Chapter Twenty-Four: Nora's Birthday Party

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Alyssa grumbled as she turned over in bed and glanced at the alarm clock, Fernando and Sergio were wrapped around her sleeping soundly.

The brunette blinked tiredly as she carefully sat up, she smiled as Sergio made a small noise in his sleep and tightened his hold on her so that she couldn't move.

Alyssa laughed softly as she brushed her fingers through his hair knowing that she had to get up and pee; she peeked at Fernando knowing that he would wake up when she moved.

Iker could be heard downstairs making breakfast and Alyssa knew that it wouldn't be long before Nora woke up; it was the little girl's third birthday and she was excited.

"Lissa," Fernando whispered as he felt his fiancée slip from his hold, he opened his brown eyes tiredly as she carefully climbed out of bed.

Alyssa looked back at him as she stood up, she knew that they couldn't lay in bed all day especially since there was so much for them to do; she offered him a small smile knowing what he wanted.

"Buenos días," Alyssa greeted as Fernando sat up, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes as Sergio grumbled annoyed as he turned over in his sleep.

Alyssa quietly moved to the walk in wardrobe and collected some clothes for the day before she headed into the bathroom; Fernando on her heels as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"How are you feeling?" Fernando asked knowing that she still had small bouts of morning sickness, she was twelve weeks pregnant and he knew that it was still going to be a while before their baby was born.

Alyssa smiled as she turned to face him and pressed a kiss to his lips, she knew that he worried for her but she was fine and she knew the baby was as well.


Iker glared as he opened the front door to Olalla, he wasn't pleased that she was coming into his home after what had happened but he knew that they couldn't deny her.

Nora was Olalla's daughter and she had handed them the tape that could have ruined so many lives; they would be civil today for Nora's sake.

"Iker," Olalla whispered in greeting, she nodded her head as she offered a small smile; she knew that she wasn't going to be welcome and she had come only to see her daughter.

Iker moved aside and allowed Olalla to step into the home, he was only doing this for Nora who deserved to see her mother on her birthday.

"They're in the living room," Iker said simply as he nodded towards the large room beside the entrance to his home, he knew that he had things to do and wasn't going to waste time on Olalla when she wasn't worth it.

Olalla nodded her head as she quickly hurried away from Iker, she had been surprised to receive the invite from Alyssa and she was seriously grateful to her since she had wanted to see Nora on her birthday.

"Mama," Nora said excitedly as she rushed to greet Olalla as she stepped into the room, she didn't seem to notice the tension that hung in the air as she hugged her mother.

Olalla smiled softly as she hugged her daughter, her brown eyes nervously seeking out Fernando and Sergio knowing that she hadn't been forgiven for what she had done in Poland and it would take time for them to do so.

"Olalla it's wonderful to see you," Flori said as she moved to greet the mother of her granddaughter, she had heard what had happened and had been very impressed when Alyssa had insisted that Olalla be invited to the birthday party.


Alyssa smiled as she watched Nora open her presents, she sat quietly knowing that soon she'd have a child of her own and that wouldn't change how she felt for the little girl.

Nora would be a brilliant sister and Alyssa was sure that the baby would be loved when he or she came into the world; they still had months left ahead of them and Alyssa was determined to enjoy her pregnancy.

"I wanted to thank you," Olalla said carefully as she sat down beside Alyssa, she had been trying to find the chance to speak with the other woman and it had been difficult.

Olalla had been kept at a distance from Alyssa and she knew that Iker, Fernando and Sergio weren't going to be pleased that she had come near their fiancée.

"You didn't have to invite me... I know I'm not welcome here, so Gracias," Olalla said knowing that she would have been forced to stay away and miss her only daughter's birthday.

Alyssa smiled as she looked at Olalla, she didn't hold the other woman responsible for what had happened; Olalla had clearly been a puppet in someone else's plans and she deserved better.

"It's fine," Alyssa said nodding her head, she looked back at Nora as she spotted Fernando watching them from across the room; his eyes locked on his ex-wife knowing that he didn't like this.

Olalla took a shaky breath as she admired Alyssa, the brunette was wearing a grey short sleeve lace placket top and dark skinny jeans paired with nude chain detail mini wedge sandals.

"Mama come play with me," Nora said as she smiled over at Olalla, she was pleased to spend some time with her mother and Alyssa was quick to move away knowing that Olalla didn't get to see her daughter enough.

"What did she want?" Fernando asked as he approached Alyssa as she prepared to leave the living room to check on the birthday cake; she didn't want to leave it alone with Sergio because she knew something would happen to it.

"She just wanted to say Gracias," Alyssa said as she glanced back at Olalla, she knew that this wasn't going to be easy for any of them but she just wanted things to be easy for them all.

Fernando nodded his head as he looked at Alyssa, he knew that she had done the right thing but she was a better person than he was and he just couldn't forgive Olalla yet for what she had tried to do to them.

"It's okay Nando," Alyssa said as she pressed a kiss to his lips before she walked to the kitchen leaving him behind with his ex-wife.

Fernando ran a hand through his hair knowing that this wasn't going to be easy and he knew that he was going to be nice for Nora's sake; no matter what had happened Olalla was still her biological mother.

"Nando... I am really sorry about what happened," Olalla said nervously as she looked at her ex-husband, she knew that it didn't change anything but it needed to be said.

Olalla had hated herself for what she had done and had spent the last week focusing on herself and slowly rebuilding her own life; she wasn't going to waste her time pining for someone who didn't want her anymore.

"I know... it's just going to take me some time to forgive you," Fernando said knowing that he wasn't the only one that was wary of having Olalla in their home; Sergio and Iker were keeping an eye on her in case anything did happen.

Olalla nodded her head as she offered him a small smile, she was glad to see him happy and she knew that she never stood a chance in winning him back.

"I am happy for you Nando," Olalla said as she looked at Nora, she was Olalla's final connection with her ex-husband and she knew that she really didn't see her that often and wouldn't now that she had returned to her home city of Santiago de Compostela.

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