Gales beginning and Cinna's sponsor

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*Gales POV*

Boggs yelled one and I immediately went for the pile of stuff. I grabbed keys, a blanket and just as I was reaching for a small syringe I felt someone touch my shoulder. I whipped around furious with whoever touched me. A woman growled at me, tiger stripes covering her body. She pounced for me but I quickly jumped away. She swiped at me, her long nails almost getting my face. I snatched up the syringe and ran down the halls, the tiger lady dashing after me.

I ran down the white halls, turning corner after corner. Yet the striped lady was still on my trail. I darted into a room and pressed my back against a wall.

"TIGRIS!" I heard a voice shout. The sounds of the tiger woman running stopped. "What do you think you're doing?" A hiss came in reply. I heard light footsteps walking towards the room I was in, and I felt my body tense.

"Hawthorne," A girl popped in from the hall, her long blond hair pulled into a ponytail. I gasped, she was a nurse. "You can come out now." I sighed, realizing she wasn't going to throw me in a padded white room.

"Th-thanks." I stuttered, unsure of what was going on. The girl nodded.

"Don't act so shy, I know about your guy’s stupid 'Games'." The girl said. In an instant I grew angry with her. "I'm Madge." She held out her hand for me to shake.

"Why're you letting us do these games if you call them stupid?" I asked, refusing her hand shake. She glared at me.

"I'm just here because I worry about my mother," She spat at me. "I couldn't care less about the other patients."

"MADGE!" I heard an angry voice call from down the hall.

"SHUT UP CAESAR!" Madge yelled back. I gave her a questioning look. "Caesar Flickerman, he's here for tomomania. And if you don't know, that's the overwhelming desire for surgery. The man looks like a freaking Ken doll."

"MMMAAAADDDDGGGGEEE!" The man shouted. Madge ignored him.

"You're bipolar?" She asked, not really looking for an answer. She held up a ring of keys and smirked. "I can help."


*Rue's POV*

I heard yelling from down the hall, and I knew Caesar was yelling. Ugh, he was yelling at that nurse Madge. Wait... Nurse???

"Um, guys we should probably go!" I suggested. Peeta seemed to have recovered from his bread fit and nodded. Katniss just set the sketch book down and looked to me. Oh snap, was I in charge now?!?! Oh jeez....

"Uh, ok… Come on!" I said, taking lead as I crept down the hall. As I turned the corner I bumped into a wall. Wait, not a wall. I looked up to see a familiar pair of green eyes with gold flecks. "CINNA!!" I squealed and attacked him with a hug. He smelled like smoke, but there was no telling if his clothes actually got set on fire, as they were black.

"Hello again," He smiled, giving me a hug. "What'd I miss?"

"Well, we have bread boy in our alliance. Not much else, what about you?" Katniss replied. 

"I whacked the guys who tried to lock me in the 'Squishy Room' and knocked them out. Then I came to find you guys." Cinna shrugged as if knocking out two huge men was easy.

"Okay. Well, we should probably find some place safe for the night." Peeta suggested. We all nodded. As we began walking a girl, seemingly in her early twenty's bounced over.

She stared at the floor, something in her hands. She had white skin, and a dark red ponytail.

"Oh, hi Lavinia." Cinna said to the girl softly. She looked up at him, no clear emotion on her face. She held out a package, Cinna's name scrawled on the lid. He gave her a questioning look, but she just shrugged it towards him. He sighed and took the package.

Cinna pulled out a piece of folded paper. He opened up and began to read.

"'Cinna. One of the patients not in the Games has decided to 'sponsor' you. She was not able to tell us what exactly what to give you, as she began to talk to herself after she told us, so we're giving you the item enclosed. From, Boggs." Cinna read. He sighed and looked into the box. He pulled out a bottle of bright pills, an key ring with a million keys hanging from it, and a small syringe with green chemicals in it.

"Looks like somebody likes yooouu!" I sang. Peeta rolled his eyes, but Cinna just laughed. As he opened his mouth to say something, he was interrupted by an crackle from the hospitals audio speakers on the ceiling.

"Is this on?" Came a voice over the speakers. A voice in the back ground said yes. "Okay. Hello, this is Boggs. We're going to say the names of people taken out today. Okay.... Tigris, Marvel, Glimmer...”

He named off more names I didn't know.

"Keep going people, and good luck." The speakers crackled and then shut off. I could hear the shouts of crazy people freaking out from the noise.

"Huh, Tigris got out. That's a shame." Cinna muttered. "She's a nice lady, tiger, thing."

A/N: Dapigs4213 sponsored Cinna. And yes, sponsors are in fact insane or nurses. I love ya guys!

And for those who are wondering, Lavinia is the Avox Girl in the books. Okay, bye.

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