Nearing The End....

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Rue's POV

What do I do? Holy crap! Thresh is still next to me, fury in his eyes. I don't know what Brutus did to Thresh, but fury burned in Thresh's eyes. Brutus smiles like a maniac, which I guess is accurate since we're in a mental hospital, but it's scary nonetheless.

Then something in Brutus's hand catches my eye. A knife. A shiny silver blade, deadly looking. I feel fear take over me, paralyze me is probably a better description for it. Thresh sees it too, as he begins to slowly reach for his baseball bat he left on the floor. My heart pumps in my chest so loud I think Brutus can hear it, he probably enjoys it.

"Oh, Thresh, don't try anything with me now." Brutus purrs. Thresh freezes, his eyes still fixed on the man holding a knife. Brutus smirks.

"Leave us alone." Thresh growls. Brutus makes a tsk-tsk sound with his tongue.

"No can do, big guy." Brutus chuckles evilly. That's what sends Thresh over the edge.

"Well then.... NOW YOU DIE MOMMA FUDGER!" Thresh shouts, frankly scaring the crap out of both me and Brutus.

Thresh runs at Brutus, who holds up his knife defensively. Out of the corner of my eye I see a flash of red hair, Lavinia. She stands off to the side, holding a box, but she doesn't approach. I can't blame her for being scared right now.

A loud OOOF! comes from Brutus as Thresh tackles him to the floor. The two large guys roll on the ground for a minute, screaming profanities at each other. Then a deafening CRACK sounds as Thresh whacks Brutus over the head with the bat.

Brutus cries out in pain, but still manages to stab Thresh's upper arm. Thresh grunts as Brutus falls to the ground. I scream.

"THRESH!"  I run over to him. I hear footsteps running down the hall, nurses undoubtedly. I look at Thresh and know that he's going to be pulled from the game. I look over at Lavinia and know that we have to leave or else we'll be taken in for therapy.

That's the reason I grab Lavinia's hand and drag her from the room, her balancing boxes in her arms. I drag her into a random bedroom, and close the door behind us. I turn to her, seeing that she's a tad bit freaked out.

"What's all these?" I ask, pointing to the boxes. Lavinia just gives me a panicked look. In the time frame of two seconds she's dropped the boxes and gone running down the halls like a madwoman, once again which is completely true.

I sigh and look at the box, a large one with my name scrawled on the top. I open the box and pull out the note; I then begin to read the note.

'Hi Rue. You seem to be the front runner right now, certainly the most popular. We've shoved all three sponsoring into one box for your convenience though. There's a sling shot from an nurse (Katniss1), I can't believe I'm writing this, but a little friend from a patient (blurazzycakkes), a banana suit-?- and some sunglasses from a crazy person (Lumoscity). We're all rooting for you Rue, may the sanity be ever in your favor. ~Boggs.'

I unpack the box, putting the slingshot in my pocket. I pull out a banana suit which I immediately put on, because it's a freaking banana suit.  I then pair the banana suit with the pair of sunglasses I got, bright yellow with a black mustache hanging from it. Fluffy begins to creep away from me, weirded out by the bright yellow banana suit I was wearing.

"OMIGOSH!" I squeal, pulling out another koala. "YOU'RE NAME WILL BE MR.CUDDLES!"

And in that moment as I hold the new koala, an idea comes to my mind. An idea to take down Snow. And so I clutch the koala closer, smiling to myself.

Rue, you're going to win... The voices whisper. I smile wider. I will win.

Snow's POV

Walking away from the scene I'd just created with the redheaded girl, I smile to myself. This day has been going well. I've gotten someone out already, and I'm in the final four. This day would be better with a rose though, the one thing I've been missing so much from home.

A redheaded boy walks up to me, seemingly nervous. He shoves a box towards me, my name written across the top.

"Thank you, Darius." I purr, looking at the boy. His eyes grow wide and he quickly scurries away. I smile to myself as I open the box. I gasp.

As if my wish had been heard in the box sits a perfect, gleaming, fragrant blood red rose. I feel a grin spread across my face as I pick up the red beauty. The thorns prick me, but I don't mind. It's to perfect.

And in that moment as I hold the red rose, an idea comes to mind. An idea to take down that stupid little girl. And so I pick one petal off the rose, smiling to myself.

Coriolanus, you cannot win... My schizophrenia whispers in my head. But I ignore it. I will win.

 (Dapigs4213 sponsored Snow for those who are wondering)

A/N: Hello. So this is the last chapter with sponsoring. Yes SPONSORING IS OFFICIALLY OVER. Thanks to blurazzycakkes, Katniss1, and Lumoscity for sponsoring.

I love you guys and cannot thank you enough! thnx~Montey

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