Epilogue: Baby Boy Silvera

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“You cabrón… how could you do this to me?” Alyssa snapped as she glared at the man that had gotten her pregnant, she ignored the chuckles that her other husband gave as she sat in her hospital bed.

Sergio swallowed nervously at the dark look in her eyes as he closed the door behind him, he had been generally surprised when the prenatal test had confirmed that he was the father.

Iker grinned as he sat beside Alyssa, her water hadn’t long broken and things seemed to be moving quite well; he hadn’t left her alone since they had brought her in.

“Lo siento amor,” Sergio said as he carefully moved towards Alyssa, she had been angry with him a lot recently even if it was down to the hormones making her crazy.

Iker swallowed back another laugh as Alyssa winced in pain, the contractions were slowly getting closer together and it was only a matter of time before the baby arrived.

Sergio took Alyssa’s hand as he looked at concerned, he hated seeing her in pain like this; he wished that there was something that he could do.

“Fernando is on his way,” Sergio murmured as he sat down, he had called their husband who was in London to inform him that Alyssa had gone into labour.

Fernando had insisted that he would fly out, he wanted to see his wife even if it was the middle of the season and there was nothing that was going to stop him from being there.

Alyssa grumbled under her breath as Iker kissed her goodbye, he wasn’t going to stay in the room since this was Sergio’s moment and he knew that he would get his turn one day.

“Look after her Sese,” Iker said with a nod before he left them alone, he couldn’t wait to meet the baby when he was born; he would be just outside waiting.


Iker flinched as he listened to Alyssa swear colourfully at Sergio, he chuckled as he leant back in his chair; the brunette would give birth soon and he hoped that she and the baby would be okay.

“Is he here yet?” Fernando asked as he hurried into the waiting area, his eyes looking around as he looked at Iker; his flight had been long and he was eager for news.

Iker shook his head as he offered Fernando a small smile, they had waited months for this moment and now in February 2013 it was finally happening; their baby boy was on his way.

“Shouldn’t be long now,” Iker mused as he nodded at Fernando, he resisted the urge to touch the husband that he hadn’t really seen in two months.

Iker’s hand was still wrapped up from the break that he had suffered two weeks earlier; he was still recovering and things at Madrid were being far from easy on him right now.

Fernando smiled as he sat beside Iker, he had heard a lot of the complaints that were happening against Mourinho; it was hard not to when he was married to Iker and Sergio.

The two men sat outside quietly as they waited for news of what was happening, it was pretty much silent on the maternity ward aside from the sounds of women giving birth.

Iker closed his eyes as he leant his head back and listened, he wished that he could have helped more but he didn’t want to get under Sergio’s feet.

“It’ll be your turn next,” Fernando whispered as he looked at Iker, Alyssa had promised after they had found out that the baby she was having was Sergio’s; she wanted Iker to share this experience with her.

“I hope so,” Iker whispered wanting to experience fatherhood for himself, Fernando had Nora and now Sergio had his son; he just wanted to feel what they did and he knew his time would come.

The door to Alyssa’s hospital room opened and Sergio stepped out dressed in hospital scrubs with a huge smile on his face; he couldn’t believe that he was a father.

Iker and Fernando perked as the midwife left, they had hired her for secrecy since they didn’t want anyone asking questions about their relationship with Alyssa and she came highly recommended.

“He’s perfect,” Sergio gushed as he signalled for the two to come into the room, he couldn’t wait to show off his son and he could tell they wanted to see Alyssa.

Iker and Fernando quickly followed after Sergio and smiled softly at the sight of their wife; Alyssa was dressed in a fresh grey nightie and was holding the newborn.

“Lissa,” Fernando breathed as he watched Sergio sit beside her, he didn’t want to mess things up for them after what they had just experienced.

Alyssa smiled as she shifted her hold on the baby, she wasn’t even surprised that they were both still at the hospital; she’d been in labour for eight hours and everything had gone perfectly.

“Come met Lucas,” Alyssa said softly as she peeked at the newborn in her arms, she smiled at her son as Iker and Fernando moved closer.

“Lucas Ramos Silvera,” Iker mused as he admired the newborn, it still seemed unreal that he was here right now; he smiled softly as Sergio watched over his son protectively.

Alyssa nodded as she smiled at her other two husbands, it all felt a little strange and she was still recovering from giving birth.

“Sergio wanted to name him after himself,” Alyssa said as she sneaked a look at the Sevillian, she had refused out right and had insisted that they pick another name.

Fernando and Iker shared a look knowing that it was something that Sergio would do, now however they had a new addition to their family to adjust to.

It wasn’t going to be easy especially with Lucas now involved but they were determined to make the relationship work like they had done for the last two and a half years.



Author's Note:

Thanks to everyone who read, commented and rated this story. I couldnt have done it without any of you.

Keep an eye out for the final book in this trilogy.

Book 2: Endless SummerWhere stories live. Discover now