Chapter Eighteen: Good Luck Kisses

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Alyssa took a deep breath as she watched Iker pull on his goal-keeping gloves; she knew how much this final meant to him but she didn’t understand why he had asked to see her before the match.

Alyssa was wearing a yellow ruffle neck jersey T-shirt and dark navy straight leg jeans paired with white quilted ballet pumps; she was comfortable and she knew that there was something on Iker’s mind.

“Iker?” Alyssa asked curiously before her fiancé pulled her into a kiss, his gloved hands cupped her face as he kissed her knowing that this was going to become a tradition.

Pulling away Iker smiled at Alyssa as he brushed some hair from her face, he knew that two years ago she had tracked him down before the match to give him a good luck kiss and now he had given her the same.

“For luck,” Iker said before he walked away with a smile on his face, Alyssa blushed as she watched him go knowing that she hadn’t been expecting him to do something like that.

Alyssa couldn’t believe that he had done that in such a public place, she doubted that anyone around her cared about what had happened; they all knew about the foursome and they were happy for them.

However before Alyssa could even turn around Sergio grabbed her and pulled her into another kiss, he smirked as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

It seemed unreal that they had reached the finals again and Sergio knew that they were going to have to work hard to defeat Italy; it was the going to be a hard match.

Sergio pulled back from Alyssa and smiled sweetly at her, his fingers tangled in her brown hair as he looked at her for a moment longer.

“For luck,” Sergio said a little breathless before he slipped away from her, he knew that he could now focus on the match and he hoped they could win this for her.

Alyssa stood a little taken back as she shook her head and headed off to find Monica, the brunette however didn’t make it far before Fernando pulled her into a kiss catching her by surprise.

Alyssa quickly deepened, she wrapped her arms around him and held him close; she didn’t care that people could be watching since she knew that most of them knew about her and her fiancés.

“For luck,” Fernando said as he pulled back from her making Alyssa nod slightly breathless now, she bit her lip as he walked off to join the others as they prepared for the match.

Monica laughed as she spotted the look on Alyssa’s face, the brunette looked at her and shook her head as they headed for the stands were they would be sitting.

Sara smirked as she looked at her camera man, who had recorded all three kisses; she couldn’t believe that it had been that easy to catch them in the act.

“Did you get it?” Sara asked knowing that after this she would get Iker back, she wasn’t sure why he had chosen Alyssa over her but she knew that this thing wouldn’t last long.

The cameraman nodded as he handed over the disk from his camera to Sara who smirked at it; she couldn’t wait to show Lara and Olalla what she had gotten. It was the perfect material to blackmail Alyssa with.


Monica ignored Paqui’s angry glare as she took her seat with Alyssa, she knew that the woman was furious about what Sergio had said; she hadn’t expected him to offer her that option.

Paqui had quieten down about her dislike for Alyssa but that didn’t mean that she was going to stay quiet for long; she wanted the brunette gone and the sooner her son saw sense the better.

“Do you think that we can do it?” Monica asked as she smiled at Alyssa, she knew how much the tournament meant to the boys and she hoped that they could do this.

They were defending champions and there was little hope of them being able to do it again; even if the entire world was rooting for Italy to win, they hoped that the Spanish national team could win for a third time and make history.


Alyssa sighed as half time arrived, she couldn’t believe they were playing so well even if there was another half to play; the brunette stretched a little as she smiled knowing that she would be proud either way.

“I’m going to the ladies room,” Alyssa said making Monica nod as she stood and stretched; she quickly headed out of the stands and walked down the corridor knowing that there would be a queue.

The last thing Alyssa wanted was to miss the start of the second half plus she knew Monica would have gone down to the locker room since they were still meant to be working right now.

Alyssa yelped as she was dragged into a room, before the door was locked behind her and the lights were suddenly turned on.

Her heart beat wildly in her chest as she blinked confused at the bright light; Alyssa looked at the person who had grabbed her and frowned when she realized that it was Olalla.

Fernando’s ex-wife smirked at the younger woman knowing that everything had finally fallen into place and they were lucky that no one knew that they were in the stadium.

Alyssa swallowed as her attention turned from Olalla to the other two women in the room, she knew that whatever was going on wasn’t good; she hadn’t realised that Lara, Sara and Olalla had teamed up like this.

Alyssa couldn’t shake the bad feeling and she wondered how the three had managed to get a private suite to watch the match when everyone else was in the stands.

“Don’t look so surprise… you knew we’d be around,” Lara said amused as she got up from her seat and moved over to the laptop which was connected to a projector.

Lara smirked knowing that this would work and that she would finally have Sergio back, she just hoped that the Sevillian wasn’t going to make things difficult for her.

Alyssa watched Lara warily before a clip started to play on the projector, her heart stopped as she stared at the screen in horror.

Alyssa felt the colour drain from her face as she watched Iker, Fernando and Sergio kiss her; the other women smirked as they watched her, they knew that they had her right where they wanted her.

Alyssa closed her eyes as she resisted the urge to touch her stomach, she knew that she couldn’t let them know that she was pregnant.

“What do you want?” Alyssa asked as she opened her brown eyes and stared at Lara, Olalla and Sara; she knew that they had brought her here to show her this for a reason.

However Alyssa couldn’t shake the bad feeling that she had, she knew that they had been snooping around but she hadn’t known that they’d get evidence like that on tape.

“It’s quite simple really… you leave them or we’ll show this to the world,” Lara said looking at her sisters in arms; they had worked hard to get all the evidence that they needed and they knew with Alyssa gone that they stood a chance with getting their men back.

Lara smirked as she turned to look at Alyssa, there was no way that Alyssa would risk this getting out and Lara knew that it was all up to the brunette what would happen now.

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