Chapter Two: Iker's Ex-Girlfriend

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Lunch passed without much incident and soon the four of them had retired to their home that was just outside of the main city and away from prying eyes. 

Fernando and Sergio disappeared up to Fernando’s bedroom, so that Fernando could finish unpacking and to make out. 

Alyssa didn’t follow them, heading to her own bedroom instead which lay just down the corridor from Fernando’s; she slipped inside and closed the door behind her before she slipped out of her heels from work. 

Her bedroom was a rich coffee colour and held a king size bed which was currently covered in silky chocolate brown sheets; it also had a small balcony that overlooked the outdoor pool. 

“Corazón?” Iker said making her jump as she put her heels away, she looked at him as he stepped into her room; she knew that this was about what had happened today at lunch with his ex-girlfriend showing up.

Iker closed the door behind him as she finished what she was doing, he sat on her bed and watched her knowing that they needed to talk; he didn’t want her worrying about Sara’s appearance. 

“We need to talk, about what happened with Sara today,” Iker  said as Alyssa approached him, they had been together for nearly two years now and apart from their families and team-mates, they had managed to keep their relationship a secret from the world. 

Of course, none of the footballers families’ had been happy that their sons were so taken with the brunette; however it had only taken meeting Alyssa for them to see why their sons’ loved her. 

Alyssa stood between Iker’s legs and wrapped her arms around his neck, she pressed a soft kiss to his lips as she looked at him concerned. 

“You don’t have to tell me,” the brunette said as Iker kissed her back, she knew what he wanted to talk about and she didn’t want to push him; it was in the past as far as she was concerned. 

Iker gently cupped her face and pulled her gently onto his lap, Alyssa furrowed her brow as she felt Iker’s hands trail down her body; she could see that he was feeling possessive about her right now. 

“I want to corazón, we said no secrets,” Iker breathed when they pulled apart, Alyssa watched him for a moment and nodded as she moved to sit next to him confused. 

Iker sighed wondering how to start, Alyssa watched him silent waiting for him to begin, she didn’t want to rush him and she knew that it wasn’t easy to think about the past. 

“I meet Sara through work, she wanted and how to get it, I think that’s what attracted me to her in the first place,” Iker said softly a small smile on his face as he thought back to three years ago. 

The footballer knew their relationship was never meant to last because if it had then he wouldn’t have Alyssa right now and that wasn’t something that he wanted. 

“We dated for about nine months before I ended it, she wasn’t the woman that I had fallen for,” Iker said making Alyssa look at him; she had heard a little about Sara from Monica who had become a close friend to her. 

Monica had told her about Sara and how she had changed when she had begun to date Iker, but the brunette wanted to hear it for herself. 

“At first I didn’t really notice it, she got a lot more jobs when it was revealed that we were dating… I thought she was happy, I was. However as time went on I could see that she cared for her career more than me,” Iker said sadly, Alyssa gently squeezed his hand as he sighed and lifted her hand to his lips; he smiled at her as he kissed it.

“It wasn’t long until she hated being the girlfriend of San Iker; she wanted a name for herself and was tired of using me as the step ladder always being referred to as Iker Casillas’ girlfriend…” Iker said as Alyssa watched him sadly, she had a feeling that she knew where this was going and she didn’t like it. 

Sara had used Iker for her personal gain but it wasn’t her name that was making her famous and it had clearly slowly worn her down before she had snapped. 

Sara had wanted the best of both worlds something that couldn’t happen when it came to dating a footballer, she had learnt the hard way and it had cost her. 

“She missed out on a promotion at work… she had worked hard for it but they gave it to someone else, she blamed me for it, saying that I was stealing her identity,” Iker said shaking his head, he had never wanted that for Sara and he knew that she was more upset his name hadn’t gotten her the promotion. 

Alyssa watched him sadly as his face became clouded with sadness, she knew that Sara’s words had hurt him; he had cared for her and she had thrown it back in his face. 

“I ended it… I could see that things couldn’t be fixed between us,” Iker said with a shrug, he looked at Alyssa who was watching him; he was glad now that he had otherwise he would have never have fallen in love with her. 

Iker pressed a kiss to her lips and cupped her face, he loved the brunette and he wouldn’t change anything for the world. 

“A month later… I meet you, the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Iker said as he kissed her again, he didn’t want to think about what he would do if he lost her; Iker loved Alyssa as much as Fernando and Sergio did.

Iker wanted nothing more than to show her off, but because of their relationship he couldn’t; he couldn’t do that to Alyssa if the press discovered she was dating three footballers. 

“Iker, would if you had the chance would you take her back?” Alyssa asked softly, the footballer stared at her; he could see that asking the question had hurt her, just like it had hurt him to hear it. 

Iker cupped her face and shook his head, he couldn’t believe she would think that and he never wanted her to feel that she was second choice; it would always be here. 

“Never… I love you more than I ever did her,” Iker said slightly panicked at the thoughts that were racing through his mind, he didn’t want to lose her and he would spend every moment he could showing her that he loved her more than anything. 

“You know I love you,” Iker said his deep brown eyes searching her light brown ones; Alyssa nodded as he pressed a kiss to her lips. 

The brunette sighed as she felt Iker cuddle her close; she hadn’t meant to scare him, she pressed another kiss to Iker’s lips. 

“I love you too Iker,” she said trying to reassure him, his eyes searched hers still slightly worried but he nodded. 

Alyssa rested her head against Iker’s as he pulled her to lie back on the bed; they lay quietly for a moment as Alyssa tried to comfort him. 

“I could never leave you, Fernando or Sergio…” Iker said trying to reassure her that he wasn’t going anywhere; she smiled at him softly as she pressed a kiss to his lips. 

Iker watched her curiously as Alyssa moved to straddle him; they paused as they heard Fernando’s loud moans from down the corridor making the brunette smirk at Iker, who rested his hands on her hips. 

“It doesn’t seem fair to let them have all the fun,” Alyssa purred making Iker smirk as she brushed her lips against his, his hands tightening their grip on her hips. 

“What do you suppose we do?” Iker asked making Alyssa grin at him as her hands trailed down his chest slowly unbuttoning his shirt; Iker watched her contently, it was all too clear that Sergio was rubbing off on her.

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