Chapter Twelve: Something More

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Monica smiled as she admired the ring on Alyssa’s hand, she couldn’t believe what the boys had been planning; she had to admit that it was sweet that the three had asked the brunette to marry them.  

“So when’s the wedding?” Monica asked making Alyssa sighed as she bite her lip and looked at her friend; she knew that she couldn’t be completely open about the wedding.

The brunette sat quietly for a moment, they had talked about this a lot after the proposal and Alyssa wasn’t surprised that it was going to be a quick engagement.

“We’ll start planning as soon as we return to Madrid,” Alyssa said making the other woman nod.

Monica could understand that they didn’t want a lot of trouble and the wedding would be mainly family and close friends; they would be married sooner rather than later.

“So how did the four of you celebrate?” Monica asked making Alyssa blush as she looked down at her hands.

Monica grinned, she knew a little of what the boys did with Alyssa when they were all alone and from what she had been told it was pretty steamy.

“One of these days I’ll get you to talk about it,” Monica said as she sipped on her coffee, while Alyssa tried to stop blushing as she sipped on her own drink; she knew her friend was only teasing.

“How are the guys feeling about France game?” Monica asked Alyssa had spent her morning at the training ground watching the team prepare for the match the next day.

Alyssa sighed as she shrugged, Iker and the others didn’t really talk to her about how they felt in the led up to their matches; they found it easier not to mix their relationship with her and work.

“They’re nervous,” Alyssa said making Monica nod before she paused and looked at the brunette oddly, there was something different about her and there had been for the last few days.

“Are you using new make-up?” Monica asked curiously making Alyssa look at her confused and shake her head wondering what her friend was talking about.

Monica watched the brunette confused; she couldn’t put her finger on why Alyssa looked a little different today and it had been a gradual thing over the last week.

“You have a very healthy glow,” Monica said making the brunette roll her eyes, as she sipped on her drink while the older woman continued to stare at her before shaking her head.

“As long as you’re still having your time of the month,” Monica said jokingly making Alyssa laugh before she thought for a minute, the brunette shook her head as she tried to remember her last period.

“I’m late,” Alyssa said when she worked out that her last period had been sometime in May, she had been so stressed lately with work that she hadn’t realised that she hadn’t had it.

Alyssa pulled out her phone and started to check the calendar since she usually marked it off when she started and finished since she was run off her feet most of the time while Monica watched her concerned.

“I’m late…” Alyssa whispered as she realised that she hadn’t even noticed, Monica smiled at her reassuringly before she quickly got to her feet and signalled for Alyssa to follow her.


Monica sighed as she ushered Alyssa into the bathroom, the older brunette had insisted that they collected several pregnancy tests so that they could be sure that Alyssa wasn’t pregnant.

Monica sat on Alyssa’s hotel bed and looked at the clock, the boys would be back from their afternoon training session at any moment and Monica knew that Alyssa would have to tell them if she was.

“How’s it going?” Monica called nervously, she knew that Alyssa was only twenty-three and had three fiancés’, who would be eager to have a baby with her.

“I’m peeing on some sticks Monica… not doing rocket science,” Alyssa called back making her friend roll her eyes as she waited for Alyssa to emerge from the bathroom with the results.

However it was at that moment that Iker and Fernando walked into the room, the looked at Monica confused as she flashed them a nervous smile.

“Monica,” Iker greeted as he watched her for a moment; Monica smiled at him as she bounced about a little making Fernando look at Iker who shrugged.

“Could you two maybe leave the room for just a moment,” Monica asked making the two look at her, anyone who knew Monica Garcia knew that she couldn’t keep a secret to save her life so it was only a matter of time before she told them what was going on.

Fernando sat on the bed and looked at her while Monica started to chew on her nails; Iker raised an eyebrow at her, they only had to wait until she snapped under the pressure to find out what was going on.

“You have to leave… Alyssa’s taking a pregnancy test,” Monica blurted out making both the footballers look at her, Monica clapped her hands over her mouth in horror of what she had just said.

Monica would never reveal the secret that Alyssa was engaged now to three footballers, but small things like this were a bit of a problem for her since she got too excited about them.

“Gracias Monica,” Alyssa called sarcastically as she tried to concentrate on what she was doing; Iker and Fernando stared at each other as they took in what Monica had told them, they hadn’t considered the idea that she could be pregnant.

Fernando stood and approached the door while Iker ushered the brunette from the hotel room; Monica pouted as she was pushed out and Sergio was dragged inside as he past the room.

“Nena?” Fernando asked his voice in awe of the possibility that Alyssa was pregnant right now, she hadn’t shown any of the signs so it made him wonder

Sergio looked at him while Iker approached him waiting to hear what Alyssa had to say about the test that she was taking; they couldn’t believe that one of them had managed to get Alyssa pregnant.

“What’s going on?” Sergio asked as he looked between the other two men, Iker sighed as he looked at his younger fiancé; he knew that this wasn’t what any of them expected to happen.

They had at least thought that they’d all be married before they started to try and get her pregnant and then they’d have some sort of agreement about how it would be done.

“Alyssa might be pregnant,” Iker said softly making Sergio stared at him for a moment then looked at the door; he slowly approached the door as they heard it unlock.

Alyssa appeared and shook her head as she put something in her pocket, she forced a smile knowing that she hadn’t wanted them to find out like they had.

The brunette had wanted time to prepare herself and now that she had taken the test, she felt so much pressure about what would happen now; pressure that she didn’t want.

“Negative,” Alyssa said making Iker sigh and shake his head, Fernando pulled the brunette to him; she smiled as she hugged him while Sergio watched them before they heard Vicente calling them to a team meeting.

“You guys go…” Alyssa said pulling away from Fernando who smiled at her, the three footballers left the room knowing that they would talk later.

Alyssa closed the door behind them and sighed as she pulled out the pregnancy test from her pocket, she licked her lips nervously as she stared at the positive pregnancy test. 

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