Putting Fun in Difunctional

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*Katniss's POV*

"Ya ready to meet Cinna?" Rue said, chuckling. Gale and I gave each other a slightly worried look. Peeta laughed at us, picking up on our nervousness. Rue had taken us to the second floor telling us we had to meet Cinna. We had arrived at a soft blue door and Rue and Peeta both grinned.

Rue slowly knocked on the door. A couple of loud bangs came from inside the room then quickly stopped. The door opened about an inch. Green eyes peer at us, making me take a step back. "What?" The man snapped. Rue waved and smiled at Cinna. He grinned and swung open the door, revealing the inside of the messy room. Cinna himself looked perfectly normal, but it looked as if he had set off explosives in his room. He had short dark brown hair, green eyes and dark skin. "Hello, um, sorry." He stuttered, pulling himself together. "I didn't realize it was you, Rue."

"It's fine Cinna." Rue said. "I just wanted you to meet the newbies. This is Katniss and Gale." Rue shrugged towards us.

Cinna nodded, looking first at me then at Gale. "Nice to meet you two, I'm Cinna, as Rue probably told you. If you have any matches or lighters, don't give them to me, even if I ask for them, got it?" Gale and I nodded quickly, exchanging a glance of worry. "I'm really trying to get over this pyromania so that I can go home and I wouldn't want to start a fire and be held here for longer."

"What time is it Cinna?" Peeta randomly asked. Cinna checked his watch that was on his wrist. He smiled.

"Dinner time." He said. Peeta grinned.

"Cool, let's go eat!" Peeta said.


We all sat at a long grey table, me being in between Cinna and Rue. I looked down at the mushy vegetables and bland pork chop. "It tastes better than it looks." Peeta said from across from me. I nodded, still hesitant to eat the food, that is, if it’s even meant to be food. As I was about to stab the vegetables with my fork I saw Peeta grin out of the corner of my eye.

"I wouldn't eat that." A voice whispered in my ear. Fear shot through me, and I whipped around to find myself staring into the most stunning sea green eyes. I gasped, causing the man staring at me to chuckle. He straightened up, and the man in front of me looked like a male model. His skin was tan and his bronze hair was messy, as if he had run his fingers through it a million times.

"Oh, don't scare her, Fin." Peeta said, chuckling.

I glared at the man who had scared me. "Mean looks really aren't needed." He said, pretending to be sad. I couldn't help but grin a bit. "Ha! I made her smile!" He said, as if it were some great achievement. "I'm Finnick Odair." He held his hand out for me to shake, which I timidly accepted. He shook Gales hand too.

"Finnick!" I heard a girl call over to him. I turned to see a young woman with dark hair walking towards Finnick, who immediately walked over and grabbed her hand. Then realization shot through me. Finnick Odair, the victor of the 65th Hunger Games, and Annie Cresta who won the 70th Games. There, next to Annie was a young woman with spiky brown hair, Johanna Mason. Why were there so many victors here?

"So, what are your guys’ names?" Finnick asks, leading Annie to a seat at our table. Johanna follows, silently glaring at me.

"I'm Katniss. Katniss Everdeen." I say, feeling uncomfortable under Johanna's harsh stare.

"Gale Hawthorne." Gale says.

"Nice to meet ya," Finnick smiles at us. He then seems to realize Johanna glaring at me, he kicks her underneath the table making Johanna's glare go to him. "Relax. They seem friendly enough." He whispers to her.

Johanna nods. "You're crazy, too?" She asks. I nod. "What ya got?"

"Depression." I say, still a tad bit uncomfortable.

"I'm hydrophobic." She says, stabbing her food with her fork. "And stop being so hesitant, I don't bite.... Unless you piss me off that is."

I nodded stiffly. It seems that a lot of victors don't stay in Victors Village, but go to the nut house instead.


We all sat up in the recreation room. Me and Rue flicked through the channels on the TV. Finnick Annie and Cinna chatted in the corner of the room. Gale and Peeta decided it would be a good idea to throw a roll left over from dinner around like a baseball.

"I'm booooorrrreeedd!" Rue randomly shouted, grabbing our attention. I rolled my eyes and flicked to the Capitol's news channel. Videos of the recent years Hunger Games plays, and Annie throws her hands over her ears like she doesn't want to hear it. Finnick comforts her quickly, and I flick the TV off.

"I know," A man slurs, walking in the door. Stubble is on his chin, and his hair is in disarray. He looks a mess. Peeta sighs and Finnick face palms. "Let's play a game!"

"Haymitch...." Cinna says, trying to warn Haymitch not to go farther.

"OH OH OH! YES!" Rue jumps up in down, obviously enjoying the idea of an game.

"Okay, so we all have our phobias and diseases, right?" Haymitch asks, knowing the answer. We all nod. "So, the idea is to trigger other people's disorder. The last one standing is the 'Victor'!" He smiles as if this weren't the worst idea possible.

"No." Peeta says, his face stoney.

"Don't be a sissy!" Haymitch cries. "I'll call it the 'Mental Games!'"

"So it's the Hunger Games for crazies?" Johanna asks, no clear emotion showing. Haymitch nods enthusiastically. "Sure, why not."

The rest of the room is silent, and then Gale speaks. "Okay," He says. "Why not?"

Slowly more people start to agree, until only I remain. I sigh. "Fine," I said. "But only because I don't know how someone can trigger depression."

Haymitch cheers. "May the odds be ever in your favor!" He cries in an annoying Capitol accent. "Let the games begin!"

A/N: HAHA! The games begin! Sorry I haven’t uploaded in a while, I've been busy. If you're enjoying then please vote! thnx~Montey

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