about. I think grabbing a towel, boxers, jeans, and a tank top from my suitcase.

I finish my shower, dress, and shape my beard down. I walk out to the living quarters, "Where are you off to now" I hear Dean say from the couch. "Uh is this for you or me" I say waving the paper to him. "Uh no clue. Who's room is it" "No clue I know Renee' s staying in a seven hundred sixty something" "Well... I mean you check... I don't want to show up there and it be Mandy and her in a room then Mandy wonder why I'm there... she hates me to get near Renee" "Fine I'll text you if it's for you" "Thanks man" I spray some cologne then walk out.

A/N it's update day. Hope you enjoy ♡

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