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Rue's POV

I wake up in a white bed, where am I?

"She's awake!" I hear Katniss's voice hiss. I open my eyes to see her leaning over my bed, she's smiling.

"Rue! You won!" Katniss says, smiling big. My chest swells with joy. I won!

Thresh, Peeta, Cinna, Johanna, and Gale appear next to my bed, all of them smiling. They congratulate me, and I thank them all.

"So what happens now?" I ask. Everyone stays silent for a minute.

"Miss Everdeen, Mr. Hawthorne, and Mr. Mellark are being discharged tomorrow." We all turn to see Coin walk in, her grey eyes spark dangerously. "They will go home. Cinna and Johanna need more help. But you, Rue, are being discharged as well. You're going home."

I feel a smile cross my lips. But Coin continues.

"There's one small thing though. Due to the rules of The Hunger Games competition, you must all forget that you know each other. Katniss, Gale, Thresh, and Rue will have a memory wipe, Johanna and Cinna will be able to keep their memories. Your memories will be replaced, as to avoid having a gap in your mind." Coin explained. We all looked at her for a moment, letting the words sink in. "This will happen tomorrow. I'm sorry, but it's just the rules."

We all spend the rest of the night laughing and trying to enjoy our time while it lasts, but the next day came too quickly. Much too quickly.

"I love you, Rue. I promise that I'll see you again." Katniss hugged me. Peeta gave me a small wordless hug; he seemed on the brink of tears. Johanna gave me a warm hug; she whispered "I'm rooting for ya, girly. Don't give up." In my ear, puzzling me, but also giving me a sense of happiness. Then there was Cinna, he was one of my best friends in this hospital, and I couldn't help but practically crush him as I hugged him goodbye.

"Oh, Rue." Cinna whispered. "I'll miss you, my little Mockingjay."

With a final sad smile at everyone, I walked into the room where my memory would be wiped, forever. A doctor guided me to sit down in a plush chair, and left for a moment. He came back with a long syringe, so I closed my eyes as the memory wiping chemical worked into my veins.


Cinna's POV

1 month later

I smile to myself sadly in the mirror. I'd been released about two weeks ago from the hospital, and I'd regained my job as a stylist for the games. I had been promoted from the prep team to the actual stylist now. I'd watched the reaping, flinching as I saw Rue, Katniss, Peeta, and Thresh being reaped. The following day my boss had asked me what district I wanted.

"District 12." I answered instantly. My boss had given me a weird look, asking why. I hadn't told him the truth, that I wanted to see Katniss. I really wanted Rue, but another stylist had already scooped up that district when they saw Thresh, tall and strong.

And so as I looked in the mirror, applying a small amount of gold eyeliner, I couldn't help but smile. Katniss doesn't know me, doesn't remember, but I know what we've been through together. I take a deep breath, straightening my simple black clothes. I open the door, walking into the room. Katniss stands there, looking slightly surprised.

"That was one of the bravest things I've ever seen, for your sister. My name is Cinna." I say quickly. She stares at me.

"Katniss." She introduces herself. I don't tell her that I already know that.

I smile. I have my mockingjay back. I'd spent endless nights on her costume, I was going to make her into something that was the product of my pyromania. She was going to be the greatest thing.

The Girl On Fire...


Author's Note:
I would like to throw out a couple thank you's. First, I would like to thank everyone who sponsored. They helped shape this story into something great.
Next I would like to thank ALL my readers, they really are the reason I continued to write. Without the support you guys gave me, I'd probably have abandoned the story.
I'd like to thank Suzanne Collins, for writing the best book in the world.
And finally, I'd like to thank my friend Sarah (Dapigs4213). She really helped me with the storyline, and she also made me enjoy Wattpad in general a lot more than I did before. LUV YA SARAH!
Okay, be on the lookout for any new stories I write. I've written the first couple chapters of a fanfic called 'Welcome to Reality: A Hunger Games fan-fic' Anyways, thank you all! I luv you guys!!
 ~Montana Dinosaur 

EDIT 'Welcome to Reality' is out!

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