This'll Get Ugly

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*Gale's POV*

I wake up and groggily make my way to the cafeteria. Katniss, Peeta, and Johanna sit at one of the tables, eating some black berries.

"  'Morning," I say, sitting down at the table.

"Hey there, gorgeous," Johanna flirts, making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Hola." Peeta says, ignoring Johanna.

"So what we doing today?" I ask, happy that I sat as far from Johanna as possible.

"I dunno, we could go hunting," Johanna suggests. Katniss nods, and after Peeta notices, he nods too. 

"Okay, let me get Rue and Cinna up." Katniss says, standing and walking into the kitchen. That left me Johanna and Peeta.

"So," Johanna looked at Peeta. "You got a thing for Katniss?"

"Wh-What?!" Peeta blushed hard. I couldn't help but smirk at his discomfort.

"Do you like Katniss?" Johanna teases. "I mean, LIKE like Katniss."

"Will you shut up...” Peeta grumbles. Johanna gives me a 'Let's make Bread-Boy red' look. 

"So you do like like Katniss." Johanna teases. "It's okay, she's a petty girl, it's just that you should actually attempt to talk to her."

"Shut up!" Peeta growled. "You do realize she's just in the other room, right?!"

Johanna leaned towards me slightly. "Someone has a cruuusshh!" She said in a singsong voice. I chuckled and Peeta looked absolutely beside himself.

"You guys are stuck on ruining my life, aren't you?! Shut up!" He whined. 

"Fine, whatever," Johanna surrendered. "Now where's Katniss?"

"Right here." Katniss came into the room, followed by a sleepy looking Rue and Cinna.

"Okay then, let's get going." Johanna stood. We all nodded and followed.

*Peeta's POV*

We walked through the halls cautiously. I stood next to Katniss, and I swear she could hear my heart pounding. Gale looked around the corner and motioned for us to follow him to a room.

It was the therapy room. I sighed and plopped onto one of the plastic chairs.

"So, what are we doing?" I whined.

"We were looking for people, but there's no one around." Johanna said.

"Well what are we doing now?" Rue asked.

"I don't know." Johanna said. "Why do I have to come up with everything?"

"Cuz you're Johanana." I replied, making her roll her eyes.

"I know what you guys are doing." An unknown voice came from the doorway. We turned to see Enobaria standing in the door, an evil smirk on her lips. "You guys are going crazy."

A/N Mahahaha! I left it on a cliffhanger! Kind of, whatever. Anyways, I'm going to post a longer chapter next week I promise. Now don't forget to VOTE COMMENT and FAN! k, bye

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