La Fine

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Katniss's POV

"Who's left?" Peeta asks, watching the security footage.

"Rue and Snow." Boggs answers, staring intently at the screen.

It was Boggs, Peeta, Johanna, and me standing in the security room. We were watching the final two tributes. Rue, who was wearing a beautiful banana suit, crept through the halls holding the now two koalas. I had no idea what she was doing, but I didn't doubt her. She was smart.

On another screen, Snow was strolling down the halls holding a blood red rose. He slipped something from his pocket and sprinkled it on the petals of the rose; I had no idea what it was though.

"Rue better win." Peeta sighed. I couldn't agree more. He looked over at me, and I saw Johanna smirk out of the corner of my eye.

"What are you smirking about?" I snapped at her. In response she rolled her eyes and shoved Peeta to stand next to me, who was bright red. I rolled my eyes and focused back on the screen.

Snow and Rue were now around the corner from each other, I expected them to run into each other any second. Then Snow's smile turned into a snarl of sorts. I felt a chill go up my spine. I didn't want to know what made him scowl; he has schizophrenia so it could be anything.

I watched the screen, interested. They both turned the corner, and immediately stopped once they saw each other. Snow grinned. Rue stuck her tongue out and darted down the hall. This could be interesting.

Rue's POV

Running down the halls of a mental hospital isn't exactly easy when carrying two koalas, especially when you're wearing a banana suit. I darted into a room and hid behind the door. It was now or never.

I laid Mr. Cuddles on the floor, and motioned for him to go out to the middle of the room. He groggily obeyed, lazily making his way to the center of the white room. Fluffy looked at me in confusion, I simply grabbed the dress I'd received through sponsorship and shoved it over the poor koala's head. There, now she was a koala in a dress. I nudged her towards the middle of the room with Mr. Cuddles and got to taking care of myself.

I put on the sunglasses with a mustache and fluffed my hair into an afro. I bet I look great.

Snow walked into the room, and stopped, confused as of why there was two koalas in the middle of the room. He held a rose; I felt chills go up my spine.

There's nothing good about that rose... The voices whispered. I couldn't agree more.

Snow still looked at the koalas, puzzled. I decided if anytime was good, it'd be now. With that thought I jumped out and screamed as loud as possible. Snow's pupils grew then dilated within a millisecond, and he stumbled back. This was going to work.

Or was it?

Snow must've noticed it was me, because he smirks and begins to march towards me. He shoves the rose into my face, and I stumble back. What the-? I begin to feel light headed, what's going on?

"HELP!" I scream, falling on my butt.

A nurse runs in a second later. She takes a moment to let the sight sink in, a girl in a banana suit, a koala in a dress, and Snow holding a rose. The nurse grabs Snow's hands and holds him back. She takes a walkie-talkie from her pocket and calls for back up. My head is spinning, what the heck was on that rose? I have just enough control to take off the banana suit, before I black out.

Johanna's Point of View

Boggs turns away from the screens to look at us; his eyes hold a look of joy.

"It's a close call, but...” He says. "I think Rue is the winner of the Mental Games."

Katniss cheers, I yell out a loud 'YES', Peeta jumps for joy. The four of us run into the therapy room, where the people who'd been taken from the game all sat milling about.

"RUE WON!!!" Katniss yelled.

The whole room exploded with cheers. Finnick swings Annie around in a hug, and I see Brutus smile to himself slightly. I look over to Peeta to see him crush Katniss in a hug. He likes her a lot, I can tell, Katniss is blind if she doesn't notice. I smile to myself.

Rue has just won the Mental Games.

 Rue:3 Snow:2

A/N: All votes taken before Friday night at midnight was accepted, Seattle time. OMIGOSH! It's over! Well, not quiet, I'm going to put out an epilogue sometime next week, along with a huge list of thank you's. Oh gosh, I feel kind of sad right now, finishing it. Well anyways, be on a lookout for the epilogue! 'Kay, thanks for reading! May the Sanity be Ever in your Favor!

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