Chapter Nineteen: Being Blackmailed

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Monica frowned as she waited for Alyssa to appear so that they could return to their seats, half time was still in session and the brunette knew that her friend had been gone too long.

Checking her watch, Monica sighed as she wondered where Alyssa was and what was taking so long; everyone was moving around and she knew that they needed to pop downstairs even just to show their faces.

Monica waited several more minutes before Alyssa appeared, she frowned when she saw the look on her friend’s face and it made her worry that something was wrong with the baby.

“What happened?” Monica demanded as she hurried over to Alyssa and wrapped her arms around her friend, she clung to her as she felt the younger woman shaking as she broke down crying.

Alyssa was still in shock that she had been threatened like that, she knew that she couldn’t break up with the boys but she worried what Lara, Sara and Olalla would do if she didn’t do as she said.

Alyssa didn’t want her boys to be hurt and she knew that it would happen if she didn’t do what they wanted; she clung to Monica knowing that she had to tell someone what had happened.

“Aly what is going on?” Monica demanded as she frowned at her friend, she pulled back from her knowing that whatever it was it was all going to be okay.

Alyssa took a shaky breath as she looked at her friend, she knew Monica would help her and she hoped that she would be able to tell the boys since she didn’t have the guts to do it herself.

“I’m being blackmailed,” Alyssa whimpered as she thought about her baby, she knew that she needed to calm down since stress wasn’t good for her and she hoped that Monica was going to have some sort of answer for her.

Monica stared at Alyssa shocked at her words, she hadn’t expected Alyssa to say anything like that and she knew that something had to be done.


Iker didn’t know what it was but he had a horrible feeling as he prepared to head out onto the pitch for the second half; he looked at Fernando and Sergio who also seemed to sense it.

The three were a little disappointed that Alyssa hadn’t shown up, they knew she had promised to do so and it wasn’t like her to do something like this.

Iker looked up as Monica hurried towards them, she wanted to tell them as soon as she could about what had occurred during half time while they had been in the locker room.

“Where’s Alyssa?” Fernando asked concerned for his pregnant fiancée, he knew that something had to have happened if Alyssa wasn’t coming to them herself.

Monica licked her lips nervously as she remembered the state that Alyssa had approached her in; Iker watched her worried when she didn’t speak straight away.

“Your exes threatened her,” Monica said carefully, she wanted nothing more to hurt the three women; she couldn’t believe that they thought that this was okay.

Alyssa might not have told them that she was pregnant but they had no right to approach her like that; they were clearly going to be trouble if they didn’t get what they wanted.

The three footballers stared at her, but it was clear that they weren’t the only ones that had heard what Monica had said; they were furious that their exes thought that it was okay to do that.

However it was clear that they weren’t the only ones that had heard what had happened, shock had filled the entire team as they prepared for the second half.

“Is she okay?” Gerard asked concerned for his friend, he was fond of Alyssa and she was like a little sister to him and many of the players; they hated to think of something happening to her while they were playing.

Monica nodded softly, it had taken her a moment to calm Alyssa enough to find out what had happened; she knew that no one could see her friend right now since she was a mess right now.

“They have a tape of you each kissing her before the match,” Monica said making Iker curse while he tried to think of what his ex-girlfriend could possibly want.

Fernando groaned wishing that they had been careful before the match, he hadn’t expected anyone to see them and he knew that Alyssa was the main target in this.

“They told her to leave the three of you… or they’ll show it to the world,” Monica said wanting to return to Alyssa who was being looked after by the other WAGs, who knew about her relationship.

Iker looked at Fernando and Sergio wondering what they were going to do, if there was a way that wouldn’t hurt them and Alyssa to keep their exes from showing the tape to the world.

The call to head out onto the pitch made Iker frown knowing that he couldn’t go to his fiancée right now, he had another half to play and he would win the tournament for her before he dealt with Sara and the others.


Alyssa chewed on her lip as Monica returned to her side, she didn’t look at her friend as she watched her fiancés walked into the pitch and prepared for the final half; she knew that this wasn’t over.

“I told them,” Monica said as she sat down beside Alyssa, she spared a glance at her friend knowing that this wasn’t easy and she really hoped that her friend wasn’t going to do anything stupid.

Alyssa had until the end of the match to give the three women her answer and Monica knew that Iker, Fernando and Sergio would come up with something to put the three witches in their places.

Alyssa nodded her head as she brushed her fingers through her hair, she knew that this wasn’t going to be easy and she knew that there was only once choice that she needed to make right now.

The brunette wished to protect Iker, Fernando and Sergio and she knew there was only one way for her to do that; she didn’t want their lives ruined because of her and she would do anything for them.

“Don’t do anything stupid,” Monica pleaded as she looked at her friend, she knew the look on Alyssa’s face and she knew that something was going on in her friend’s mind right now.

The older woman frowned as she continued to watch Alyssa when her friend didn’t say anything, worry filling her knowing that giving the three women what they wanted wasn’t the answer.

“Aly por favor,” Monica said as she glanced at the pitch, this couldn’t happen now and she knew that if Alyssa did what the three women wanted then it would only end in disaster and they would probably release the tape anyway to hurt Alyssa.

Alyssa nodded her head as she forced a smile as she looked at Monica, she knew what she was going to do and she hoped that she had made the right decision; she just wasn’t going to tell Monica what it was.

“I won’t do anything stupid,” Alyssa promised as she took her friend’s hand as the match started again, she gave it a squeeze knowing that after today everything was going to chance.

Alyssa wouldn’t allow anyone to hurt Iker, Fernando and Sergio and she hoped that when she walked away that they would be okay; they deserved better and they would find better. 

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