Chapter Four: Welcome to Euro 2012

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Alyssa yawned as she leant against the wall, she was currently standing in Madrid-Barajas Airport, and she was waiting for the players to arrive so she could collect their passports as they arrived. 

The brunette jumped when she heard someone chuckle behind her, Iker held up a coffee which Alyssa gratefully took making him sigh as he stood next to her.

“We missed you this morning,” Iker said as she sipped on the coffee tiredly, she had to meet with Monica to cover some last minute flight details; she yawned again making Iker look at her concerned. 

“Did you sleep at all last night, nena?” Iker asked concerned, Alyssa shook her head as she yawned as Sergio and Fernando joined them; Iker glared at Sergio, who grinned innocently. 

The Spaniard looked at Alyssa as he stood next to her, while Fernando looked at Iker who sighed; they knew that Sergio was often a little restless of a night. 

“I’m okay,” Alyssa murmured, Fernando shook his head before fishing out his passport; he knew that she had already collected Sergio’s and Iker’s since the brunette had taken them when she had packed. 

“I’ll sleep on the plane,” Alyssa said as the trio watched her, they could tell she was moments from falling asleep; the brunette waved them off as she yawned again.

Alyssa had already collected a number of passports and was just waiting for the last few members of the squad to arrive. 

“Shouldn’t you three be making your way through security?” Alyssa asked as she crossed.

Fernando off the list of those who had arrived, she knew they were worried about her but she didn’t want them to. 

She hadn’t been the same since Sara had cornered her in the corridor about Iker’s girlfriend; she hadn’t mentioned to them that his ex-girlfriend had confronted her.

“We thought we would wait for you,” Fernando said making Alyssa nod as she looked to see who was missing; it was the usually list of suspects making her frown. 


Alyssa did as she had said and slept for the entire trip, Fernando was content to sit next to her and watch her sleep; though he felt guilty that he had to wake her up when they landed in Gniewino, Poland. 

Alyssa stretched after she had retrieved her suitcase, and headed to the coach with Monica who looked just as tired as she did. 

Alyssa would have walked with the boys, but they were already raising questions since she lived with them; the brunette sighed as she watched her suitcase being loaded onto the coach, they still had an hour drive to their hotel yet. 

“So who’s sharing rooms with whom?” Gerard asked her as he handed his case to the coach driver; the brunette rolled her eyes as she watched her boyfriends’ eyes all look at her. 

“You’ll find out when we get there,” Alyssa said as a frazzled looking Monica walked onto the coach, the brunette felt sorry for her friend knowing she was highly stressed right now. 

Gerard smirked at her as he passed only stopping to speak to her softly, he knew that she was taken but that didn’t mean he didn’t tease her about it. 

“You’ll break their poor hearts,” Gerard whispered in a teasing manner making Alyssa laugh lightly and shake her head as he moved off and onto the coach so that they could go to the hotel. 

Fernando frowned as he watched the scene, he shook his head as he approached Alyssa, he didn’t liked how close she was with Gerard and it unnerved him. 

“What was that about?” Fernando asked making Alyssa look at him; jealously was something that she had never seen on the footballer before but it always excited her when he did show her the jealous side of him. 

“Hotel room arrangements,” Alyssa said with a shrug as Vicente walked passed her, Fernando nodded though it was clear that he didn’t believe her; Alyssa sighed, she had gone through the same thing with Iker and Sergio when she had moved in with them. 

“Nando… I love you,” Alyssa said quietly making him look at her; he wanted to kiss her now, to show people that she was his but he couldn’t not with the press watching them like hawks. 

Alyssa smiled at him reassuringly before he moved to get on the coach with Sergio, Iker stopped by her side and smiled softly at her. 

“We’ll talk later,” Iker said making Alyssa look at him concerned; she knew that it would be important if he wouldn’t tell her what it was about. 

Iker climbed onto the coach leaving Alyssa alone worried about what he had to tell her, she was always nervous when he wasn’t open with her even after two years of dating. 

The brunette sighed as she climbed onto the coach and sat next to Monica, who was fussing over paperwork after everyone was on the coach. 


Arriving at the Mystral hotel, Monica and Alyssa quickly set about getting them checked in and telling people who they would be rooming with for the tournament. 

Iker would be having his own room across from Alyssa’s while Sergio and Fernando would be sharing again. 

The brunette sighed as she settled into her own room wanting nothing more than to settle down for the rest of the day and relax. 

Alyssa jumped as she heard Iker enter her room, she had nearly forgotten that he had wanted to speak with her; though she didn’t doubt what Sergio and Fernando were doing in their own room.

“Iker?” Alyssa asked softly as he moved about her room, she had yet to start unpacking and didn’t feel like doing it now; she wanted to get some sleep before she did anything else. 

Iker sat on her bed, his parents had been asking a lot recently if he intended to marry any time soon; and right now the only person he wanted to tie himself to in that way was Alyssa. 

“Why didn’t you tell me about what happened with Sara?” Iker asked hurt, the brunette stared at him for a moment, before she realised that Monica had told him. 

Alyssa sighed as she leant against the dresser and crossed her arms; the brunette knew that it bothered him that his ex-girlfriend had been able to get close to her. 

“I really didn’t want to worry you over nothing,” Alyssa said shrugging. 

Iker ran a hand through his hair, he had always told her that she mattered more to him than football; but it was like she didn’t listen sometimes, he didn’t want her getting hurt. 

“It doesn’t matter, you should have told me, corazón…” Iker said making Alyssa nod; she could tell that there was something else was bothering him, she moved to sit next to Iker, his deep brown eyes watching her as she did so.

Alyssa watched Iker curious as to what was on his mind, she couldn’t shake the feeling that he had something big on his mind about the future. 

“I know,” Alyssa said knowing that she would have to stop keeping things from them; it had always ended with someone getting hurt and she wanted to enjoy her time with them, no matter how short or long it was. 

The brunette was all too aware that her relationship with Iker, Fernando and Sergio wouldn’t last forever; sooner or later Alyssa was going to have to choose and she didn’t think that she could ever do it.

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