Attack and (Fake) Suicide

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*Johanna's POV*

Cato smirked at us. I snarled at him and stood, ready to punch this jerk in the face. Cato threw the matches at Cinna and began to yell at Rue. Clove quickly began to tie the rope into an noose, and began tying it above the door frame. Katniss was holding the random koala, making sure it didn't get harmed. Gale was trying to get the matches from Cinna, with no avail. I stood there for a moment, and then snapped back to reality.

I screamed out a battle cry and ran for Cato. A slight glimmer of fear shown in his eyes, and the fear was for a reason, as I kicked that jerk where the sun don't shine. He doubled over in pain with a very un-manly squeak, and I kicked him over, he hit the ground with a thud.

Rue mumbled quick thanks before turning to Clove, who was trying to wrestle Katniss towards the noose. The koala was now on the ground, crawling under a table. I looked back over at Clove, and realized what she was trying to do. She was going to make it seem like Katniss was suicidal, which would get her thrown into a padded room for sure.

I acted fast, snatching up the koala. I muttered sorry to the thing before throwing it towards Clove. She screamed as the fuzzy little thing came rushing at her face. Clove luckily caught the koala.

"Awwwww!!" She squealed, smiling at the koala. I took this as an opportunity to take her out. I whacked her over the head, and she fell to the ground. I caught the koala before it could get crushed under her weight.

"FLUFFY!!" Rue squealed, rushing over and taking the koala bear from my arms.

I looked around, to see that Cinna was attempting to light the matches, and Gale was still trying to get them. I did the only thing I could think of, I pounced on the pyro. He cried out as I knocked him to the ground, but I just took the matches and slipped them into my pocket. I got off Cinna and turned to the two jerks who were moaning on the ground.

"What should we do with them?" Katniss asked. I was about to answer but a girl walked in. At first I thought she was a nurse, but then I sighed as I realized it was just Lavinia.

She carried two boxes. She quickly handed one to Peeta and the other to me, then ran off. I looked down at the cardboard box. Peeta immediately opened his.

"Peeta. One of the patients decided to sponsor you. She had to go to therapy and didn't tell us exactly what to give you, so you get whatever we find. From Boggs." Peeta read. He pulled a sweater, a steak knife, an bottle of pills, and an creepy drawing of a dog. He looked to me. "What'd you get?"

I pulled open my box and picked up the note.

"Johanna. An nurse has decided to sponsor you. An old lady kept yelling so we didn't hear what she said to give you. So here's some random crap. From Boggs." I read. How nice, random crap. I pulled out some keys, a syringe of pink liquid, and a fire extinguisher. I tucked the keys and syringe in my pocket and threw left the fire extinguisher on the floor.

"So, what about dumb and dumber?" I asked.

"Well, they're both here for mild depression, and then having voices telling them to kill people." Peeta said. I let out a low whistle, how did this boy know so much about the patients here? He was here before me, but I didn't think that long.

"Well," Katniss said. "Simple then, make Clove sit on that chair below the noose in a seemingly 'Aw snap' pose and give Cato the knife. Instant fake suicide."

"Just might work." I sighed.

We all got to work, dragging them into their positions. Clove was partially awake, but didn't resist. Cato was a whole other thing; he was over six feet tall and made of pure muscle, so he was kind of hard to move. We ended up slapping him and giving him a knife. He woke up enough to the point where he stood then collapsed, but Peeta and Gale dragged him onto one of the cafeteria chairs. Everyone except Katniss hid in the kitchen. I was able to watch through a small crack in the wall. Katniss sucked in a big breath.

"NUUURRRRSEEE!!!! COME QUICK!!!!!" She screamed, making all of us cringe. Cato woke up, and Clove's head snapped up. "CATO AND CLOVE ARE TRYING TO KILL THEMSELVES!!! NUUUUURRRRSSSSEEE!!!!!!"

Almost instantly a nurse ran in, Clove sighed and Cato dropped the knife. The nurse gasped and grabbed the two of their arms.

"I am so sorry Ms. Everdeen, are you okay? Do you need to see your therapist?" The nurse asked. Katniss shook her head and the nurse gave her a sympathetic look. She then dragged the two jerks from the room, both of them trying to explain, both failing miserably.

Katniss walked into the kitchen, smiling.

"Well, that worked." She said. Peeta was staring at her, and Katniss gave him a worried look. Peeta blushed slightly and looked at the ground. I sighed, because I knew that look.

Peeta was in love with Katniss.

A/N: Heeello my beautiful fans! Yes, there was two sponsors in one chapter. Thank you Katniss1 for sponsoring Johanna, and blurazzycakkes for sponsoring Peeta. It means a lot to have people sponsor :).
On that note, I'm going to end sponsoring for a little while. It will continue later, but for now I want to focus on the story. I'm planning on killing/crazy-ing a couple key people, and that's a bit hard when people try to sponsor them. So I repeat.
Sorry for the inconvenience, I love you all!!! 

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