Doubles and Troubles

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As far as my former SHIELD "BROTHERS" we can see who was actually there for me. Seth you acted like you gave a damn, so much so when you turned on Dean and I that you were able to convince Roman that we wronged you. What was that Ro we were family, you could of came to us, we'd of told you the truth. Instead you climbed in the saddle with the "Architect" who I guess is fitting being that ge outlined your "Roman Empire". I say looking between Seth and Roman in the ring.

"Funny you should say that Y/N you built your entire career off of us. We just handed you the dead weight. You're use to... sloppy seconds, right?"

I know that was part of the script, but damn it hurt to hear... the way he delivered it sounded so genuine... I know he doesn't actually feel that way... we're all still close behind the scenes... I hope that's not how he feels.

"Sloppy seconds, Seth you're literally the result of a sloppy second, or atleast that's what your father told me last time we cracked a few ones."

"I don't think you should crack much of anything Dean, unless you're cracking the code to sanity in your head.".

"Trust me Roman, we're going to crack plenty of things, over both of you this Sunday when we face off at TLC, and defeat you two, retaining our tag team championships. Like we always do." Dean says starring Roman in the eyes.

"Yeah yeah yeah calm your Lunatic down there Y/N. They call me the Architect for a reason Y/N you'll fi..."

"You'll need to be an Architect to build yourself back up when I destroy everything you stand for Seth." I shout before attacking him.

"Great promo guys, you guys got the point across about your match this Sunday." H commended us as we walked through the gorilla. "Thank you sir." Dean smirked.

"By the way Y/N, we had to change the script for tonight, Alexa was supposed to call Elias to be by her at ringside, as you can see, we cannot find him. So I'm going to need you to go out there." H says with a hand on my shoulder.

"Okay, no problem sir." I comply nodding my head.

"Dean will accompany you, just so you keep up your team image as well." H included. To which Dean nodded.

"Hey Alexa, you know about the script changes right?" "Yeah, I already said i chose the tag team champions, former SHIELD brothers to be by my side." "Good, good, when's your match scheduled?" "Oh it's next, in about fifteen minutes. You have Dean on stand, right?" "Yeah he's by the gorilla talking to Renee. How's your whole fued with Mandy going?" "Good, it's fine, she is still upset at Renee though.  She said that she apologized to you though, for almost ruining your career." "Yeah, I'll be honest... her way of apologizing wa..." "Sex." "Uh yeah... we had a threesome. Nikki, her, and myself." "Why are you telling me all this?" "Because if it ever got out with my past being... my past I would rather you hear it from me first." "Oh... uh thanks. I guess." "Yeah, I just don't want you defending a lie... I haven't slept with anyone else though.  I've been focusing on work, the gym, and myself." "That's great! Oh they're out, you guys ready to walk?" "Yeah lets go." "Oh yeah I meant to ask you, what was that with Seth during your guys' promo?" "You mean the way he harshly said the part about sloppy seconds?" "Yeah it seemed super genuine." "Trust me I was thinking the same thing... I want to ask him about it, but don't want any drama." "I understand that, but stand your ground Y/N, and watch your back. Seth has been known to climb over people to get his way." "Thanks Alexa... I'll keep that in mind." I say grabbing Dean by the vest, and pulling him with me. "Hi Renee! I'm sorry I have to steal him from you." "It's okay just make sure he behaves." "Will do!" I yell back.

Alexa Intro Pops

"Accompanied to the ring by the WWE Tag team champions, the team of Dean Ambrose and Y/N... Alexa Bliss"

"Let's go Alexa!" I shouted here, and there through the match.

Alexa ended up winning the match against Mandy, then as we were walking backwards up the ramp Seth, and Roman attacked Dean and I from behind.

The spear I took from Roman caused me to slide forward on my face, I chipped my tooth on the ramp, my mouth started pouring blood. I knew I had to power through it we still had a few minutes left on air before they went to commercial break.

I grabbed Roman, threw him in to the barrier, and began wailing on his back, and sides. I see Seth about to curb stomp Dean the my left so I turn to him, and spear him. Just to go turn my attention back to Roman, and then I got a Superman Punch to the face. I fell to my side, and remained there til we went on commercial where Dean then lifted me to my feet, with the help of Alexa, and lead me back up the ramp. Where I turned to see Roman and Seth rolling around, and Mandy tending to them.

"Alright you have to go to the docs Y/N. Your mouth hasn't stopped bleeding since that started. I'm about to get a word with Seth too... because I told him you were hurt, and he didn't pass the word along." "Don't worry about it Dean. I'll go see the docs. It's a busted lip, and chipped tooth. I've had worse." "Fuck that Y/N that could of gotten so much worse. Thankfully it didn't." He said walking away after I got in the docs room.

"Here is a face I don't see much of in here, how can we help you today?" "I... got ahh" I pushed out before the pain suddenly hit. "Hes got a chipped tooth, and busted lip, sustained from a botched landing on the ramp." Alexa stated to which I just nodded. "Alright lets see what we can do." The doc said before sticking ice to my lip. "Alright you'll need to see a dentist to get this fixed. It's nothing major it'll be a quick fix, you'll be back in the ring next show." He said handing me more ice packs. "Thanks doc" I managed to mutter out.

As I was leaving the door opened to reveal Roman. "Damn Y/N my bad on that... I..." "It's nothing man. Nothing that can't be fixed atleast. " "I'm still sorry bro... this is on me." "It's fine man. You seen Seth around?" "Uh yeah Dean was going to talk to him after he told me about this." "Ah shit." I muttered holding the ice pack to my lip. "We should probably find them. Dean said he told Seth to get them to cut to commercial break early because of this, and he continued on so Dean is pissed." Alexa told Roman. "Ah shit they're in the parking garage." He said as they took off running, I jogged behind them.

" knew damn well what I said, but as per usual, you wanted everyone to know Seth was here. You couldn't just stop thinking about yourself for one fucking minute, when someone else is injured, and especially being it was one of us." "He is not one of us Dean. He came in and the whole shift was turned to him. He's the bosses favorite, he stole my girlfriend, he stole my light." Seth hissed back before turning to see us three standing there. "Girlfriend? You cheated on me when we tried to be together Seth. We were nothing more after that than glorified fuck buddies, and then I started dating Y/N, and you spilled our dirty laundry. You ruined my relationship for what? Because you finally were no longer getting your way? Because you weren't the golden boy anymore? I fucking hate you!" Alexa said before running off, holding a hand to her mouth. "I'll handle this go help her, for the record Dean and I do not feel the same about you. You've been a damn good friend to us all, even Seth. He's just..." "A piece of shit... thanks Roman... make sure Dean doesn't kill him" I say before going after Alexa.

"LEX!" I forced out of my mouth. She stopped and turned around. "I... I am sorry... I just couldn't believe what I was hearing." "It's okay. Fuck him." I slurred out. "You don't have to talk, I know your mouth is killing you. I know when we dated it was kind of quick, but I do love you, things...things just felt right with you. I know this is awful timing with everything that's happening around you, and you're working on yourself, and work... I just wanted you to know that." She said before turning to walk off. I grabbed her shoulder with my free hand, and walked in front of her, and just hugged her. "Its okay Lex. I love you too." I say holding her.

"Y/N!" I released my grip, turned to a still pissed off Dean. "Don't worry I didn't kill him, you ready to go to the hotel?" I just nodded. "Bye Y/N." Alexa said "Bye Lex." I said walking behind Dean to the car.

Here it is... a possible fix of a relationship, and the down fall of another. Hope you enjoy!♡

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