You're Unique

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"AH FUCK" I yell. "WHAT THE FUCK DEAN... WHAT'D YOU THROW THAT FUCKING TIME" "A ROCK NOW CUT THAT FUCKING ALARM OFF" "WHO THE FUCK KEEPS A ROCK IN THEIR BAG" "I BOUGHT IT JUST FOR YOU" he yells as I finally cut off alarm. "If I get a bruise I'm beating your ass" "Calm your pussy, you act as if you have a date" "I do I wasn't able to meet Nikki lastnight" "Good luck with that" he says before rolling over and pulling his pillow over his face.

I roll around before pulling a shirt on and my shoes then rushing to the catering lounge. Once the elevator opens and I step in I smell bacon so I go get some,also getting my juice, and then my fruit bowl.

I look around and realize there's a whole lot of people I don't like down here, and then ones I don't know. Ugh meet new people or continue to find more reasons to hate the ones I already know, and don't like. Fuck I don't want to sit alone.

"Ugh hey anyone sitting here" I say to a beautiful woman. "No now there is though so make yourself comfortable" "Thanks, I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you" " I know who you are... everyone does after lastnight... I'm Alicia by the way" "Wow that got around quicker than my ex... sorry that was to soon" all I hear is laughter fall from all angles of the table. "Are you kidding me that was pretty funny... yeah she gets around alot" I hear a black haired woman say. "Sorry I'm Billie Kay... I kind of listen alot and I know your ex is Alexa. So you're not lying when you made that joke" "Oh well I don't want it to seem like I am that kind o..." "Sweetie we know you're not a drama type"Alicia says. "Good it was just really funny to say. So what's up" "Well after we eat we're probably going to go shopping since it's our day off, yourself" "Nice, I have a date tonight but before that I'm going to hit the gym" "A date I'd ask with who but I don't want to come off nosey... so where are you going" "You're fine it'll get out eventually it's no big secret... it's a date with Nikki, and we're going to Abacus" "Wow that place is nice... especially for a first date... you're doing all this for Nikki" "I'm a gentlemen type" "You're unique is what you are then" she says rasing her eyebrows. "Yeah for real" Billie adds on.
"Okay now don't make me blush. Well ladies as much as I'd love to continue this conversation. I need to hit the gym, then get ready" I say pushing away from the table. "It was nice meeting you (Y/N)" they both say. "It was nice meeting the two of you as well, I'm sure we'll be seeing eachother around" I say smiling and walking to the elevator.

Ah the smell of the gym and I have it all to myself... sweet. I think I'll stretch then just hit the treadmill for some cardio today. I think to myself once I finish stretching the door opens. So much for having the room to myself... I just wanted some peace. I think now sighing to see it's Alexa then I groan. Okay as much as she's on my bad side maybe I should atleast be civil, right? She is my co-worker. Nah. That would be to soon, and I am not giving in so easily not after that shit she pulled yesterday but then...

"Morning (Y/N)" she says I just nod to show I acknowledged her. I get on the machine and start my run she's in front of me across the room stretching while staring me down I just glance across the room before shutting my eyes until she says "So I heard you're taking Nikki out to Abacus... fancy..." "Yeah it's a nice place... how'd you hear about it" "Its all the girls are talking about in the catering hall" "Fair enough" "Yeah, your lace is coming undone by the way... right foot" she says pointing, I look down to see she's right. I stop, get of to fix it "Uh thanks" I say getting back on the machine "No problem" she says continuing with her workout.


"Ahh that felt great. Nothing like a run for fun" I say to myself aloud, stretching before grabbing my bag, and water. "Yeah I have weights today" I jump forgetting Alexa was there. I turn around "Yeah good luck with that one. Don't over do it" did I just say that... I hope she doesn't take it as I care... because I do but I don't want her to know that... fuck! "I won't I'm just doing curls nothing serious" she says back as I nod and walk out the door.

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