Chapter Seventeen: Calming Down

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“Gracias,” Alyssa said as she smiled at Monica, they were silent in a nice restaurant with jazz music playing softly in the background; this was just what she needed right now after what had happened.

Monica just smiled as she sipped on her wine, the two women had turned off their phones so that no one could disturb them while they had some time to relax.

“It’s no problem… you looked like you needed it,” Monica said shrugging as she set down her glass, the dinner before had been a disaster and Paqui had made her feelings very clear even if she was going to stick round for her son’s sake.

Alyssa sighed as she messed with her pasta, she knew that she would have to speak with her fiancés soon since she was sort of avoiding them right now; she knew it was wrong but she had needed a break.

“Are you feeling better now?” Monica asked knowing that the day had been hard on Alyssa, she was pregnant and stress wasn’t good for her or the baby.

Alyssa nodded as she looked down at her plate, she was dreading to think what was happening back at their hotel right now but she knew that Paqui would just because her more problems.

The woman had never even given Alyssa a chance, she had decided to hate her as soon as Sergio had introduced them and after the footballer had told her about the foursome’s relationship the hatred had only gotten worse.

“Don’t listen to her… you are perfect,” Monica said knowing that Paqui’s words had upset her friend, she didn’t know why the woman wasn’t getting over this especially since Sergio seemed so happy right now.

Alyssa nodded her head as she sipped on her water, she knew that there was a chance that Paqui would never like her and she hated that she might never have a relationship with the woman whose son she was going to marry.


“I just want what is best for you,” Paqui said as Sergio stormed back into the hotel, she hurried after her son knowing that she didn’t want to lose him over this.

Sergio didn’t look at his mother as he tried to calm down, he was worried about Alyssa and he hoped that Monica was with her.

Fernando was desperately trying his mobile to try and get some response from either of the two women and the entire team had searched the hotel for them in case they were hiding there.

“I am happy, why can’t you just see that,” Sergio snapped as he turned on his mother, he knew what she wanted and it was never going to happen; what he had with Alyssa, Iker and Fernando was it for him now.

Paqui sighed as she shook her head and slowly approached her son, she knew that he was upset with her but this thing wasn’t normal and he could have been so much happier with someone else.

“Because you can’t be happy with this… it’s not right,” Paqui said hoping that her son would see sense and put an end to this, she didn’t trust Alyssa and she knew the brunette was just using the three footballers.

Sergio shook his head as he looked at his mother, he was never going to change his mind and he knew that there was a 50% chance that the baby that Alyssa was carrying was his.

“I am happy… and if you don’t see that then I don’t want you here,” Sergio snapped as he glared at Paqui as José María hurried forward knowing that their son wasn’t happy right now.

The hallway was silent as Sergio took a shaky breath, he knew that he was going to do whatever it took to make sure that no one messed with his relationship.

“That goes for everyone… if you can’t be happy for us then leave,” Sergio snarled as he glared at his parents before he looked around, everyone seemed to be staring at him and he didn’t care.

Iker took a deep breath as he wrapped an arm around Sergio and carefully pulled him into the hotel room to cool off; he offered a glance back at Sergio’s shocked parents before he closed the door behind him.

“I still can’t get a hold of her,” Fernando murmured as he looked up at the others, he had heard what Sergio had said and he couldn’t agree more.

Fernando had spoken with his own parents about their resistance to Alyssa and had told them that this was it for him, if they couldn’t support him with this then he didn’t want to know.

“She’ll be okay… Monica will be with her,” Iker said as Sergio sat down on the bed, he knew that she had been upset and would need time to calm down.

Fernando nodded his head as he set down his mobile, it wasn’t easy for them to be away from Alyssa especially when she was ten weeks pregnant; it made them worry that something might have happened to her.

“When do you think she’ll be back?” Sergio asked worried for their fiancée, she had been gone a while and he knew that anything could have happened after she had stormed out of the restaurant after the argument had started.


Taking a nervous deep breath, Alyssa exited the elevator as she returned to the hotel with Monica; it was late now and she knew that she couldn’t avoid coming back anymore.

Monica glanced around surprised how quiet it was, she hadn’t known what to expect when they came back but she had expected someone to at least greet them after what had happened.

Alyssa brushed some hair from her face as she fished her hotel room key out of her bag, and offered Monica a small smile; most of the footballers would be a sleep now and it was nice.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Alyssa said as she nodded at her friend before she unlocked her door and stepped inside, she blinked a little confused as to why her lights were on since she didn’t remember leaving them on.

Alyssa swallowed as she walked further into the room, a small smile forming on her face as she looked at her bed where Fernando and Sergio were sleeping; she smiled as she set down her bag before she heard someone coming out of the bathroom.

“You’re back,” Iker murmured as he wrapped his arms around Alyssa’s waist, he sighed relieved as he pressed a kiss to her neck knowing that he was glad that she had come back to them.

Alyssa nodded her head as she turned to face her eldest fiancé knowing that she had worried them, she pressed a kiss to his lips glad that she’d had time away.

“You okay?” Iker asked as he brushed his fingers through Alyssa’s hair, he knew that the meal had been a disaster and he had hoped it would have gone better. Alyssa nodded her head as she looked up at Iker, she offered him a small smile as she rested her head against his hand.

“I’m fine,” Alyssa whispered as her brown eyes locked with his, she knew that this wasn’t easy on them and the last thing that they wanted was more people getting upset about them.

Iker sighed as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close, he hated that not everyone was happy for them but that didn’t matter and he knew that she was what he wanted.

Alyssa took a deep breath as she wrapped her arms around Iker and held him close, she knew that there was so much against the four of them but she hoped that they were strong enough to last.

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