Chipped Tooth Chipped Heart

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"Alright you've had filings before so you know the drill Y/N?" Dr. Bernerd said as he stood in the doorway. I just nodded, damn him mentioning the soda pop indulgences I allowed myself to bide in to as a kid. "Alright we'll see you in let's see three months for your cleaning!" he just smiled. To which I gave a go fuck yourself smirk, and nodded before scooting past him.

"OH MY GOD MOM!! IT'S Y/N FROM THE SHIELD!" "James if you don't keep your voice down we're in a work area! And this man looks like he just had work done leave him be!" she said sternly to the small boy. "But mom... I didn't get to see his last match with the SHIELD because dad... because dad turned it to the football game instead." he folded his arms across his lap, and buried his head in his lap as well.

I remember my father doing the same shit... anytime I would gather with my friends from the neighborhood to watch WWE, he would bring his drunk ass in the sitting room, flop changing the channel, all before passing out in the recliner.

I placed a hand on the kids shoulder, getting his attention, "Y/N can I please please please have a picture with you, I'm a huge fan of you, and the others as well!" he was smiling ear to ear. I smiled, I couldn't help it, every since the fan interaction with Jonathan... I lived for these moments. "It would be a honour to take a photo with you James. I can't smile my mouth is killing me though." "THAT'S OKAY I WANT YOU TO LOOK TOUGH LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO ON TV! YOU AND DEAN ARE THE BEST!" "James!" his mother scolded him once more for yelling. "Mom will you take our picture please?!" She pulled out her phone, and took a few pictures of us. The kid was so excited, I enjoyed fan interaction... it was such a heart felt moment to see how I impact peoples lives. "Thank you so much Y/N! I'm going to post these as soon as my mom lets me get social media! Until then I'm going to get them put on my wall in a frame!" "I'll post them on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook James. You look so happy in these pictures. Thank you for doing that for him!" she said smiling at her son. "It's no problem, please be sure to tag me in them @WWEY/N I would love to post them to my page as well, with your permission of course." "Most certainly! What you guys and women do for these kids is amazing!" "Thank you! Bye James!" I say messing his hair up before walking out the door to my car.

Buzz Buzz Buzz

Conversation between Dean and yourself.

D: Y/N! How was the dentist?
Y: Dean! It was as good as you'd expect a dentist visit to be when you have needles in your mouth, and hear what sounds like storm troopers failing to hit a target per usual.
D: Ah yeah dentists blow any way... so um I need to talk to you about something, I fuck...
Y: Any day now Ambrose its not like I can barely talk...
D: Yea yea yea I know... fuck... I think Renee is cheating on me.
D: Sorry... yeah I um... it's hard to explain over a call, but... I'll show you in person this Saturday. That's when you're back, right?
Y: Yeah, I'll be back with you guys Saturday. I'm just chilling at home for the next few days.
D: Alright, I have a house show Thursday fuck me... on top of all this shit...
Y: You're certain you're not just blowing this out of proportion...
D: I'll fucking show you Saturday... til then I have to find excuses to not be around her. Or I might say something about it.
Y: Go hang with Roman. That's all I can think of.
D: I'm going to hang out with Daniel and Brie... they're good company. For the most part. I got to go I'll see you Saturday brotha!
Y: Okay see ya brotha.

I really really hope he's just blowing something out of proportion... I don't see her doing him wrong. She seemed so genuine when we spoke of him. Fuck then again I thought I knew Seth better than I obviously do. They're chipping at my heart.


"Mom I'll be fine it's just a flight, like every other flight I take every week." "I know, but you don't understand the worries I have as a mother... you're not a parent." "Mom I worry about you every time I leave here... you've made me the man I am today. There's people out there that would kiss your feet for making me." I say before pulling her in a hug. "I love you son, and I always will." "I know mom, I love you more though." "I doubt that Y/N. You be careful out there, I'll be watching for you on Tuesday like I always do." "Thanks mom, I think we're getting moved to Monday Night Raw soon, I'll let you know when to change to it." I say before pulling away, she kisses my forehead, before I walk down the steps on the front porch.

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