All Actions Hold Consequences

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"... go back to your room Dean, I'm not dealing with this shit tonight..." I heard Roman say as I rounded the corner. "I mean look at you, you're off your ass drunk man, and then to come here trying to start shit. It's not the time or place." "Dean? You good?" I say coming up beside them. "Well well well... look who it is. My... 'partner' you're have my back man." "I got it from here Ro, thanks for giving me a call." "Alright man, if you need me, call me." he says going back in to his room. "Oh, nothing to say?" "What the fuck do you mean? I have your back... always. If you needed me to stick around for a while, you could of told me... instead of getting plastered, and showing your ass. I mean what good was that going to do?" "I... I'll beat his ass... just you wait. It's not the first time I've done it...and it damn sure won't be the last." "I know champ, c'mon stay up right if you're not going to let me help you." "You... you don't honestly believe him... right?" "Honestly I have no fucking clue if I should of not Dean." "Well... it's obvious why you... you shouldn't.." "Yes. Yes it is my brotha... shit I left my keycard in Alexas room." "Here... did you get some?" he says staggering around the hallway pulling out his wallet. "Yeah, yeah I did nosey ass." "HAHAHAHA THAT'S MY BOY!" "Shhh you drunk fool people are sleeping you know?" I say as we begin cackling as if I was drunk too. "People are sleeping." "Did you just mock me?" "Did you just mock me? Hehehe did you see the rack on that girl in the elevator? UUUUUGE!" "Yeah I did 'Titty Master'." "I could use a nice pair of tits... right now...just bury my face, and go... Buuuuurrrr buuurr buurr." "I could have my face buried in some right now, but I'm babysitting you." "Hahaha, babysitting... me?" He said opening the mini fridge, going for another beer. "Oh no no no. I'll take that." "Alright drinking partner... cheers." "I meant you shouldn't have anymore tonight." "Sheesh no fun Y/N here to ruin the night." "Fine, c'mon." "HELL YEAH!" "Shhhhh." "Oops. Hell yeah!" he says as our bottles clanked off one another.

I woke up later than I care to admit with my phone steadily alerting. I had a texts from Roman, Alexa, Mom, Kacey, and... Seth. I responded to my mom's first, she was she was asking me about the PPV. Which admittedly was odd, I knew she didn't much agree with the whole wrestler thing. Then Alexa, telling her Goodmorning, and assuring her Dean was fine, as well as apologizing for having to leave abruptly. Same to Roman he was asking about Dean. Kacey said it's going to be exciting to see me doing such a huge event. She knew it was a dream of mine, hell it's every wrestlers dream. I simply said yeah cannot believe this is my life. Seth also asked about Dean, as well as apologizing for it all, I guess he heard Roman calling me to come get him. I let him know it was fine, and no hard feelings. He then asked if atleast us three were still on for the night, and I just said I'll have to wait, and see. Honestly didn't know what Dean would be getting in to tonight, so I wanted to be wary of him.

"RISE AND SHINE DEAN... DEAN I'll throw this shoe at you." "Do it... an...ahh" he jumped off the floor, and threw it back at me, I dodged. "Oh goodness you put some power behind that one, fucker." I said brushing my hair. "Yeah I was going to say do it, and you're a dead man." "Sadly... I'm still living." "That can change.. look...I'm sorry about last night I don't remember much, but it obviously was bad enough you came to get me, and I appreciate it... a lot of the times people just let me do stupid shit, and then it just would get progressively worse... then the cops would remind me 'All actions hold consequences son, you need to learn how to control yourself. It's not always going to be me that comes out. Now go home.' Just... ugh... thanks for not letting me do something that would of been detrimental to my career." "Hey no problems man, shit happens I know, and the alcohol got the best of you. Don't sweat it, that's what brothers are for." I say thinking about what to do with Seth tonight...Should I go? Should I mention it to him? Hell he said last night he wasn't fond of Seth so... "Alright so what's todays to do list?" he asks. "Well starters... you need a shower, as do I. So hurry the hell up we're already going to be late for helping setup. It's out scheduled day to help a bit." "Shit... I forgot about that." "Trust me I wish I had forgot to." I say laughing as I turned the TV on, and waited on him.

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