Chapter Eight: A Little Relaxing

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The Hotel Klimek was a four star hotel and spa that Monica had somehow managed to get them both into at the last moment something that Alyssa wasn't going to ask her nor was she going to complain.

The trip had allowed both women to relax and take their minds off what was happening right now, Monica had done everything that she could to ensure that they had a good time.

"We should do this more often," Alyssa said softly closing her brown eyes as she relaxed, Monica murmured in response as they both enjoyed a back massage; they were trying every treatment that the hotel and spa had to offer since they knew they deserved it.

Alyssa grinned, she didn't know what she would do when it came to leaving but right now she couldn't bring herself to care; the Hotel was surrounded by an elegant park, which the two women had hiked in when they had arrived.

The hotel was also located far from crowded streets, buildings and industrial facilities, which guaranteed silence and peace; something that the two women had taken advantage of while the Euros were on.

Plus it also helped that Vincente was footing the bill for their little trip as a way to grow closer to his granddaughter who still hadn't forgiven him for what he had done at the world cup two years earlier.

"So any thoughts are what you'll do?" Monica asked as she opened her eyes and looked over at Alyssa, she knew that her friend had to think about this and with the boys not around to distract her, now was the perfect time.

Alyssa opened her eyes and looked at Monica; she sighed and shook her head, she knew it was wrong but she really missed them and it was distracting her right now.

"I have no idea... I know I shouldn't let his ex-girlfriend bother me but she does," Alyssa said making Monica nod her head in agreement.

The two had taken to talking as if Alyssa had only one boyfriend when they were in public, it stopped people judging her and didn't give the game away.

"We still have a couple more days before you have to decide," Monica told her; she knew that it had only been a day but the brunette looked a lot more relaxed than she had in the last few days.

Alyssa nodded as she closed her eyes, she didn't know what she would do when the time came but right now she would deal with it later.

Iker, Fernando and Sergio were everything to her and she had to decide what she wanted in the future; she wanted to get married and have children something that she didn't think that was going to happen if she was dating all three of them.


Sipping on her raspberry margarita, Monica pursed her lips as Alyssa climbed out of the swimming pool wearing her pink plunge shapewear swimsuit; she knew that her friend was thinking and she was sure that she just needed a little push in the right direction.

Alyssa sat down on her lounger and brushed her fingers through her light brown hair, it had slowly started to tint itself with the sun again.

"Shall we do a pro and con list?" Monica asked as she sat up, she removed her sunglasses knowing that Alyssa needed to think about what she wanted.

The footballers were waiting for her to come back and they would have to go back in the next few days even if Alyssa wasn't ready to face them yet.

Alyssa smiled knowing that her friend meant well, however she felt like she needed to do this on her own; she just wasn't sure if she could ever let them go and be happy, they meant so much to her.

"I'm okay Monica... it's all a little strange," Alyssa said as she looked down at her hands, she swallowed knowing that she wasn't sure what she wanted anymore.

The distance had brought up a lot of old thoughts for Alyssa and she knew that there were things that she had wanted in the past that weren't possible for her right now.

Alyssa had wanted to get married and have children, something she didn't think that she could have those things right now; however she didn't want to lose any of the three footballers.

"There are so many things that I want... but I don't think that I can have them," Alyssa said as she looked at her friend, she knew that Monica would be able to help her with her problems.

Monica sighed as she looked at her friend, she knew that Alyssa had dreams but there was nothing stopping her from having what she wanted; it wasn't as if anyone would ever know about her and the boys.

"Then what is stopping you... you could do a reverse Mormon and be the woman with three husbands, and tons of beautiful babies," Monica said as she smiled at her, she laughed softly knowing that Alyssa had three men that would her and would do anything for her.

The brunette deserved happiness and she knew that there was no way that Alyssa would be happy being just with one man for the rest of her life.

"One man is never going to be enough for you Aly... don't let these three perfect ones go," Monica said with a small smile, she knew that the brunette had so much happen and there was still such a bright future for Alyssa.


Fernando looked between Iker and Sergio, they were trying to think of ways to show Alyssa that she didn't have anything to fear with their exes about.

They knew they had to do something if they wanted to keep their girlfriend and Fernando had been surprised when Iker had suggested something.

"What do you think?" Iker asked making the two nodded in agreement, they smiled at Iker's plan; they would have never had thought about this if it wasn't for Alyssa.

It was something that had been plaguing each of the footballers and they'd sat and talked for ages about how they would go about this without someone getting hurt.

"Would it be safe?" Fernando asked making Iker nod, he had been looking into it for a while now and he knew it was the only option for them; the only one that would suit their odd situation.

Alyssa was never going to choose between them and it was something that they feared would cause them to lose her; it was an all or nothing situation.

"It's the only way... we all love Alyssa and it's not fair to make her choose between us, it would hurt her if we made her do so," Iker said as he ran a hand through his hair; he wished he would have known that she was going away so he could have seen her before she left.

The two other footballers watched him for a moment wondering how they would go about with this idea; they knew it would take a lot for them to get away with this because they were in the public eye.

"Okay, what would we do about a ring?" Sergio asked making Iker shrug, he knew that they would have to work out a way to get one without the press following them about.

Fernando smiled at them, he didn't mind tying himself to the others if it meant he could keep Alyssa; he loved her and would do anything to keep her, he loved his boyfriends but she was his female love.

"So it's agreed?" Iker asked cautiously, they would be staking a lot if this went wrong and they still had to convince her to stay with them first.


Author's Note:

The reverse Mormon comment was inspired by New Girl.

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