-Force to be Reckoned With-

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After sitting, in the rafters talking shit with eachother for 45 minutes  "Alright we got 10 minutes until our match, let's get down to the side entrance" Seth says. Almost to the entrance we clip on our masks, just as our music pops. Going down the steps Dean, Seth, Roman, and I walk past all the fans who are touching our arms. One by one we jump the barrier, entering the ring, and one of us on each turn buckle one by one unclipping our masks and tossing them to the center of the ring. We group and put our fists all in just when The Hardy Boyz theme dropped.

I have always been a huge Hardy Boyz fan. Jeff's style writes itself, and Matt's style compliments it. They're like the perfect combination. To be against them tonight is a complete honor.

Jeff comes out running high fiving fans. Matt walking confidently behind. They stop at the rings edge waiting for the rest of their four man team. The Wyatt brothers music drops and they make their way to the ring.

Damn I never realized how tall they were. They're only a few inches taller than me...but shit I feel short.

They enter the ring removing their masks and Jeff goes to the turn buckle and Matt to the ropes to finish their entrances.

The match started with Jeff, Seth in the ring. Jeff beat Seth pretty bad, he ddt'd him atleast 3 times before whaling on him, and landing on him from the top rope. When Seth finally got up, wobbled to our corner I tagged myself did, as did Matt. I went for a closeline he dodged so I went to the ropes to gain speed as did he, I dodged his closeline attempt before I stopped and waited for him to run at me. It's like he hit a wall. He couldn't move me. He drop kicked me I stood tall, he fell flat. I chuckled grabbing him by his hair lifting him up before giving him an upper cut, knocking him down again. I began stomping him until the ref wouldn't allow me to any more. I stood him back up and ran his shoulder in to the turn buckle. He fell with his back to the corner I went at him again, he kicked me in the chest, I fell back a few feet. He came running at me, I side stepped catching his arm, bring him in for a spine buster. I tagged Dean in.

Once in the ring Dean went ballistic. He went after the other three in their corner knocking Luke and Jeff off. Erick caught himself and grabbed Dean giving Matt enough time to tag Erick in.

Mean time Roman and I went for Jeff and Luke.  The referee was so caught up yelling at us, Matt was so hurt he couldn't help Erick who was facing half of our wraith. Dean dropped a Dirty Deeds on Erick, Seth with the curb stomp before rolling put the ring. Roman and I returned to our corner. Dean tagged Roman in. Roman just waited for a dazed Erick to stand up just to Superman punch him. Roman pinned him

1...2...3 FUCK YEAH !!!

Rushing the ring we decided we wanted more fun. Dean grabbed Matt, threw him back into the ring. Seth picked Erick up holding him facing Roman, who in turned speared Erick. Dean held Matt up while I speared him. Rolling out the ring I grabbed Jeff, flinging him under the bottom rope into the ring I climbed to the top rope, watching Luke role around holding his eye. Roman picked Jeff up for a powerbomb. Dean and Seth on each side. Walking him to me I put my arm around his neck walking the rope I follow Roman down for a triple powerbomb and arm drop.

The audience was split between cheering savagely and booing. One thing was clear we made it clear that night... we're a force to be reckoned with.

Now making our way to the gorilla I hear a woman's voice "(Y/N)!" "What" I say turning around just to realize it's Alexa. "We need to talk". "No not really, I have done made it very clear you're not ruining my night any more than you already have" "I know what I did was wrong, I never meant to... for it... I didn't want you to get hurt" "Guess you should of thought about that before you picked me up with same way you do all your other flings, eh" "You make it sound like you're one of the..." "YEAH WITH HOW I HEARD YOU PICK THEM UP HERE DO I NEED TO GIVE YOU A RUN DOWN... BAR CHECK, COWORKER CHECK, SOME SWEET REMARK CHECK, FUCKING ME CHECK. IT'S THAT FUCKING SIMPLE. NOW AWAY WITH YOU" "I'm sorry I..." "I SA..." " Alexa you just need to fuck off, okay you've done enough" Dean says cutting me off, while Roman and Seth pull and push me the other direction.

Once away they let me go, "Fuck man you good" Seth says handing me a water bottle. "Yeah man you were pretty loud, blunt, and hurtful back there" Roman says walking to my right. " Yeah guys I'm fine I just knew I'd do that which is why I didn't want to speak to her" " Yeah you did warn her" Dean says running behind me. " I mean I don't know what she expected... me to just bow down and say yeah sure let's talk so you can fill my head with sweet nothings... Yeah fuck that". The guys all agree. "Well we have our interview with Renee before we can head out to the bar" Dean says grabbing both my shoulders shaking me violently. "Yeah man I know I talked to her earlier, she's who gave me advice, trust me I'm definitely going to need a few drinks after tonight" I say. "Wait Renee gave you adivce" Seth says rasing an eyebrow. "Yeah she was extremely helpful, and sincere with her answer" "Man... I'm not saying now but... maybe you should give Renee a shot she's gorgeous" Seth says back. "Eh I'll consider I'm just probably going to go back to doing what I want" now chuckling. "Hey man a few hookups never hurt" Dean says. "Dean we all know the only thing you hook is a fish when you eventually catch one because they avoid you too" Roman says shoulder bumping Dean, we all laugh. "Haha fuck you Roman". "But nah guys I don't see her as a hook up she's way to sweet to only hook up with, she deserves better, you know? With how I am right now... I just want to hook up with random chicks for a little while" I say with a smug look on my face. We round the corner waiting for Renee to wave us on camera.

Damn she is gorgeous. She didn't have make up on earlier, she looked heaven sent then, now she looks like a angel with no wings. Fuck what am I doing... STOP thinking this way.

A/N so I couldn't resist and had the urge to upload another hope you enjoy. New update... later ♡

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