"Planning Forever"

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"Check... Check... and nope that's not right...ughhhh" Alexa sighed as she looked over the email we had with our wedding planner. "What is it now love?" "Didn't we agree on the doves as the origami hand towels at each table?" "I do believe so. You know I am leaving all this to you... I'm just excited to be marrying the love of my life." I say pecking her on the cheek before taking another bite from my apple. "I know, I just want it to be perfect." "Yeah. As do I. That's why you're in charge. I know this is fairly horrible timing, but are you okay with me having a bachelors party?" "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" "Well I just didn't want to do something like that, without you being okay with it." "It's just strippers. We've been to plenty of those clubs, and I trust you." "Yeah... I just again wanted to be sure because I felt uneasy just doing it." I say tossing the core of my apple. "I'm gonna hit the gym with the guys, I'll see you later babe. I love you. If you need me, call me." "I love you too. Be careful baby." she says as I kiss her goodbye, and head out the door.

"...so she's fine with it? Your mom says your dad had a small thing before they got married... so are you good for it? I'm not trying to force you to do something you don't want to do man, I just want you to have fun." Seth says as we're on our rest waiting for Dean and Roman to get off the benches. "Yes. Yes. And I'm still not sold on doing it yet man. It's hard to explain so I'm not even gonna try. But I appreciate the thought, and I am still considering the bachelor party... it's not a Yes or No yet... still thinking." I say sipping my water, and heading for the bench as Dean has finished. "You block her yet?" I ask him. "Ugh... yea..." "Dean!" "What? I did...ent..." "BLOCK HER! Her playing mind games is not fucking cool, and I love you like a brother, but I can't always pull your ass out the fire." "I know Y/N... it's just really hard." "What's hard about she CHEATED ON YOU... IS PLAYING WITH YOU... BLOCK HER!" "Huh... you putting it like that makes me sad, and realize how stupidly hopeless I seem." "No you're none of that... but you are smarter than this... she's a fucking twat... you need better. Someone that actually cares for you... listens to you..." "As if I'll ever get that... but fine I'll block her right now." he says waving his phone in his hand. I complete my set, and feel my Apple Watch buzz, "Can you come back to the room the wedding planner is wanting to show us some of the completed items for the wedding dinner?" I reply saying I'm on my way, maybe delayed since the staff is using the elevators to get around for cleaning. I tell the guys I'll see them around, and head off.

Walking down the hall in just gym shorts with my shirt over my shoulder, I see Renee with some brunette coming down the hall towards me. Just ignore me... I don't exist... please. "Hey Y/N!" Renee says in a flirty tone. "Sup?" I say stopping as they have. "Just going to introduce the newest diva to the others... don't taint this one would ya?" "What's that suppose to mean?" "You know... don't dick her down like you did every other female on the roster..." she says earning me a look from this newcomer. "Ha...you're joking right?" "I mean you did fuck a lot of the roster... and the whole Billie thing..." "Okay bitch... I don't typically call women out of their names so my apologies to you..." I say looking at the newcomer. "... but you Renee of all fucking bitches you know Billie wanted what she got... practically begged for it when she threw herself at me. If she couldn't handle it she should of said something. Furthermore, I was single then.. you know unlike...you. Who cheated on my boy with some nobody. Also, didn't you know? I'm engaged now. So my "hoe days" are over... unlike yours. Now have a nice day, bitch. Also it was a pleasure to meet you..." "Destiny " "...nice to meet to you Destiny, again my apologies for my behavior. If you'd like to meet the divas with an ACTUAL Superstar my fiancé and I are going to look at a few of our wedding things right quick, and I'm sure she'd love to help you." "Oh.. Ugh yea... after hearing about Renee... I don't think that'll give me the best image..." "Yea probably not. Here is her number. Shoot her a text I'll let her know who you are, and she will get back with you soon!" "Thank you! It's a pleasure to meet you Y/N! You're a big deal..." "No worries.. See you around." I say continuing to my room.

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