Insecurities in Hope

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"Hey Y/N wake up, lazy ass. You missed lunch, and our workout." "Ugh maybe because I stayed up later than usual...Seth?" "Yeah, I figured it was time to put that all behind us. So I talked Roman in to letting me come up, and speak with you one on one." "Yeah it's old news, so it'd be great to start over, do things right." "Exactly my thoughts. So lets go hang out? Drinks? Food? Girls?" "Ah man I'll take you up on the drinks and food, but I'm committed to Alexa." "Oh yeah I forgot about that. She's been gone for a while now." "She's coming back tonight, just for us to have to drive to the next state. Just how I hoped to spend our first night in a month together." "Yeah, but you know it comes with the job, and it's easier being with someone in the industry already. Because they understand that we have to be gone." "True. It just blows." "Alright lets go get that food I know a great place." "Goodshit" I say getting dressed. Is that Alexa? She told me she wouldn't be in til later tonight. "LEX?" I yelled through the crowd of people, but she just stood there laughing, and a hand is around her waist. Seth? He was just beside me... "Seth get your hands off her, she's my girlfriend dude." "Excuse you? We've been dating for a year now. So back off Y/N you had your chance." "Y/N why are you doing this? We didn't work out, I've moved on, and I hope you will too one day." "Yeah man maybe if you weren't so insecure about shit, you would be there right now." Dean said walking up beind me as Seth and Alexa moved through the crowd. "How? How did this happen? Things were going good." I asked aloud. "Well it all started the night she came back, you were distancing yourself from everyone, you kept talking about going home, and eventually they sent you home for a couple weeks. I tried telling you Seth was trying his hand, and he was slowly getting to her. You just kept ignoring me, and pushing her away. So when you came back, she was wrapped tightly around his finger. You're still at the top in the company though, you're the Universal Champion." "I don't care about any of that Dean, I love her." "I never said you didn't brother. I'm just telling you how you fucked up." He said gently patting my shoulder before returning to the bar. "Oh you didnt fuck up Y/N, you came home to visit your mom. You only have one mom you know? You should never feel bad about seeing your mom, besides Alexa left you to see hers remember? That's what you told me when you got home." Kacey? What's Kacey doing here? "Kacey why are you here?" "Silly you're in our state this week, we've been hanging out, don't you remember?" "No I'm sorry... I don't." "Ah it's okay we've been getting black out drunk the last few nights. I'm just glad you don't remember me spilling my heart out to you." she shyly laughed. "What?" "Oh yeah, I completely let it all go I told you how I've liked you since we were kids." "Oh, damn. I'm sorry for not remembering, and I'm... mom?" "Hey son, I know it's sudden to see you again." "Mom why are you in a..." "In a what son we're in the hospital where I've been since you last visited me. I've been in and out of here every since last year,it's getting so hard now Y/N..." "Mom no! Mom... wake up mom!" "I'm... I'm sorry Mr. Y/LN... we done all we could... it's a miracle she lasted this long." a man in a white coat said before walking out the door.

"HEY Y/N!" I fell off the sofa in to the floor awaken by Roman shouting my name. Oh thank fucking sake it was all a dream...Fuck I'm sweaty...was I crying. Shit. "Yeah yeah I'm up." "You good man? I walked back in and saw you sweating like crazy. I tried to wake you up like four times before I shouted... my bad." "Oh yea man I just had a crazy fucking dream, I guess I passed out after I talked to Alexa earlier. Shit. Well thanks for letting me crash in your room lastnight. I need a shower... and to get packed." "Yeah man no problem." he said as I waved later to him, and walked out the door.

I was stupid for hoping anything good would ever come out of Seth... what if all that was a insight on things to come it all felt so real. What Dean said sounded exactly like what I'm doing right now. Kacey... God no I love Kacey like a sister.... I need to spend more time with my mom when I get chances, hell even if it's just calling the house randomly. Something would be better than nothing.

I made it to my room, got things packed, and set out clothes for today before taking a shower. When I came out Dean was there with food, "You hungry? You weren't down for breakfast this morning so I got you something as well." "Ah yeah man stayed up late watching TV with Roman, so I sacked back out after we spoke earlier. Thanks for lunch though." "No problem. Hunter called me, they're keeping us in shared rooms even though we're in singles soon." "So you are moving to Raw as well?" "Yeah I guess so." "Good it'll be nice to have friends there from the start... shit what about Alexa? If she stays on Smackdown..." "Well honestly man since we're in the same states at the same time doing shows in the same domes... you'll be fine it's just one night. You just survived weeks without her, and months before that. You'll be fine." "Yeah you're right man. I just need to calm the fuck down." I said nervously laughing, but remembering what I dreamt of.

So was Y/N dreams just that... or were they more? Only the future knows! ♡Have you ever dreamt of something, and then it occurring?

Hey guys, short little update before we slide in to the Weekend of Wrestlemania chapter. Alexa will be returning in the next chapter after they arrive in Florida. As always I hope you enjoyed the read, and thank you so much for the continued support!

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