Chapter Twenty: Making a Decision

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Alyssa shifted nervously, she had no idea what they were going to do but she knew that she would sacrifice everything to keep the boys safe.

Spain had just won the Euros and had defeated Italy 4:0 and Alyssa knew that everyone was too busy celebrating the win and wouldn't notice that she was missing.

Sara smirked as she watched the brunette who was stood before her; the team had just collected their trophy and she knew that time was running out to show the wonderful tape.

"So what do you say?" Lara said making the brunette lick her lips nervously; they had given her the remainder of the match to think about what she was going to do and now it was time for her answer.

Alyssa shifted her weight as she sighed and nodded, she knew that there was no other way and she knew that she didn't just have to think of herself but her unborn baby; she couldn't let them hurt the boys and this was for the best.

"I'll leave," Alyssa said making the three women smirk at her relieved that she was doing this; blinking back tears Alyssa tried to keep herself focused on why she was doing this.

They stood to lose as much as she did if the tape became public knowledge but it would mainly destroy Alyssa's life if it came out.

"I'm happy you've seen sense," Olalla said pleased making Alyssa look at her and shake her head, she slipped her engagement ring off and put it in her pocket.

The brunette wasn't doing this for herself and she knew that people were going to be upset but she couldn't allow Iker, Fernando and Sergio to be hurt by the horrible rumours that would circle if this came out.

"I'm not doing this for you... I'm doing this because I can't let them suffer, I want Iker, Fernando and Sergio to be happy even if it isn't with me," Alyssa said making Sara and Lara roll their eyes as they celebrated their blackmail going to plan.

Olalla watched the younger woman as guilt slowly started to eat at her; she wanted Fernando back because that was what she wanted not because she loved him or wanted him happy.

"And we can't be happy without you," Sergio said stepping into the room with Fernando and Iker; the three footballers had managed to slip away from the celebrations and had come to protect their relationship with Alyssa.

"We don't care what you three do but you aren't breaking us up," Fernando said as they moved to stand next to the brunette as they faced their exes.

The trio had come as quickly as they could especially when Monica had raised the alarm that Alyssa had disappeared and they had worried what their friend would do.

Lara and Sara frowned as they watched Sergio take Alyssa's hand while Iker stepped in front of her blocking their view of the brunette; Fernando glared at his ex-wife ashamed at what she had done.

"Do you really think that if you drove Alyssa away that we'd take you back?" Iker said as he stared at Sara, who pursed her lips and glared at him.

Lara stared at her ex-boyfriend; she couldn't believe that he would rather have Alyssa than her, she was so much better than the younger brunette that Sergio was currently seeing.

"Alyssa's ten times the woman than any of you would ever be," Sergio spat making his ex-girlfriend stare at him shocked, pouting Lara crossed her arms as Sergio lead Alyssa from the room.

Iker and Fernando remained, watching the three bitter women before them; they didn't care if their secret was revealed to the world what mattered to them was Alyssa.

Sara smirked at Iker knowing that she wasn't going to give up, she had been so close and she knew that he would be better off with her than Alyssa.

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