Nut House has no Squirrels

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*Katniss's POV*

 "And this is the recreation room," Rue had dragged us through the tour, both of us tired from the train ride. Rue motioned towards the room, a large flat screen TV was on the wall with a couch in front of it. A radio sat in the corner, and bookshelves took up a whole wall. A light yellow carpet covered the floor, and the off white walls were covered by 'motivational' posters. A boy sat on the couch, sketching, his blond hair getting in his face.

   "Hey, Peeta," Rue tried to get the attention of the boy on the couch. He didn't look up from his sketch. "Peeeeeeeetaaaaaa.... Peeeta Peeta Peeta........ PEETA!" The boys head snapped up.

   "Wh-What?" He looked slightly scared, his bright blue eyes wide and unfocused. Rue grinned.

  "What ya drawing?" Rue asked. The blond boy, Peeta I guess, gave her the notebook he had been drawing in. A Mockingjay was sketched carefully on the page, the bird looked as if it were in flight. "You've gotten really good." Rue complemented, making Peeta grin a bit. He only then seemed to notice us.

   "Oh, hi, um. I didn't see you guys there." He looked very confused. "Um, are you two new here? I haven’t seen you around." Both Gale and I nodded. "I'm Peeta Mellark." He didn't move from the couch, but instead stretched his hand over the back of the couch for us to shake. We both shook his hand.

    "Why do you never have music on in here?" Rue asked, jumping from the couch and running over to the radio. She fiddled with it a moment before a stream of pop music came from the speakers. She hopped around the room, dancing and singing the lyrics. Peeta sighed and chuckled.

    "So, what you guys end up in here for?" Peeta asks.

   "Depression," I said. "Though it really wasn't that bad." Peeta nodded, very obviously not minding the last part.

  "I'm bipolar." Gale said, obviously bored. "How 'bout you?"

  Peeta looked hesitant to answer. Rue then jumped on the couch, making Peeta jump. Rue then began to mutter to herself. She looked frustrated. "She's schizophrenic." Peeta explained, avoiding Gale's question. "What district are you guys from?" Peeta changed the subject.

   "Twelve." I said.

  "Same here. Rues from eleven." Peeta said. "Have you met the other patients around here?" We shook our heads. Peeta chuckled. 

 "Why?" Gale asked.

 "Oh, just some of us here are very...." He smirked. "Interesting."

  "You mean they're crazy." Rue seemed to have snapped out of her muttering. Peeta laughed.

  "Yep." He agreed with Rue. "Here at Sunny Days, we're all crazy. You know who you should meet? Cinna." Peeta began to laugh even harder.

  Gale and I exchanged a look. "Who's he?" Gale asked.

  "Pyromaniac." Rue said. Gale and I nodded.

The song changed and Rue squealed and began to dance around the room again. I sighed. Is this what I look like to other people? I am crazy. I shrugged off the thought and sat down next to Peeta. He smiled slightly, and turned the page of his notebook. I watched as he sketched a girl. It took me a moment to realize the girl was me. He glanced up at me every now and then as he sketched.

I found myself smiling. For the first time in months I was happy, and it was in the nut house. I chuckled at myself. Who cares where I am. I'm happy.

A/N: I love Gale, just flat out “I’m Bipolar. So yea, no biggie.” XD

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