Date night

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We road around for 30 minutes looking at all the sights on the side of the streets, cutting up, and laughing. Then I saw we were right out side the arch way I told her to look the the left and covered her eyes after handing the cabbie the money. I stepped out the car coordinating her out the car. Once I got her out the car infront of me I say "Where do you think we are..." knowing the sound should be a dead give away she makes a sound of shock and screams "WE ARE AT THE BEACH AT A FAIR AHHHHH"!!!!

I uncovered her eyes, she makes a few more sounds of excitement before turning to kiss me, I grab her by each leg lifting her up and she wraps them around me before we embrace eachother. I hear a kid "Ew" before we can finish the liplock, we both begin to giggle. I place her down on the dock, then I step infront of her telling her to jump now carrying her piggy back I walk to the ticket stand purchase two tickets we get our hands stamped and continue on. We come to a clown who makes a balloon dog and hands it to Alexa, next this I know there's a ballon animal, phone, a clown to my left, and Alexa all in one screen. "CHESSE" I hear her scream. I let out the brightest smile I've ever had, the clown does a shocked face, Alexa is smiling so hard her eyes are closed... honestly she's damn beautiful. "You'll have to send that to me later" I shout. Squeezing my neck in a hug I say "Where to next princess"? She points the dog in the direction of the games". Setting her down I inform her of my superior skill at the ring toss...sure enough as I said superior skill I beat another couple playing, and won. The worker said "Okay sir, congratulations you've won, what choice of stuffed animal do you want?", I went to ask Alexa, but I turn to see her taking selfies with the ballon dog, I crack a smile shaking my head and say (Y/FSA) I turn to Alexa with it "Here baby girl you want to add to that photo?" She looks up at me and screams "Ahhh I love it, yes I do want to add to it now get over here!". I laugh and we take a photo album worth of pictures before I take the phone and take some of her with the animals herself. Making remarks like "Gorgeous", "Stunning", and "Damnn". She giggled each time.

Hearing the all to familiar sound of our stomach growling. I looked down a mind and laugh causing her to laugh as well. Throwing my arm around her holding the plush animal in my other arm "What to eat, Funnel cakes, hotdogs, corndog, and or hamburgers with fries. Choice is your baby doll... but I'm definitely getting my hands on a funnel cake before we leave" I say laughing.  "I'm kind of feeling the burger" she says as if hoping that's what I wanted to... "Glad we're on the same page baby girl!" Reassuring her that decision was fine with me.  She darted off the end of the line we waited for a short time before hearing "Next" and it actually being us. Alexa placed her order and I placed mine showing our stamps that we have unlimited food we received our food, when and found a table nearest the ocean. Sitting her giant plushie it it's own chair, I pulled hers out for her before sitting down. Once we ate our burgers we were letting our stomachs settle when I had the wise idea to play the question game, "Question game" Alexa asked ... "Yeah you know we take turns asking and answering questions". I say "Oh I got you now!" She replys.

"Okay so you go first.". I say to her. "Um okay what's your favorite color mine is Pink.". Laughing because she was answering her own question I replied "(Y/FC), now what is your favorite food mine is (Y/FF). " "I'd have to say pizza, okay so why are you single? I'm single because I am tired of games, everyone else loves playing games" she says. " Well I was in a relationship with a girl through out highschool and we just broke up three years ago, she told me she... fell out of love with me... I guess that can happen I don't believe her. So I kind of have just worked on me since, so what made you want to become a diva.". Seeing the question kind if bummed me she said "Awh cutie I'm sorry wrapping her leg around mine under the table, I guess you could say watching women like Lita, Mickie James, and Trish Stratus, what about you why'd you become a superstar?" "It's fine, I think all this time working on me is finally staring to pay off I smile, well I grew up watching DX, Dudley Boys, and The Hardy Boyz so that's where my inspiration came from.". With her now smiling she jumped up grabbing her ballon dog, and my hand I grabbed the plushie and we made our way to more games which we didn't win... but we had fun. Coming to the ferris wheel, thinking to myself that top stop is now or never. We boarded, as we sat down I put the plushie to my left so I could be right against her. I wrapped my arm behind her head pulling her closer when we got to the top and stopped when took a selfie, I said " Alexa I didn't say I was finished playing the question game".

Looking at me confused by the randomness of what I just said I took my left hand and placed it on her left cheek and said "Alexa Bliss will you be mine... becau..." a kiss and a brief silent yes sealed the deal. With one last selfie of us smiling ear to ear we said good bye to the fair. I flagged another cab down and gave him our hotel, she cuddled into me the whole way back once we arrived I paid the cabbie, and we made our way in the hotel. I walked Alexa back to her room and was about to kiss her goodnight when "Oh shit (Y/N) I forgot my keycard and there's nobody at the desk this time of night.". "You really think I'd let you sleep out here" I chuckle grabbing my key card from my wallet. "I don't have any sleep clothes though..." Alexa says letting out a sigh. " I have spare shorts, shirts, and tank tops. They may swallow you whole but they'll get the job done.". Earning a smile, and giggle she agrees.

Sorry this one's late, hope you enjoy... next chapter is... well... mature.

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