Chapter Nine: The First and Last

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Monica watched Alyssa as they waited for the elevator to take them up to their hotel rooms, the two of them had returned to the hotel after their small break and they both felt so much more relaxed.

“How are you feeling?” Monica asked making the younger woman smile at her; she knew that Alyssa had made her decision about what she was going to do, though she wasn’t telling Monica what it was.

“I’m feeling better,” Alyssa said with a smile making Monica nod, the younger woman knew that it was annoying her not to know what she had decided.

The lift opened but before they could step inside a tall figure threw itself at Alyssa and held her close, Monica stared wide-eyed as Xavi laughed at the situation.

“Geri… she needs to breathe,” Xavi said as he watched the brunette try to escape her friend’s death hug which was slowly suffocating her; she was surprised that he had jumped her like that.

Gerard frowned as he held Alyssa at arm’s length making her smile at him softly, he had been worried when he had heard that she had left and hadn’t been able to get a hold of her.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving?” Gerard demanded making Xavi and Monica grin as they watched the pair; they were good friends and everyone knew that.

Alyssa rolled her eyes as she batted him away from her, she smiled at him as he pouted softly, she knew that he would have wanted to come with her if she told him that she was going away.

“Because you would have wanted to come and you needed to be here for training,” Alyssa said making him frown as she collected her bag and stepped into the elevator.

Monica followed her and watched the two players smile secretively, she wondered what had happened while they had been away; Alyssa looked at her puzzled as she thought about the smile that Gerard and Xavi had shared.

“What do you think they’re up to?” Alyssa asked concerned she had noticed the look the two players had shared before the doors had closed and it worried her; she didn’t like surprises anymor.

Monica shrugged as they reached their floor, the two women stepped out only for Alyssa to be tackled by Sergio who pulled her into a hug; she closed her brown eyes as she hugged him back.

“You’re back,” Sergio said relieved, he had thought for a moment that Alyssa wasn’t coming back since it was now late in the evening; the brunette nodded as she pulled away from him with a small smile.

Sergio watched her for a moment, he knew that she had made her decision and it worried him what she could have decided during her three days away from him and the others.

“Our flight got delayed,” Alyssa said with a soft smile, Sergio licked his lips nervously as he watched her curiously; he knew that this could be the day that changed it all for them.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Monica declared as she spotted Iker watching them from his doorway, Alyssa followed her gaze before Iker disappeared back into his room; she swallowed nervously knowing that they would all want to see her.

Sergio took her bag for her, he didn’t want to let her out of his sight just yet; Alyssa looked at him gratefully as she fished out her room key.

Once inside the room, Sergio watched Alyssa for a moment before Fernando appeared; the two footballers shared a look then turned to look at the brunette.

Alyssa sighed knowing that they wanted her decision, since it was clear that she had made it her decision and they didn’t want to wait anymore.

“We need to know your decision Alyssa,” Iker said making her jump slightly, she hadn’t expected him to sneak up on her; she glanced at him as he leant against the wall.

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