Chapter Eleven: Night to Remember

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Monica raised an eyebrow at Alyssa who shrugged as they watched Alyssa's boyfriends' train for the next match; they were due to play France in the next two days.

With the team through Quarter-finals and only two steps away from the final, everyone was focusing on the impending match knowing that they all had to focus on what was coming.

"What are they up to?" Monica asked Alyssa, who shrugged not sure herself; they had been like this since Alyssa had run into Lara and Sara trying to break into her hotel room.

The trio had become very protective of their girlfriend and it was slowly becoming clear that they had something planned.

"I don't know..." Alyssa said looking at her friend as Nora sat on her lap watching her father train, Monica smiled as she watched Alyssa with the little girl.

Monica knew that Alyssa would make a perfect mother when the time came; she wasn't sure how it would work with her having three boyfriends.

"What?" Alyssa asked confused as she looked at Monica and the way the older woman was staring at her, she shook her head and smiled at the brunette; she knew that there was always a chance that it could happen for her friend.

"I was just thinking... you'd make a wonderful Madre," Monica said making Alyssa smile at her as she cuddled Nora to her; the two women sat talking as they watched the boys finish up.

Fernando grinned as he approached Nora and Alyssa; he loved seeing the brunette with his daughter which only made him want their plan to work even more.

"How's my two favourite ladies?" Fernando asked taking Nora from his girlfriend, Alyssa crossed her arms and watched them as Iker and Sergio joined them.

"We have plans tonight," Iker told Alyssa, who looked at him confused; but the three footballers moved away before she could ask any questions making Alyssa suspicious about what was going on.

Monica looked at Alyssa as her friend stood confused about what she had been told, she felt a horrible chill run down her back; she looked at Monica who offered her a reassuring smile, whatever it was it couldn't be that bad.


Alyssa sighed as she waited for one of the boys to come and collect her, she had been told to dress nicely and that one of them collect her at nine o'clock; she was dressed in a maxi dress in Ombre floral print paired with silver heeled sandals.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Alyssa didn't know what it was but she had a nagging feeling that she couldn't shift as if there was something that she had forgotten.

Alyssa jumped when she heard someone knocking on her door; she slowly moved to answer it before she furrowed her brow as she stared at Sergio who was wearing a suit.

Sergio smirked as he held out his hand for her to take; Alyssa stared at him for a moment before she took it, she couldn't shake the hairs on the back of her head stood up.

"What are we doing?" Alyssa asked, however Sergio shook his head as he led her to the lift; Alyssa looked at him confused, but he just smiled knowing that it would be worth it.

The night had been planned perfectly for Alyssa and the three wanted it to be a surprise that she would never forget since it would be a night to remember.

"Don't worry Lissa," Sergio murmured sensing that she was worried; Alyssa nodded as he pulled out a blindfold from as they stepped into the lift, he didn't want her getting wind of what they had planned.

Alyssa rolled her brown eyes as she turned around to allow him to put it over her eyes; Sergio smiled as he covered Alyssa's eyes before he wrapped his arms around her.

Sergio brushed his lips against her neck causing her to shiver before helping her out of the lift as they reached the floor where the surprise waited for them.

"Seriously... not this again," Alyssa mumbled making Fernando chuckle as he looked at their girlfriend, he knew that he had done this several times to her and it never failed to end well for him.

"Don't worry nena... you won't be in the dark for long," Fernando said as Sergio helped the brunette sit down, she furrowed her brow wondering what the hell was going on.

Iker watched her intently, they knew that today would be a turning point in their lives if she said yes to their proposal; he looked at the others who nodded knowing that this was the moment that they were waiting for.

"Okay, I swear if you three leave me on this roof top..." Alyssa threatened as Iker removed the blindfold with a chuckle; she blinked a couple of times before she looked at her boyfriends confused.

It had been a long time since they'd had a date like this, they usually took her out separately when they had the chance.

Alyssa looked between them confused wondering what the hell was going on, she waited for one of them to explain; the roof had been decorated romantically but there were only three other chairs other than the one she had sat on.

Alyssa swallowed as she looked between the wondering what was going on, it was all starting to make her feel a little nervous especially the way that the three footballers were looking at her.

"There's nothing to worry about corazón," Iker told her as he sat down, Alyssa looked between them worried as they looked between themselves, before Iker sighed opting to go first.

"Alyssa... we've been through so much over the last two years. I never thought I would find someone like you; you're my best friend, my soul mate... I don't know what I would ever do without you. You're the one that I want to wake up next to everyday," Iker said making the brunette stare at him; she didn't know what was going on but it was bring tears to her eyes.

"I think I've loved you from the moment we first meet... you're everything I've ever wanted. You're the light at the end of a very long tunnel and I don't know what I would ever do without you." Fernando said making Alyssa wipe away a couple of stray tears, making him smile at her.

The brunette had no idea why they were all being so sweet but she was in awe that they had done all of this for her; she was sure that this had something to do with their odd behaviour the last few days.

"I love that you're so different from every other woman that has been in my life. You're so much stronger than you give yourself credit for... you're caring, beautiful, clever... I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't have met you," Sergio said as he watched Alyssa.

None of them had meant to make her cry and he knew that she was going to be in awe when she realised why they had done all of this.

"Alyssa, we all love you... we'd never want you to or ask you to choose between us knowing that it would hurt you. So we would were wondering if you'd make us the happiest men alive... would you marry us?" Iker said as he produced the ring that they had bought only days ago.

The ring was an 18ct white gold three stone one carat cushion diamond ring, Alyssa stared at it for a moment as she realised what she was being asked.

"Yes..." Alyssa breathed feeling breathless making the trio sigh in relief, they knew they would have to explain how they would marry later but right now this was all that mattered to them.

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