-Smackdown Live-

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Finally arriving at the arena JoJo and I walk in to the cordoors talking about random things. Once near our rooms we waved eachother off and split.

Walking to the reserved room for the SHIELD I hear yelling... Really we I just got here and they're already at eachothers throats. Opening the door I slide in just for Dean to be thrown in to me. "Hey fuck man watch it I just got here" I say pushing Dean off me. "What the hell is going on in here" I say looking to all three. "Okay I may or may not have cut Deans jacket" Seth says throwing his hands up. "Okay no fuckwad there is no may or may not you fucking did and I fucking saw you do it" "You act like it was deliberate you fucking psycho" "I'll show you a fucking psycho" Dean lungs as does Seth. I grab Dean pulling him to me standing in between them. Roman grabs Seth doing the same. "Can we all just calm down, Seth replace Deans jacket. There problem solved" Roman said going back to the bench. "Fine, whatever, I will" "Okay I'm cool with that just don't do that shit again" Dean says brushing his hands against his face.

Sitting down we all look at eachother "So anything on the female shield thing" I say scanning the room. "Nope" Dean says just as there's a knock on the door. We all look at eachother to see if anyone was expecting anyone we all shrug.

Dean gets up to check the door. Opening it reveals Mandy standing there. "Hey is (Y/N) here yet" she asks Dean. "Uh let me check I just got in myself, he guys is (Y/N) in yet" Dean looks at me I shake my head. Seth yells "Nah not yet" "Sorry Mandy he's still not in yet. Anything you want me to tell him when he gets in" "Uh just that I need to talk to him about what we were talking about a Chipotle I found out more things, just if you can make sure he talks to me before his match" Shit it's about the female sheild. "Uh okay I'll let him know, see ya around" Dean says shutting the door. "What's she talking about (Y/N)" "Its about the female shield. It has to be that's all we talked about" "Fuck now I wish I'd of ushered your ass to the door" "Okay not cool you know she's trying to fuck me right not cool" I say looking at my reflection strapping my vest on. "Woah I thought you wanted to fuck around" Seth says across the room. "I mean yeah I do but I'd like to fuck things that aren't coworkers" "True but you could just have some fun... I'd fuck Mandy" "I've come to the conclusion Dean and you both will fuck anything that moves the right way" "Ehh, if say that's more Dean... but what does he fuck anyway" "HA FUCK YOU" is a we hear from the restroom. Laughing Roman speaks up "Uh guys check your phones". I grab mine from my pocket.

"Members of the SHIELD, all four of you will need to report to my office in 30 minutes from receiving this message. We have big plans for you all... starting tonight" -Shane, Stephanie, and Hunter

"Oh fuck me" I say groaning. "Hey guys what the fuck is this about" Dean says walking out the restroom brushing his teeth. "So much for chilling before our matches" Seth says with a huff. "Well I guess we need to gear up the go down there" Roman says strapping his gloves.

"(Y/N)" I hear as we're walking to the office. "Yes" I say as Mandy approaches. "You guys on your way to Hunters office as well" "As well? You're going there" "Yeah, that's why I was looking for you earlier, they're doing it. They're mixing females in to the shield. It's just Alexa and I from what I have understood" "Fuck that's what she meant she already knew" "Who" "Alexa she approached me talking about the whole thing when I left my hotel room" "I hope it goes good for everyone honestly" "You and me both. I need space from her and here they are pinning me to her" I say running my hands through my hair. "Well look who's already with our new team" I hear Alexa say as we approach the office door. "Well look who's already here to suck up to Hunter some more so she gets her way" Mandy fires back making Alexa look offended.

"Ah here they are" Stephanie says opening the door. "Come in all of you" Shane says propping his feet on the desk. "Alright so I'm going to make this quick, these two will be interrupt two of your matches. I would prefer it be Seth and (Y/N)'s matches. Since we already have changed this around for this. The three of you will will accompany who ever is in the ring to the ring. (Y/N) you're still facing Jeff Hardy tonight. Seth you'll have Matt. The Wyatt family and a Hardy will still interrupt your matches. When this happens I need the girls to interuppt as well. Run to the ring 'distract' the which ever Hardy while the SHIELD member in the ring sets up their finisher. Sound easy enough" Hunter says looking at all of us who were blew back by what he just said. We all just look at eachother shrug and nod. "Mandy will interuppt  (Y/N)'s match. Alexa will be interrupting Seth's match. Are we clear" Stephanie says. "(Y/N) and Seth when the girls cause you to win the match act... appreciative. Girls kiss the guys" Shane says now standing up. We all four exchange looks. "Okay that's all we called you in here for, go get ready for your matches" Hunter says opening the door.

Now walking back to the locker room after the girls split off to get their make up done. "Ugh we going to talk about what Shane said" Dean said looking at Seth and I. "I mean it's business, what else is there to say" I say looking over to Dean. "Exactly, just so you know the kiss won't mean anything on my end (Y/N)" "Hey man do what you got to do. I have to kiss a chick that wants to fuck my eyes out so imagine how I feel" "I wouldn't be complaining" Dean says chuckling.

Now waiting for our music to queue we're just laughing and cutting up as we are putting our masks on. When Mandy grabs my face turning it to face her she pushes hers against mine. I am in shock for a second before I kiss back. "How'd that look guys" she says as she pulled back. "Uh unexpected" Seth says Dean and Roman agree. "Good exactly what I was aiming for" she says skipping off.  "Ugh am I sup..." our music pops in first out.

Fans are patting and squeezing our shoulders. We jump the barrier enter the ring in our own ways.  Seth and Roman go to the turn buckles standing on them looking in to the WWE universe. Dean and I are bouncing off the ropes intercepting eachothers trails. When Roman and Seth turn to face us and jump down we meet eachother in the center facing the audience. Unclipping our masks and letting them hang we put our fists in. The guys exit the ring leaving me in as Jeff's music queues.

He almost completes his entrance when I grab him and power bomb him. The ref pushes me back and begins checking Jeff. Once sure he's good to continue he rings the bell. Now looking eachother dead on I circle him he lunges I lean out and grab him throwing him in to the ropes. He trys to throw himself at me but I catch him and slam him to the mat. I go up to the top rope and go for an elbow drop. Jeff rolls out the way. Landing on my elbow I am grabbing it. Jeff stands over me kicking me from all angles before doing a leg drop. Just then the room goes black I feel one of the guys drag me out the ring.

The Wyatt family music pops. The arena is now black with lights all over it's a sight to see.

A singular light cuts on to Bray in his chair outside the ring. When the rest of the lights cut on his two goons on each side of him with Matt beside Luke.

Jeff is looking down at them asking what is happening as I slide in the ring. The guys go after the Wyatts and Matt. I wait for Jeff to turn around before I spear him. I miss... slamming my shoulder in to the post. Jeff pushes me off doing the Twist of Fate in the middle of the ring. As I fall I see Jeff make his way to the turn buckle. Now on the top rope looking down at me doing his signature Hardy sign... when I hear Mandys music pop. She comes skipping down the ramp while the guys are fighting the Wyatts. She hopped onto side apron distracting Jeff long enough for me to grab him and slam him to the center of the ring. I pick him up power bombing him three times before doing a running leg drop. Going down for the three count now 1...2...3... *bell rings*. Mandy runs to me as the guys have now made the others retreat up the ramp they enter the ring too. I am in the middle of the ring as the guys are on the turn buckles and ropes. I go to a rope to join Dean. Once we finish and I jump down Mandy grabs my arm spinning me to face her and plants one right on my lips. I cup her face making the kiss deeper. The arena erupts in to screams and cheering. When we finish the kiss we all five put our fists in.

A/N there will be a -Smackdown Live pt2- next update. Favorite if you're enjoying so far♡

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