Chapter Twenty-Five: The Guest List and Invites

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Alyssa stared at the ever growing guest list for her wedding, she didn't know what she was going to do to keep it small between the Real Madrid team, Chelsea team and the Spanish national team; there were currently just under a 100 people invited.

Iker sighed as he looked over the list; it just kept getting bigger no matter what they did, he looked back at Alyssa who sipped on her drink and shrugged under what to do now; they were trying to get the invitations ready because they needed sending out as soon as possible.

"So the current cost is €12,028," Iker said making Alyssa groan as she looked back at the list, she hadn't expected so many people wanting to be a part of her big day.

Sergio perked up from the sandwich that he was eating, he watched Alyssa as she rested her hand on her stomach; they were trying to minimise the stress that planning the wedding would cause.

"It could be worse," Sergio said as he sat next to Alyssa and Iker at the dining room table, which was currently covered in wedding planning items.

The brunette looked at him and raised an eyebrow, she knew that he was trying to help but with four weeks until the wedding and there was a lot for them to do.

"I'm going dress shopping next week with Monica," Alyssa said making the two footballers nod as Fernando walked into the room carrying Nora; the little girl was going to be a flower girl during the wedding.

Fernando set his daughter down at the table and looked at the others, Alyssa was thirteen weeks pregnant now and her pregnancy was going well right now for her and the baby.

"Sergio and I will be going to see the caterer with your mother next week," Fernando said making Alyssa nod, the sooner the menu was set for the sit down meal the better; it would be one less thing to worry about.

The two footballers had offered to sort out the meal for the wedding and Amelia wanted to help out and make sure that the two didn't mess up her eldest daughter's big day.

They sat in silence as they looked at the guest list before Alyssa sighed and looked at her fiancés who were wondering how to cut the guest list down at least for the meal.

"Fifteen people each... that would be sixty guests plus there plus ones," Alyssa said making the footballers look at her, they knew it would dramatically drop the numbers for the reception that was getting out of hand and with plus ones and families it would take the number up to one hundred and twenty.


Alyssa sighed as she looked over her list and the boys as she started to fill out the form for their invites; she jumped as she felt Fernando wrap his arms around her and smile as he kissed her neck tenderly.

"You should rest Lissa," he said making her smile at him as she pressed a quick kiss to her lips; she rested her head against his and closed her eyes, Fernando held her for a moment.

"I'm okay... I'll feel better when these lists are sent for the wedding invites," she said making him sigh as he looked at her; they had somehow narrowed their list down to eighty people.

Fernando watched as she emailed the list to the people who were printing their wedding invites, Alyssa leant back against Fernando who held her close and rested a hand on her stomach.

"Come and rest hermonsa... Iker and Sergio have popped out for a bit," Fernando said as Nora padded into the room, she smiled at her father before moving to clamber carefully onto Alyssa's lap.

The brunette cuddled the little girl close, she knew that she would soon have a child of her own; she couldn't wait to become a mother herself and she knew that the baby that she carried wouldn't be the last.

Fernando watched Alyssa with Nora, he couldn't believe that he was luckily to have someone like her; thebrunette fought back a yawn making the Spaniard frown as he watched her.

"Come on Alyssa..." Fernando murmured as he picked Nora up and offered her, his hand to help her stand.

Alyssa rolled her eyes but did as she was told; she knew that she shouldn't push herself to hard since she was thirteen weeks pregnant and was finally coming out of her first trimester but there was still a high risk that she could miscarry their baby.


Iker watched Sergio as they entered the house, they had popped out to sort something special for Alyssa; they knew that the last two weeks were starting to get to her and they worried that the stress would be too much for her.

The house was quiet as the two footballers stepped into their home; they knew that Fernando would have been attempting to get the brunette to relax and it appeared he had been successful.

"Uncle Iker," Nora called softly making the Goalkeeper chuckle as he walked into the living room, Fernando smiled at the other two as they entered the room from his place on the couch.

"Alyssa's having a bath... thought it might relax her a bit," Fernando said making them nod as they sat down on the couch, Sergio rolled his eyes at the sight of an Atlético game being played on the television.

"The invites should be here by Thursday," Fernando said as Nora played with her dolls on the floor making her father smile, she would soon have siblings and Fernando knew it would be good for her.

Iker stifled a yawn as he leant back on the couch, he knew that things would be easier when all this had been sorted; they would have to talk with David about his refusal to be involved in his daughter's wedding.

He was still refusing to walk his daughter down the aisle and it was starting to upset Alyssa that her own father wasn't going to be there; Amelia was at her wits end that the two weren't speaking anymore.

"Our parents want to have a small family orientated engagement party," Sergio said making the other two nod, he knew that their families wanted to get together again; it was clear that they were getting used to the idea of how the four wanted to live their lives.

Paqui might have been difficult to deal with right now but that didn't mean that the others were; Iker's parents were willing to accept the entire thing and Fernando's had slowly warmed to the idea especially now they were getting to know their future daughter-in-law.

The problem now only seemed to remain with Sergio's, and while his father might have been willing to try so that he didn't have to lose his youngest son; Paqui had made it clear that she wasn't going to play nice.

"I think we are going to pull this off," Iker mused as he looked at the ceiling, he knew that Alyssa was going to have to slow down and they had a baby to consider but everything was slowly coming together and he was so happy about it.

Fernando nodded his head in agreement as he looked at his fiancé, he wasn't sure how they would pull this off but he was sure that when the wedding day arrived that Alyssa would be happy.

Sergio closed his eyes as he wondered how his parents would react when their wedding invite arrived, he had a feeling it wasn't going to be a pleasant reaction from his mother.


You are cordially invited to the wedding of

Iker Casillas Fernández


Fernando José Torres Sanz


Sergio Ramos Garcia


Alyssa del Bosque Silvera

On the 15th of August 2012 at 2pm at La Quinta Navalafuente.

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