Welcome To Mania

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Dean, Lex, and I arrived at the arena just in time for the safety meeting. The entire way in the backstage was 'coaching' the staff in the arena how to be warm, and welcoming to the guests; to which the staff... kinda just watched them seemingly unamused. Once our oh so necessary safety meeting concluded I was quick to slide out of the door, with Dean on my heels.

"What are you in such a hurry for?" "I don't know honestly, I'm super psyched for today so my heart is kinda racing, and I'm kinda just quick moving because of that" I say hurrying to meet Lex who was about to go in to make-up.  "Hey babe, you look excited!" she said walking to meet me before wrapping her arms around me. "I am, kinda bummed out in some aspects... nonetheless I'm happy to be here!" I say looking down at her. "Well tiger you, and Deano here should go get your gear on so you'll be ready, and not in a hurry." "You know me all too well." I chuckle before scooping her up in to a soft kiss.

......."Fuck! I have to run to the car...FUCK!" Dean shouted from his area in the locker room. The locker room is kind of our peaceful place before anything so we can detox, and prepare for the shows... we'll that's how it's supposed to be. "Here!" I shout tossing him the keys. "Be right back" he huffed before storming out the door. Jeez what's wrong with him? I strap my vest on, and check my boots one last time when I hear the door open again. Oh boy here we go again... "...ugh Y/N you in here?" I hear Seth ask. "Yeah back right corner!" "Ah there you are, how are you feeling?" "Great! Excited! Yourself?" "Excited as well, I saw Dean storm out of here cussing..." "Yeah let's be glad he didn't see you." "What's up with him?" "No clue he left something in the car I guess..." I say tightening the strap on my gloves. "Well I just wanted to check in with ya since it's your first Mania, and all. I'm really sorry you can't be out ring side for Alexa... the entire WWE Universe knows you guys are a thing... it only makes since for you to be along side her." "Ugh yeah... I know trust me I'm highly pissed about it I jus..." the door then slams open again. Oh brother here we go...
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE YOU SNAKE BASTARD!" Dean shouts at Seth rushing to get face to face with him. I jump in between them with Dean pushing against me, and Seth going in to a defensive gesture with his hands up. "I'm just talking to Y/N Dean... no need to get all upset." Seth calmly says to Dean. "Well we don't need you... you're a fucking piece of shit Rollins... you know it I know it... he'll even Y/N knows it!" He shouts in my ear. "Dean calm the fuck down, I think people can change, and you never will know if you try." "Oh now you're defending him? Okay 'Partner' 'Brother'..." I turn to face him "What the fucks that supposed to mean? We are a team and I do consider you my brother. Now you were pissed when you left here... I just don't want you to fuck up anything for yourself. That's all. If that's how you feel at Seth then why you entertaining that negative energy?" Dean finally backs up steadies his breathing. "I'll show myself out." Seth says side stepping towards the door. Once he exited I push Dean, " What the actual fuck man!" "What you know how easily he gets under my skin." "Still no fucking excuse for that shit. Now why were you pissed before you left?" "I...I... may of been trying to work things out with Renee... then someone who thought we were still a thing shot my a pic of her with some tech guy backstage... " "Fuck man.... I... don't know what to say." "You or me..." he sighs.

A woman wearing a headset peaks in "Dean... Y/N would you please head to the gorilla?" Shit it's already time for Lex's match wait why do they need me... "Yeah we'll be right up!" I saying cheerfully with my thoughts looming... "Why do I need to go up?" "Oh... uh I don't know " he says nervously.

I meet Lex in the Gorilla, "Hey baby girl you ready to bring that gold home?" "You already know handsome! You ready for your first mania?" "You better or there will be punishments" I whisper in her ear "... but hell yes I'm ready!" I shout excitedly. "Oh we'll it's my music, wish me luck!" "You don't need luck Lex... you got this." I say pecking her lips. After she walks out I hear the crowd pop giving myself butterflies because I would be experiencing that soon! I hear our music pop. Dean fist bumps me before walking through the blind to his crowd pop.  Seth and Nikki follow behind them. I look at the television in the room, and the crowd is confused by Dean in Alexa's corner... our relationship was public... that should be me...

Just then Mr. McMahon walks in looking confused... "Y/N why are you not out there?" he asked sternly. "Uh sir... to my knowledge it was just to be Dea..." "Ali queue Y/N music after Nikki's. "The deal was Dean and yourself were to be out there." "I want to do singles sir, this shit is getting out of hand..." "Great... I'll let Jimmy and Jey know the change."he states. Why the fuck did Dean lie to me? I'm now fuming, my knuckles are turning white.

My music plays, turning the heads of the crowd, and Dean both. Only I earn a more pleasant expression from the crowd than my own 'Partner'. I make my way down to the ring ramming my shoulder in to Deans before scooping Lex up. It was then I saw my Mom, and Kacey in the front row. Kissing Lex on the forehead I placed her down to get in to the ring for her match, then went, and greeted my Mom and Kacey quickly before returning ringside.

Lex had done been countered out of her finishing move four times. By that point I started slamming the mat chanting, "Let's go Alexa", getting the crowd behind her she finally made it stick. Nikki fell to the mat, nearing the two count Seth made his move to stop it. I slide in to the ring at the same time as Dean. Pushing him out the way I speared Seth over Alexa in to the turn buckle as the ref hit the three count. With her much deserved belt in hand she ran to me jumping on my back showing everyone her new belt! She leaned forward, and kissed me. "C'mon I need you to meet someone's special to me..." I say sitting on the ropes for her to exit the ring. I caught a glimpse of Dean who was red in the face, and shrugged.

Walking hand in hand to my Mom, I introduced Lex to them both with my mom squeezing her thanking her for taking care of me, and the congratulated her on her title win. Kacey... honestly didn't seem thrilled to meet Lex, but she put on a cover face. I asked them both to join us for dinner after the show," It's important...", to which they agreed.

A man came, and handed me my belt stating my match was up. I hugged my girls one last time before heading back to the ring.

" This is a Tag team title match scheduled for one fa..." "What was that about?" Dean steps beside me still irate. "You know damn well what that was about, you fucking lied to me..." "Yea I did, but I want my hands on Seth... so I took a chance." "Good because you'll have your chance in singles... we're dropping the belts!" I say stepping forward as my name is called. The USO's music plays, as they enter the ring Jey signals he knows the titles are changing hands.

The match was grueling... Jimmy and Jey were obviously on the same page as Dean and I were having obvious in fighting. Dean was legal Jey kicked him knocking him on his ass, the puts him on his shoulders before tagging Jimmy who climbed to the top rope, and speared him from Jeys shoulders. Ouch... Jey got up and ran us both through the ropes as I went to break the pin. I heard their music play, and knew it was done for. After I was able to get back to my feet, I slide back in to the ring, and looked up the ramp as they made off with our old belts. Now... or never. I helped Dean to his feet before giving him a right hook. The music stopped, the crowd was all eyes on me... it seemed 50/50 on who was there and not there for my heel turn... well then there were the faces of shock as I continued to beat the shit out of Dean. The back stage security came, and eventually pulled me off of him as the medical team checked him out.

Once backstage an interviewer came by me asking if I was ready to speak, I nodded. "Y/N why did you turn on Dean tonight?" "Well Reese... you see my "partner" has been so absorbed in wanting to beat Seth Rollins... I guess to the point he was unable to secure our titles tonight, so I had to remind him of wh..." just then Dean jumps on my back, and begins wailing on me, knocking us to the floor. Laying there trying to block,and hit when I could I finally gave up, and he stood over me and said. "Welcome to Mania...Brother" before the camera turned off.

He helped me to my feet, "Look I'm sorry about lying to you about the match thing... but I needed you to give it your all when you would eventually turn heel... and well shit I think that was pretty convincing..." Dean said smirking. "Yeah fuck you for lying... I'm a damn good face, and I will be sure to make a damn good heel..." " I know you will, hell I think we'll be fighting each other soon enough." he states as Alexa walks up to us both title in hand smiling ear to ear. "There she is, the woman of the hour!" I say enthusiastically scooping her up kissing her. "Thanks babe!" she says. "You may want to get cleaned up a bit if we're going out to eat..." "Shit... you're right." I say putting her down rushing to get presentable. I should text my mom, so I know where to get them from...

So what's Y/N have to say or do that is so important he needs his mother, and best friend there?

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