Chapter Ten: Secret Plans

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Walking through the hotel corridor on the way back to her room, Alyssa paused when she spotted Sara and Lara hovering around; she knew that the boys were all at training and that only her and Monica were at the hotel.

“Can I help you ladies?” Alyssa asked politely making them look at her; they were standing outside of Alyssa’s bedroom trying to pick the lock to get inside.

Walking forward Alyssa opened her hotel room door for them as the two women glared at her, she had nothing to hide in her room so she didn’t see the harm of letting them inside since they didn’t have anything with them.

“Go ahead… I’ve got nothing to hide,” Alyssa said as she turned on her heel and walked back to Monica’s room.

The footballer hadn’t shared a bed with the boys since the tournament had started and most of the players had been in her room at one time or another; she was a close friend to most of them.

Sara and Lara looked at each other, they didn’t think that Alyssa would discover them and then let them into her room; they had wanted to snoop around to see what they could find to blackmail her.

“What should we do?” Sara asked looking back down the corridor where Alyssa had disappeared, she didn’t want to be here; of course she wanted Iker back but she didn’t think hurting the brunette would do it.

Sara had been watching her ex-boyfriend and he seemed so happy with Alyssa, she had begun to wonder if this was the right thing to do.

Spain were now out of the group stages and were due to play France in the Quarter-finals and with only two weeks left of the tournament Lara was determined to make her plan work.

Lara rolled her eyes and walked into the room, she knew that Sara was having second thoughts about all of this however she was sure the reporter would stay onside to get Iker back before the Euros were over.

“We shouldn’t look the gift horse in the mouth… so get searching,” Lara said as she started to look through the room, there had to be some hint of Alyssa’s relationship with the three footballers.

Sara watched her for a moment, she knew that if what Lara had told her was true then Alyssa had to be taken out of the picture for her to get Iker back but she could do what the younger woman had planned.

However there was still that major doubt in her mind that Iker wouldn’t want her for getting rid of someone that he cared about; Sara felt guilty for what they were doing.

Sara watched as Lara stopped what she was doing and stared at her, as if knowing what she was thinking; Lara didn’t care that they were going to mess up someone’s life only that she would get Sergio back in the end.

“You do want Iker back… don’t you Sara?” Lara asked as she stood from what she was doing and moved towards the reporter; hesitating for a moment, Sara nodded making Lara purse her lips knowing that she didn’t like the fact that she had hesitated.

“Then we need to show the world what she is doing,” Lara said as if it was the easiest thing in the world, she wanted to show the world that Alyssa had dating three footballers so that it would push the other woman out of the way.

Sara stood quietly taking in what she was being told, nodding she started to help Lara search the room for clues to Alyssa’s relationship with Iker, Fernando and Sergio.

They worked quietly until it was clear that they weren’t going to find anything in the room, Lara frowned as they stepped back out of the room and closed the door. Her plan wouldn’t work without evidence and if her plan didn’t work then she couldn’t get Sergio back.


Alyssa sighed as she stood in the lobby of the hotel, Nora had spent the day with Olalla and since Fernando was still at training; the brunette had been asked to collect her when Nora was dropped off.

“Auntie Aly,” Nora called as she ran towards the brunette, who smiled at her; Olalla frowned when she spotted Alyssa, she didn’t like her and the fact that she was dating Fernando now made it even worse.

Lara had informed her that she and Sara hadn’t been able to find anything in Alyssa’s room, of course that didn’t mean they were giving up they just needed another plan and quick since they had no idea when Spain would be eliminated.

“Nora, how was your day with your Madre?” Alyssa asked as she picked the little girl up; Olalla watching her bitterly, she knew that she had lost her husband to the brunette but she didn’t want to lose her daughter as well.

“It was fun, we went to the park and mama bought me ice-cream,” Nora said making Alyssa smile; she wanted to be a mother and couldn’t wait to have children, though with three boyfriends it was difficult.

“Hola Olalla,” Alyssa greeted politely, Olalla glared at her before forcing a smile to her face but it didn’t fool the brunette for a moment, she knew that the other woman didn’t like her.

“Hola Alyssa,” Olalla said making Alyssa smile at her, she knew that her boyfriends’ exes were all up to something and she didn’t doubt that it meant revealing her relationship to the world.

“I’ll see you soon,” Olalla said to Nora who nodded her head, since Fernando had full custody and Olalla had access privileges, the little girl was currently sharing a room with Alyssa since she had arrived in Poland with Fernando’s mother.

Alyssa sighed as she watched Olalla walk away, she wasn’t sure if she would ever get used to seeing Fernando’s ex-wife; she knew that the woman didn’t like her and that it must be difficult for her to be around the man that she had left when she had had an affair.

Nora wrapped her arms around Alyssa’s neck, she cuddled into the brunette as Alyssa prepared to head back to her hotel room since there was no work that needed to be done right now.

“Shall we go upstairs and watch a film?” Alyssa asked making Nora nod her head in excitement, Alyssa smiled as she headed for the lift and pressed the button to call it; she wondered what the others were up to.


Iker smiled as the jeweller handed him the box making him sigh in relief, he didn’t know what Alyssa would say when they told her what they had planned.

But the three hoped that she would say yes, Iker pocketed the box before he made his way out of the jewellery store and walked down the street un-noticed.

Iker had slipped away from training early with permission after he had told the others of the trio’s plan; they were all sworn to secrecy until the trio had thought of a way to pop the question to Alyssa.

Iker grinned as he spotted Fernando and Sergio waiting for him by the car, they looked at him as he nodded; he wouldn’t show them until they were safely back at their hotel and out of public sight.

The three quickly got into the rental car and headed back to the hotel, they would arrive at the same time as the other players who had been at training.

“So how are we going to ask her?” Fernando asked making the other two look at her, they hadn’t thought that far yet but they knew that they would have to think of it soon, they wanted to ask Alyssa to marry them as soon as possible.

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