-Smackdown Live pt2-

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Leaving Seth in the ring for his match we all return backstage. "Ah they loved that, I thought they were going to hate me...honestly" Mandy says lightly slapping my chest. "Are you crazy, they love you with out us... why would they hate you with us" "I just feel like the females are going to slow down what the SHIELD has to offer" "I understand what you mean, I think there will still be plenty of opportunities for us, we don't always have to be with the girls" "You're right! I just hope that this doesn't slow down your career you just started and have so much potential" "Well ugh thanks, you have your career in good spot as well, and can do so much more with yourself" "Are you going, to be okay with this... like with her... she seems to always bring out the worse in you (Y/N), I just want you to know we all are here for you" Mandy says grabbing one of my hands and cuffing my face. 

Just then Jeff and The Wyatt's are making their way to the gorilla meaning it was almost time for us to get out there as well... "Well I appreciate it guys really but its business and I have to be mature about this" I say giving Mandy's hand a squeeze before releasing it at the sound of our theme. We get out there I go straight for Jeff and slam him in to the barrier before spearing him. I turn my attention to Dean who has Bray by the head and is now wearing his hat. I pick Bray up delivering a power-bomb on the ramp, and Dean and I go to assist Roman who is dealing with Luke and Erick. I look up as I hear Alexas music queue and see her come down and distract the referee giving me enough time to slide Seth a chair in to the ring. Once I hear the bash of the chair over Matts head I take it from Seth and use it on Luke. Alexa loses the refs attention long enough for the 3 count. 

As the bell rings we all enter the ring once the ref lowers Seth's hand the guys and I are patting his back before doing our own thing once we return to his side Alexa hops down from the turnbuckle looking straight at Seth. I close my eyes because I do still have feelings for her, and I just don't want to see her kissing anyone else. I wait for the crowd to roar but it hasn't yet so I continue to wait, just then I feel lips come to mine. My eyes shoot open, I want so bad to continue the kiss but it will just give her ammunition against me if she sees she is still a weakness for me. I cup my hands on her face and pull away so the camera can't see I broke the hold. When I pull back I release my hands, I try so hard to not give her the go to hell look. The crowd is a mixture of confused and excited. I look at Mandy and the guys their all looking at me in shock. Alexa is biting her lip and smirking, I now have my eye brows furrowed during us placing our hands in the middle. 

Once backstage I make a beeline for Hunters office. Stephanie opens it before I can even knock "(Y/N) come on in we were just about to send someone for you. Have a seat we have a few things to discuss" she says closing the door behind her. "Hopefully how the little blonde you're forcing me to stomach being around decided to say the hell with the script, and done her own thing. If that is how it is going to be I have a few ideas of my own" I say gritting my teeth. "Calm down now big guy I understand you're furious, we will be handling that situation. We brought you in here because we saw how uncomfortable that made you, and we would like to help you while helping ourselves" Hunter says sitting down behind the desk. "Helping me? You're taking her out of the SHIELD? That would be the best option. For myself at least" "Well no not exactly... we by no means have permanent ideas for the girls to stay with the SHIELD for the duration of the faction itself, we just wanted to implement something... new... we would like to bring some drama between the girls and yourself" "DRAMA...I ALREADY HAVE DRAMA WITH ALEXA... WE BROKE UP, SHE WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE, AND NOW I HAVE HER TO DEAL WITH HERE" "Calm down son, it will be strictly business nothing more" Hunter says handing me a bottle of water. "Fine you want your drama you got it" "Glad to see you're seeing things our way, I have many plans for the SHIELD... the original SHIELD team... that includes you. By the way you guys will strictly be on Raw until invades. Go ahead and pass the message between the group. If you have issues with her outside of a business area do what you have to, have a nice night (Y/N)? Stephanie says as I shut the door behind me. 

Entering the locker room I tell the guys what I had just been told. They're all in the middle of reacting when there is a knock at the door. I answer expecting it to be Alexa coming to gloat in what shes put me through tonight... it is actually Mandy. "Hey (Y/N) can I talk to you privately please" she says nervously. "Of course you good" I say shutting the door stepping in to the hallway. "Ugh well yeah and no I am mostly nervous... I was wanting to know if you would like to travel to the next state with me" "I actually already made plans to ride with Dean, if you'd like to you could ride with us...  if you would like of course" "I would like that actually, I was nervous about going by myself. I ugh... I'll catch you later, when are you guys pulling out" "Tomorrow at noon" "Okay see you then, bye" "See ya" I say stepping back in to the locker room. 

"Dean, Mandy is riding with us to Texas" "Oh shit, is that a thing now or beca..." "No Dean not to my knowledge it is not a thing" "I think she has a thing for you... did you not see how she was looking at you before we went to Seths match" "Or maybe I don't over think things... I am going to be late if I don't hurry up and get ready. Don't do anything stupid tonight Dean we leave at noon tomorrow" "What are you late for... oh yeah date with Renee" "It is not like that either" "Sure its not, don't do anything I wouldn't do" "He already does..." Seth cuts in. "Like what" Dean scoffs. "Fucking" Seth says fist bumping me. "Yeah whatever fuck you all you'll see one day" "You've been saying that for years now Dean" Seth says. "Well I'm going to be on my way I need to shower. Remember what I said Dean tomorrow at noon I will leave your ass" I say going out the door.  

A/N Well this is part two. I am going to be dropping to 1 update a week, occasionally dropping two. Hope you're enjoying!

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