Chapter Three: The Nosey Ex

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Alyssa rolled her eyes as she felt Fernando kiss down her neck, she knew that he felt guilty for not seeing her a lot but he was starting to distract her; the brunette was wearing a navy pencil dress with soft waterfall side detail paired with silver heeled sandals.

"Nando, I love you..." Alyssa said before Fernando cut her off by kissing her, she sighed as she heard Gerard Piqué chuckle as he entered the room.

The footballer rolled his blue eyes at the affectionate couple knowing that he wasn't even surprised that they were making out.

"I wouldn't let del Bosque catch you compromising his granddaughter," Gerard teased as he sat down in Alyssa's chair, he raised an eyebrow at the couple as they pulled apart.

Fernando rolled his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Alyssa's waist so she couldn't escape; he wasn't ready to let her go just yet and he knew it wasn't going to be easy either way.

"I haven't seen my girlfriend in six weeks," Fernando argued making Gerard roll his eyes, Alyssa slipped out of his grip making her boyfriend pout as she pecked his lips.

The brunette still had a lot of work that needed doing before they left for Poland and she wanted to get it done before it was too late; they would be leaving in several days.

"And you wonder why I don't visit more... you're my best friend Aly but seriously," Gerard said shaking his head amused as he looked at the brunette.

The two of them had formed an odd friendship after the world cup, despite him playing for Barcelona and her working for Real Madrid; they still had a close friendship.

"Shouldn't you two be training... we leave for Gniewino soon," Alyssa said making them roll their eyes at her; Monica and her were in the middle of finalising the flight details and hotel arrangements before they left for the day.

"Del Bosque gave us the rest of the day off... to pack and what not," Gerard said with a shrug, he knew that Iker and Sergio would be making an appearance soon after they had finished in the locker room.

Alyssa nodded wondering why they didn't just go home, she still had a few hours' work before she could leave.

"Then shouldn't you be heading home to finish packing," Alyssa said making Fernando look at her, he knew that she was busy but he had hoped she would be coming home with him and the others.

Gerard knew that this was about to turn into a private conversation as he excused himself leaving Alyssa and Fernando alone.

"Nando, I can't come home just yet," Alyssa said softly, she wanted nothing more than to go home with him but she couldn't, she still had some work to do on some press releases for the team.

Fernando sighed as he approached her, he wrapped his arms around her and pressed a kiss to her lips; Alyssa cuddled close to him for a moment.

"I'll be here two more hours' tops," the brunette said making Fernando nod as he rested his head against hers; he didn't know what it was but he had a horrible feeling that was unsettling him.


Stepping out of her office into the now empty corridor, Alyssa hadn't meant to stay later than planned but there had been a complication that needed sorting and now it was early evening.

"Perdón, are you Alyssa Silvera?" called a voice making Alyssa jump, she turned around to see Sara Carbonero approaching her quickly.

The brunette nodded as the reporter stopped in front of her, the press were under the impression that Alyssa, Iker and Sergio were house-mates and that Fernando stayed with them in the summer.

"I have a couple of questions for you," Sara asked as Alyssa locked her office; the reporter watched her wondering if the younger woman would give her the answers that she wanted about Iker's mystery new girlfriend.

"Listen anything to do with the players goes through the PR office," Alyssa said as she started to walk away with Sara following her, she didn't want to deal with her eldest boyfriend's ex-girlfriend.

Sara kept pace with Alyssa as they walked towards the elevator, she knew that if anyone knew about what this then it would be the brunette.

"I know... so is Iker really seeing someone?" Sara asked when they stopped outside the elevator and waited for it to come back up; Alyssa looked at her as she realised that this was a personal call more than anything else.

"Yes," Alyssa confirmed sticking to Iker's cover story making the older woman frown, she really had been hoping that the answer would be no; she wanted Iker back since it had been a mistake to break up.

Sara nodded sadly as they stepped into elevator, she hadn't believed Iker when he had told her that he was seeing someone else; however she didn't think that Alyssa would also be lying about this.

"Oh, who is she?" Sara asked, Alyssa glanced at the older brunette; she knew that she couldn't give it away that Iker was dating her so she simply shrugged making Sara frown more.

"Some family friend," Alyssa lied as the elevator opened its doors on the ground floor, the two women stepped out of it and headed for the car park; Sara still following Alyssa wanting every detail about the woman.

"Listen I can't help you," Alyssa said as she stopped by her car, it was the black Mercedes Benz that she had gotten when she had first started her internship with the National Team.

Sara sighed as she stepped closer to the brunette who stared at her, she needed Alyssa's help and she knew that it was important if she was to win Iker back.

"I want to know everything about Iker's new girlfriend," Sara said as she walked close to Alyssa who backed away from her.

Alyssa didn't like where this was going and was grateful when she spotted Monica walking to her own car, Monica stopped what she was doing and frowned as she looked at Sara.

"Is there a problem here?" Monica asked as she walked towards Alyssa and Sara, the reporter backed away from Alyssa and shook her head with a fake smile.

"Of course not, I was just talking to Alyssa... I'll be seeing you later," Sara said quickly before turning on her heel and hurrying away, she wasn't going to let this discourage her.

"What did Sara Pastasauce want?" Monica asked making Alyssa laugh lightly at Monica's nickname for the reporter, she knew that Sara wasn't well liked but it was something that they had to deal with.

"She wanted to know about Iker's girlfriend," Alyssa said, she had already told Monica about Sara approaching Iker in the restaurant.

Monica frowned as she looked at Alyssa concerned; she knew that Alyssa would be sticking to Iker's cover story of him seeing a family friend.

However she doubted that it would work much longer, Sara wasn't like the other reporters; she wasn't going to let this go and it could lead to the reveal of Alyssa's odd relationship.

"Be careful," Monica said worried for her friend, she knew how cruel the press could be and she didn't want Alyssa getting hurt just because Sara was on the warpath.

Alyssa nodded before she bid Monica a goodnight, promising to come in early to help her prepare for the flight to Poland; she had already packed her clothes and was ready to leave.

Climbing into her car, Alyssa wondered to herself for a moment; she knew that this time things would be different but the feeling that something bad would happen still lingered.

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