Chapter Fourteen: I'm Pregnant

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Alyssa chewed on her lip nervously as she dressed in her red long line vest top and black ankle length leggings; she had a doctor's appointment before the match and she didn't want the boys to find out.

Alyssa slipped on her black metal look trim ballet pumps as she glanced back at Iker, the brunette smiled softly knowing that she was doing the right thing; she loved them all and she knew that this was for the best.

"Where are you going?" Iker asked as he watched her dress, he was worried after she had come to him the night before; the footballer didn't know what it was, but he knew that she was keeping something from them.

Alyssa collected her nude clutch bag in faux suede as she looked at her fiancé, she knew that he was suspicious but she only had to hide for a couple more weeks.

"Monica needs some help with something," Alyssa said with a shrug, Iker nodded as he wrapped his arms around her; however he paused as his hand brushed against a tiny bump that had formed in her stomach.

Alyssa smiled at him and pressed a kiss to his lips, Iker stared at her for a moment; however he quickly shook his head dismissing the thought that Alyssa could be pregnant.

"I'll see you before the match," Alyssa said making Iker nod as he tried to shake the thought of Alyssa being pregnant from his mind however he couldn't, he licked his lips as he nodded.

Alyssa had been sick this morning, though Iker didn't think that she knew that he had heard her; she also had a glow about her and a small bump had slowly appeared in the last week that made him think that there was a chance.

No sooner had Alyssa left with Monica, than Iker was in Fernando and Sergio's room; he knew that he needed to speak with them about what he had discovered.

"How possible is a false negative?" Iker asked them making the two footballers look at him confused, they didn't know what was going on but they could see it was important.

Fernando shook his head slightly confused, as the older man paced the room trying to think; Sergio looked at Fernando waiting for an answer, it had been a week since Alyssa had last took that test and it made Iker desperate.

"Iker, what's this about?" Sergio asked as they waited for Iker to explain to them what was going on; Iker sat down and sighed as he looked at his fiancés knowing that they deserved to know.

"I think Alyssa's pregnant, she was sick this morning, she had a glow about her, her boobs seem bigger and when I hugged her before I felt a bump," Iker said making them stare at him, Fernando swallowed as he recognised all the signs.

"Olalla was the same when she was pregnant with Nora..." Fernando said making Iker nod as he sat across from them; they all sat quietly, there was no way to know for sure without getting Alyssa to take another test.

They only hoped that this time it would be positive since the trio dreaded to think of something being seriously wrong with their fiancée.


Alyssa shifted nervously as she waited to be called into the doctor's office, Monica smiled at her reassuringly as the brunette bounced her knee; it was her first proper scan since she had found out she was expecting.

"Have you decided when you'll tell them?" Monica asked making the younger woman look at her; Alyssa nodded softly however before she could tell her, the doctor called her inside.

The two women stood and walked over to the doctor who smiled at them before she led the two women into her office and offered them a seat.

"So Alyssa... it says here that you are here for your first scan after the confirmation last week," the doctor said making Alyssa nod nervously, she was worried about the baby; she didn't know what to expect when she saw it on the screen.

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