Chapter Thirty: Together At Last

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“I can’t believe my little girl is married,” Amelia said as she looked at Alyssa who smiled at her, they were now at the reception and were surrounded by friends and family after she had gotten married.

Alyssa had changed from her wedding dress into a white premium pencil dress with sheer and soft panels paired with nude heeled sandals;so that the press didn't figure out that this was a wedding.

David smiled softly as he watched Amelia and Alyssa, he was glad that he had changed his mind about attending her wedding.

“So what’s the plan now?” Amelia asked making Alyssa smile at her mother as she glanced over at her husbands who were with their own families, she could tell that Sergio’s family was a little stiff about this and without his mother there the family wasn’t complete like her own.

“Well… the new season starts up soon so we were thinking of just having a weekend away together when we get the chance,” Alyssa said though she knew that her husbands’ felt guilty that they couldn’t take her on a proper honeymoon.

Amelia nodded her head as David wrapped an arm around her waist, it wasn’t going to be easy but it was clear to see that Alyssa was happy; her bump was getting bigger and it wouldn’t be long before she had a baby to look after.

“And any idea who the padre is?” Adam asked making his girlfriend elbow him, no one was sure who the father would be; only that the two options were Iker and Sergio.

Iker watched Alyssa with her mother and smiled softly while his mother cooed over her eldest son, he couldn’t believe that she was finally his wife.

“I can’t believe that you got married,” Carmen said making the goalkeeper smile at her, the ceremony had been beautiful if a little odd and everyone had been in awe of how it had all come together for the foursome.

José Luis smiled at his son and patted him on his shoulder, he was proud of his son and Alyssa was a wonderful woman; it was clear that the other parents didn’t feel the same about the union and now there was nothing that they could do about it.

A little away from them Flori was telling Nora how pretty she looked at the flower girl, the little girl beamed as she twirled around before Flori turned and looked at her son.

“Are you sure about this?” Flori asked as she watched her son, her husband rolled his eyes at her while Fernando nodded; he had never been more certain that this was what he wanted.

“I’m sure,” Fernando said making her purse her lips and frown; however she nodded as she saw something in his eyes that hadn’t been there when he married Olalla, love.

Sergio sighed as his father tried to talk him into calling his mother and forgiving her, he shook his head knowing that he couldn’t forgive her yet.

“Sergio por favor, call your madre,” José María begged making him shake his head; he wouldn’t forgive her for calling his feelings for Alyssa a farce.

“No padre… she made her choice, now she has to live with it,” Sergio said shaking his head before he walked off to join Alyssa and her mother; leaving his family alone watching him sadly.

Fernando stared at Olalla as she approached him, he didn’t know how she had found out about the wedding and what had processed her to attend.

“Hola Fernando,” she said softly, she smiled at him softly as she stopped in front of him while Steven Gerrard frowned and slipped away from the two of them.

“Olalla… what are you doing here?” Fernando asked as he spotted Iker and Sergio distracting Alyssa, though it was clear that the brunette knew what was going on; his ex-wife sighed as she looked at the younger woman.

“I came to see you… Alyssa looks beautiful,” Olalla told him making Fernando frown wondering what she wanted from him.

Sighing she watched him for a moment, she couldn’t believe that she missed out on spending the rest of her life with him and now she just wanted him to be happy.

“I wish you both the best Fernando… I was stupid for letting you go and then hurting you,” Olalla said making the footballer smile at her; she pecked his cheek before she walked away.

Fernando watched her with a smile as Alyssa stood next to him, it was clear that this was the beginning of something new.


Alyssa smiled as she felt one of her husbands’ wrap his arms around her waist; she was pressed against him and glanced at him, it was late and she felt exhausted and happy about her wedding day.

The wedding reception had gone off without a hitch and everyone had been happy for them for the most part;her new husband kissed her neck softly before resting his head against hers.

“Fernando’s putting Nora to bed,” Iker murmured as the brunette glanced at him, today had been a long day and now she wanted nothing more than to relax with her new husbands.

The goalkeeper brushed a hand against her small bump, he smiled softly knowing that it wouldn’t be long now until the baby was born.

“Sergio’s putting what’s left of the cake away,” Iker continued as she turned to face him and smiled, he held her close to him as he admired her in her second wedding dress; it wasn’t as nice as her first and he was a little sad she’d taken it off.

“You looked beautiful today Corazón,” Iker told her as Alyssa kissed him softly, Iker held her close as they kissed before Sergio slipped into the room.

The Sevillian grinned as he watched the two kiss and he slowly removed the tie from around his neck, he knew what they had planned that night and he was looking forward to it.

“Don’t forget to share Iker,” Sergio said amused making the two of them pull apart, Alyssa rolled her eyes as Iker chuckled as he looked at Sergio; who was slowly unbuttoning his shirt.

“I wouldn’t dream of keeping her to myself,” Iker said as Sergio admired the dress that Alyssa was wearing; with everything that had happened today it was nice for them to just spend time together.

Fernando quietly entered the room and closed the door, his eyes lingering on Alyssa who had her back pressed against Iker’s chest.

“Why don’t we help you out of that dress nena?” Sergio said stepping towards Alyssa and Iker, who nodded in agreement; as much as they loved her in it, it was time to come off.

Alyssa squeaked a little as she felt Iker slowly unzipped the back of her dress, she chewed on her lips as her eyes snapped to Fernando’s as he moved towards the bed to watch the other two undress her.

Sergio carefully unbuckled her heeled sandals that she was wearing, he carefully kissed each foot before setting it on the floor.

Fernando eyes stared intently as he watched Iker remove her dress, he grinned at the sight of the nude lace edge bra and lace edge thong that she was wearing under her dress.

Pushing himself to his feet, Fernando crossed the room and claimed Alyssa’s lips into a kiss; whatever the future held for any of them was going to be fine and tonight they would enjoy themselves.

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