Chapter Five: Olalla Domínguez

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Alyssa grinned as she played with Nora Torres, she loved Fernando's daughter and was more than willing to keep her occupied while Fernando and the team trained especially since she spent a lot of time with the little girl.

"Aunt Aly, what are we having for lunch?" Nora asked her curiously as the two walked back into the hotel after an afternoon in the park.

Nora had become increasingly attached to Alyssa and often called the brunette her mother since she saw Alyssa more than she saw her actually mother and people had started to notice the two year olds attachment to her.

"We're waiting for your Papa and your uncles then we'll go eat," Alyssa said as she picked the little girl up and cuddled her, she loved Nora as if she was her own and it had taken some time to bond with her in such a way.

The team were due back from training at any moment now and Alyssa knew that they were all working hard on their title defence; they had won in 2008 and now they had to just keep hold of their title.

Alyssa turned her attention to Nora as she watched the footballers finally arrive from training; Fernando quickly walked over to them a little sweaty from training.

Fernando smiled as he watched Alyssa with his daughter, he loved the thought of having more children with Alyssa, even if it would be a struggle to make things work.

"So what are we doing for lunch?" Sergio asked hungrily as they approached Alyssa and Nora, he hadn't eaten since breakfast and that had been nearly seven hours ago now.

Fernando picked up Nora and cuddled her close, he pressed a kiss to her head he loved having his daughter around especially when he could have her to himself.

"How about we eat at the hotel's restaurant?" Iker said knowing that the press were going nuts right now and he didn't want to deal with them; they were due for their group photographs tomorrow and he didn't fancy being mobbed.


Lunch between the foursome passed by quietly, the four adults knowing they couldn't talk about their relationship in public and Nora was enough to keep the occupied as they had lunch.

Fernando choked on his drink as his eyes locked on something; Alyssa stared at him from across the table concerned while Fernando tried to clear his throat as Iker patted him on the back.

"Olalla?" Fernando said once his breathing had calmed, Sergio took Alyssa's hand under the table as Fernando's ex-wife approached the table with a smile on her face as if this was completely normal.

"Fernando," Olalla greeted as she smiled at him, Alyssa wondered what the hell was going on with her boyfriends' exes showing up; Iker watched the brunette knowing she was a little upset about this.

"What are you doing here?" Fernando asked as Nora looked at her mother, Olalla smiled at her while the footballer continued to stare at her confused; he didn't know why she was here but it couldn't be good.

Olalla sighed as she crossed her arms, she knew that she shouldn't be here but she had waited to come and support the father of her child.

"I wanted to support you in the tournament," Olalla said making Alyssa to lose her appetite; the brunette excused herself before walking away from the table, not being able to handle being around another ex of one of her boyfriends.

Sergio and Iker watched her while Fernando felt guilty, he knew how hard it had been for her when Sara had shown up and now Olalla was doing the same.

"Why we got divorced two years ago?" Fernando said as Sergio left for his appointment and Iker followed after Alyssa, he knew the brunette would be hurting and would need someone to reassure her.

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