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*Katniss's POV*

We decided to camp out in the kitchen, since there was food. We pull out some blankets from various places and make a couple beds. I cuddle up in one of the blankets, and fall asleep almost immediately.

I wake up early. Everyone's soft snores echo off the walls. I quietly stand up, making sure not to wake Rue, who is asleep next to me. I walk out into the cafeteria, stepping over sleeping people on my way. I enter the cafeteria, and freeze. A redheaded girl sits at one of the tables, her face on the table top. It takes me a second to notice that she's asleep.

She reminded me of a fox, so I nicknamed her Foxface.

"Hello?" I whisper. Her eyes fly open, and she sits up. Her eyes are fearful. "Who're you?" I ask.

She quickly scrambles up from the table and runs off, leaving me very confused.

"She's a selective mute." I jumped and turned to see who had said that. Peeta stood, leaning against the door frame to the kitchen.

"She's here for being quite?" I asked. Peeta nodded. "That's weird."

"She's also paranoid, so I guess she could be here for that too." Peeta shrugged. A silence fell over us for a couple of seconds.

"Why're you awake?" I asked.

"Why not?" Peeta replied. I shrugged.

"Well, it's probably like, six right now. Most people don't get up that early." I pointed out.

"Then why're you awake?" Peeta asked.

"Force of habit," I shrugged. "At home normally I wake up early to hunt."


"Yep, my family can't really afford to buy normal food from the market."

"Then how'd you afford to get here?"

"I don't know. My therapist at home hates me so she probably paid for it herself."

"Why does she hate you?"

"I don't know."

"She's probably just jealous."

"Why would she be jealous of me?" I ask. Peeta stays silent for a second.

"Because you're beautiful." Peeta says silently. I look over at him, to see he's blushing slightly. I'm at a loss for words, and Peeta seems to be as well.

"Um, th-thanks." I stutter, guessing that's how one would respond to a compliment. We sit in silence for a second. Johanna walks in from the kitchen and looks at us.

"What happened?" She asked after looking at both of us. Peeta shook his head.

"Nothing." He said. Johanna sighed and sat at one of the tables.

"Well, whatever." She sighed. "We should probably go hunt some people."

"Hunt? Ya mean make people go crazy?" Peeta clarified. Johanna nodded. "That hasn't really been our strategy, but okay." Peeta agreed.


The speakers in the ceiling came to life. "Testing, testing 1,2,3. Hello, this is Boggs again. The people taken out today are Finnick, Annie, Cato, Clove, Beetee...." Names continued to be named off, none except the first four meaning anything to me. "That is all. May the sanity be ever in your favor...? That sounded better in my head. Okay, good luck!"

The sound system turned off. Once again the sound of people screaming from the noise could be heard.

"That is why Boggs never tells puns." Johanna said. " 'May the sanity be ever in your favor' is just a no."

"I found it punny." Peeta said matter of factly. I face palmed. Peeta looked at me in confusion. "What?"


A/N Hi there my beautiful fans! I'm sorry it's taken this long to upload, I'm back to school now, so I won't be able to upload as often. I'll try uploading every weekend though! Anyways, sorry for the boring chapter as well, but I needed an awkward moment haha. Okay. Fan, vote, comment, and don’t die! K, bye.

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