When I Awoke...

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(Mini A/N: when the POV changes the scene changes)

Katniss's POV

When I awoke I felt oddly comforted by a soft furry body next to me. It's Buttercup, right? He's forced to lie next to me because of Prim, I'm home, and it was just a dream... Right? I open my eyes.

How terribly wrong I was. Fluffy lies next to me, lazily chewing on some leaves. Well, I can't say I'm exactly unhappy it's not Buttercup, stupid cat. I see Gale lying across from me, crumpled against the wall. I gasped at the sight of him. He always looked so solid, so unmovable like he could never be taken down, yet now he looked near death.

I looked around the room, seeing that it was only me, Gale, and Peeta. Where the others were, I had no idea. Peeta's face was in a pile of breadcrumbs on the floor, his butt in the air. It was a ridiculous sight, but I didn't laugh. I remembered what happened, how Enobaria and Brutus took us down.

Enobaria stabbed me, trying to make it look like I'd tried and killed myself. A crumpled piece of paper laid next to me, I guessed it was supposed to be my 'Suicide Note'. I looked down at my wrist, to see that it had scabbed over. Apparently Enobaria didn't stab me to deep. 

I attempted to stand, but the moment I did I fell backwards, creating a soft thud as I hit the ground. That thud was just enough to get a nurse's attention. She rushed in, an annoyingly perky nurse. She gasped and began shouting for backup. I sighed, and closed my eyes. This wouldn't end well.

Peeta's POV

When I woke up, I was in a padded white room. Oh no, I'd gone crazy. I sit up, finding that I was dressed in simple clothing, hospital clothing. How did I get here? I run my hands through my hair, frustrated at my lack of memory.

Then I remember. Oh crap. Katniss, Fluffy, Rue.... Holy crap, THE BREAD!

I walk over to where I expect the door to be. I knock on the white wall, now sure that it was a door from the hollow noise it made. "Your therapist will be here in a couple minutes, Mr.Mellark." A high pitched voice of a nurse called.

I sighed and shrank against the wall. There was nothing to do but wait.

Johanna's POV

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME YOU LITTLE-!" Enobaria slammed her hand over my mouth. I tried to bite it, with no avail. She stopped in front of the washroom door, and got out a small ring of keys. Oh no.

She unlocked the room, and shoved me inside. I fought against her tight grip, panic beginning to bubble inside of me. Enobaria dragged me into the nearest shower, and slammed my head against the shower wall. I gasped at the pain, but kept on struggling against her. She smiled cruelly at me, and turned on the water.

I screamed as the water came raining from the shower head. Enobaria released me and ran off, leaving me panicking and crazy, screaming my lungs out. Memories began to press down on me, memories I really didn't want.

Gale's POV

When I woke up a nurse was staring down at me, leaning over me to check my pulse. I flinched away, and the nurse gripped my arm to keep me in place. Why was she so strong!? I looked at the nurse's face. Oh, that's why.

"Madge?" I croaked, my raw throat telling me that I'd been unconscious for a while. She smiled at me slightly. "Awake?" She asked. I nodded. "Good, now go to therapy." She said in a less sweet voice, backing up. I rolled my eyes and sat up.

"What happened?" I asked, standing up from the padded white floor. She didn't answer, but instead told me to go to therapy again. I sighed and agreed.

She opened the door that was mostly hidden by the white foam on the walls, and guided me to a large room with a bunch of chairs in a circle. I recognized most of the faces around me; Katniss, Peeta. How'd we get here? I watched as Johanna was dragged in by a large male nurse, Cinna right behind her. I recognized Finnick and Annie in our circle, then Cato and Clove. What happened?

"Okay, people." A woman said, her gray hair in an unbroken sheet to her shoulders. "I'm Alma Coin. All of you are here because you've lost control of your... 'Diseases'...”

"So we've all gone crazy?" Johanna clarified. Coin sighed, nodding. As she opened her mouth to speak again, a loud crackle came from the speakers in the ceiling.

"Hello, Boggs here...” The speakers boomed. Coin swore and ran from the room, yelling profanities at Boggs, though he couldn't hear. "The people taken out today are: Katniss, Peeta-" The two of them look completely disappointed."-Johanna, Cinna, and Enobaria. Good luck and May the sanity be ever in your favor... That doesn't sound right either, gah, whatever." The message ended with a crackle.

Rue's POV

How I'd gotten out alive, I still don't know. But as I creep through the halls, Fluffy safe in my arms, I begin to think I would be better off out of the games. I turn the corner, not really watching where I was going, and almost run into an unexpected wall. Wait, that's not a wall. I look up, and up more. He towers over at me, his height intimidating, but his smile friendly. I smile back, thinking I could make it.

"Thresh!" I exclaim. He nods. I hold out Fluffy for him to see. "Look! I have a koala! Its name is Fluffy!'

A/N: Please don't hate me! The only three who are for sure in the finals are Rue Thresh and Brutus, all others are TBA. Don't forget to vote and fan! May the sanity be ever in your favor!

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