Chapter Fifteen: Telling the Parents

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Alyssa smiled as she felt someone kiss the bump of her stomach, a flash of lighting outside the window made her frown as she opened her eyes confused.

“Buenos días,” Fernando said as she moved to sit, pressing a kiss to her lips; the brunette smiled as she allowed him to deepen the kiss.

It was two days before the final against Italy and the rest of the families of the team were arriving in Kiev; Alyssa looked out of the window and sighed as she ran a hand through her hair.

Her fiancés had been ever so attentive to her since she had told them that she was pregnant, they didn’t care who the possible father was; they only cared that she was having a baby.

“What time is it?” Alyssa asked softly as the Spaniard handed her a glass of water, she knew that Iker and Sergio were probably collecting breakfast.

Alyssa took a sip carefully knowing that her morning sickness would kick in soon, she was a little annoyed that it had kicked in when it had but it was all part of her pregnancy.

“A little after nine… how are you feeling?” Fernando replied as Alyssa swallowed as she tried to ignore the urge to throw up; rolling his eyes, Fernando watched her intently for a moment knowing that she was going to be sick.

Alyssa quickly got out of bed and raced to the toilet, as she started to throw up; she felt Fernando hold her hair back away from her face as she did so.

“I hate morning sickness,” Alyssa grumbled making Fernando chuckle as he rubbed her back soothingly, he glanced out of the bathroom at the sound of Iker and Sergio returning with breakfast for them.

Sergio popped his head into the bathroom as Alyssa threw up again; Fernando smiled at him as he continued to comfort the brunette.

Sergio leant against the door, he watched Fernando comfort their fiancée; they knew that today would be the day that they each told their families that they were engaged.


Amelia Silvera smiled as she hugged her eldest daughter, she couldn’t believe how much she had missed Alyssa while she had been away.

Things were so busy now that Alyssa’s baby sister was six months old, Adelaide was getting bigger every day and David was loving having a baby in the family.

The mother of three didn’t get to see her eldest daughter as much as she would like, especially with the brunette working a lot with Real Madrid and the Spanish National Team.

David smiled as he watched his wife and eldest daughter while he held baby Adelaide who was watching her mother and sister; they had arrived only an hour ago and Amelia insisted that they came straight to see their eldest daughter.

“Amelia, I think Alyssa would like to breathe,” David said making his wife roll his eyes and smile at him as she released Alyssa who smiled at her parents; she couldn’t believe how good it was to see their daughter again.

The only member that was missing was Adam, who was currently traveling the world with his girlfriend of five years; it was unsurprising that David’s only son wasn’t around since he still had problems accepting everything had happened.

“So what’s new?” Amelia asked as Alyssa helped her parents check in, she knew that her fiancés were with their own families helping them and she knew that they would be breaking the news in their own way to their parents.

Alyssa smiled as she looked down at her engagement ring, she couldn’t wait to tell her parents that she was engaged to marry the three men that she loved.

“Apart from my engagement… not much,” Alyssa said making her mother smile at the thought of her daughter’s wedding; the boys had called to ask their permission and blessing to propose to Alyssa.

Alyssa and her fiancés had decided that they would each tell their own families about the pregnancy before they told anyone else that Alyssa was pregnant.

“So any thoughts on the wedding,” Amelia asked excitedly as they headed up to the floor where the families of the team where staying; Alyssa nodded, they had decided due to her pregnancy that getting married in August was there best solution.

“We were thinking the 15th of August,” Alyssa said carefully making her parents stop what they were doing and look at her; the brunette bit her lip as they opened their hotel room door knowing that this would be a shock for them.

Amelia looked at David who shrugged not sure what to think of what Alyssa had said, they hadn’t thought that she would rush into marriage; they had been expecting a long engagement because of the odd arrangement between the four.

“This year?” Amelia asked to be sure that she had understood her daughter correctly, Alyssa nodded with a smile; David and Amelia stared at Alyssa shocked that she seemed to be rushing this, Adelaide cooed at her older sister who smiled at her sweetly.

“Sweetheart, you don’t have to rush into marriage… you can take your time,” Amelia said as the brunette sat on the bed and nodded understanding what her mother was saying.

However that wasn’t an option right now for Alyssa and she wanted to be married before her baby was born, it had to happen before she really started showing.

“I know… but we want to be married before the baby comes,” Alyssa said softly making her mother nod before she stared at her daughter; the brunette smiled at her parents innocently as they took in what she was saying.

Alyssa watched her parents wondering how they would take the news that they were going to be grandparents; she couldn’t help but be a little excited about becoming a mother.

“Baby?” Amelia squeaked as she sat next to Alyssa, who nodded with a smile; she knew that her parents would probably be shocked at her announcement.

David swallowed as the news sunk in that his eldest daughter was going to have a baby, it was something that he was prepared for especially since she had only just gotten engaged.

“I’m nearly ten weeks,” Alyssa said making Amelia squeal in excitement and hug her daughter, David stared at the pair taking in what he was being told; his daughter was having a baby.

Amelia grinned as she looked over at David who seemed a little stuck on the idea of becoming a Grandparent, Alyssa watched her father concerned wondering how he was taking the news.

“I’m going for a walk,” David announced before he walked out of the room, Alyssa watched him leave nervously while her mother smiled at her reassuringly; she knew that this was all a bit of a shock for him.

 “It’ll be fine honey,” Amelia said as she hugged Alyssa with a smile; she knew that Alyssa would make a wonderful mother and Amelia knew that David was going to be the least of her problems.

Alyssa wasn’t on the best of terms with Sergio’s parents while Fernando’s parents just about tolerated her; it only seemed that Iker’s parents got along with the brunette because she made their son happy.

Alyssa nodded her head as she rested her hand on her stomach, she knew that this was going to take a lot of getting used to for everyone.

Everything seemed to be moving so quickly and Alyssa could only hope that her engagement and pregnancy would warm her fiancés families to her even more. The last thing that she wanted was more trouble.

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