Chapter Twenty-Nine: Day of the Wedding

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Alyssa smiled to herself as she woke up, it was the morning of her wedding and she couldn’t believe that the day had finally arrived; she looked around the unfamiliar room and sighed.

Alyssa had spent the night in her parents’ home, away from the boys that were using their home as a base for the night; she had missed them and was relieved that she would never have to be parted from them again.

The brunette lay in her bed for a moment longer before she grinned and rolled out of it, she glanced at the clock knowing that she couldn’t wait any longer.

Alyssa pulled on her cream mid length dressing gown over her pink crochet trim vest and shorts; her bump was slowly starting to grow and it made Alyssa smile as her fingers brushed against it.

Taking a deep breath, Alyssa left her bedroom and walked downstairs heading for the kitchen; she could already hear her mother talking with Monica about the big day.

“Buenos días,” Alyssa said cheerfully as she walked into the kitchen, she couldn’t stop smiling at the thought that she was getting married in a few hours’ time.

Monica grinned as she shared a look with Amelia, they both knew how important today was going to be for the brunette; she was only ever going to get married once, especially like this.

“Buenos días… how is the bride feeling this morning?” Monica teased as Alyssa sat down next to her, it was going to be a long day and everyone could tell that it was going to be a day to remember for the rest of their lives.

Amelia quickly set about making her eldest daughter some breakfast, her brown eyes glancing over at David knowing that he had to make a decision now on what he would since it was his daughter’s wedding day.


Sergio groaned as he smacked his head against the kitchen table, he hadn’t slept well all night long and he missed Alyssa; he peeked at Fernando, who looked just as tired as he did right now.

“Didn’t sleep well?” Carmen mused as she looked at the two footballers, Iker wasn’t down yet and she knew her son had suffered just as much as they had at being parted from the brunette.

Fernando shook his head as he clutched his coffee, he wanted to phone Alyssa to make sure that she was okay; however his brother had been put on duty to ensure that he didn’t.

Alyssa would have to spend the morning preparing for the wedding, she was going to have enough on her plate without having to worry about multiple calls from her soon-to-be husbands.

“Not long now… just five more hours,” Flori said with a smile on her face, she grinned at the annoyed look that both Fernando and Sergio offered her as Iker walked into the kitchen.

Iker raised his eyebrow at the two as he sat down, he had shaved and showered in preparation for heading to the place where the wedding would be held.

“How are you being so calm?” Sergio whimpered as he peeked at Iker, he hadn’t lifted his head from the table and wished that he could just go to Alyssa’s side and be with her.

Carmen chuckled as she set down some toast for her son, she knew that he was nervous on the inside; he missed Alyssa just as much as the other two.

“Because… I know that after today, she’ll never be without any of us again,” Iker said calmly as he nibbled on his toast, his stomach rolled slightly as he swallowed and he hoped the hours would drag since he wanted to be with Alyssa as soon as possible, he wanted to call her his wife.


“Alyssa don’t you look beautiful,” Amelia whispered as she dabbed away her tears, she smiled as she looked at her eldest daughter who was wearing her white asymmetry column V-neck wedding dress paired with the white high heels that she had chosen.

It was a lovely sunny day and Amelia couldn’t have been happier for her daughter, she just wished that David had come with them; he was still at home and running out of time before he would miss walking his daughter down the aisle.

“I can’t believe you’re getting married,” Adam said making Alyssa roll her eyes amused at her brother as Monica and Amelia made sure that her dress was perfectly in place.

Adam was going to walk Alyssa down the aisle if David didn’t show up and everyone knew that she would never forgive her father if he didn’t.

Alyssa took a deep breath as she looked at Nora, the little girl was wearing her strapless tea-length bowknot sashes flower girl dress and couldn’t have been more adorable.

“Are you ready?” Monica said as she made sure that there wasn’t a hair out of place, the hairstylist and make-up artist hadn’t left yet and she wanted to be sure they weren’t going to be needed.

Alyssa nodded her head as she checked herself one more time in the mirror, she took a calming breath before the door opened and closed to the room where she was waiting to get married.

“No she isn’t,” David said making Alyssa turn to look at her father, he was wearing a suit that he had never thought that he would be wearing.

Amelia stared at her husband, she wasn’t sure how to feel about him turning up like this; she feared he would ruin the wedding.

David cleared his throat nervously before he reached into his pocket and pulled out a black flat box; he knew that he had made the right decision.

“It belonged to my abuela and she would want you to wear it today,” David said as he moved forward and handed the box to Alyssa, he offered her a small smile as he watched her slowly open it.

Alyssa put a hand over her mouth as her eyes filled with tears as she stared at the designer freshwater pearl and crystal swirl headband that her father had given to her.

“My abuela wore it on her wedding day,” David said softly as he watched Alyssa, she was so much like her that it made David miss her every day; he knew that she would have adored Alyssa.

The brunette blinked back tears as she pulled her father into a hug, it meant so much to her that he was here and she knew that this was all that she had wanted.

“Aly… you’re first family heirloom,” Amelia cried as Monica moved to carefully place the headband into Alyssa’s hair, they didn’t have much time and Adam had been sent to check if the three grooms had arrived for the ceremony.

Amelia kissed her husband, she knew that he wasn’t happy about who Alyssa was marrying but he was making an effort and that was all that mattered.

“I know I haven’t been the best padre lately… but would you allow me the honour of walking you down the aisle?” David asked as he looked at his daughter, he really hoped that Alyssa would let him do this; he had no problem with her getting married, it was the idea of her marrying three men that had worried him.

Iker, Fernando and Sergio were very public figures and marrying all three of them wouldn’t stay a secret forever and David feared what would happen when it came out.

“Of course,” Alyssa said as she smiled at her father, everything was falling into place and any moment now she would be getting married.

“It’s time,” Adam said as he peeked his head back into the room and smiled, he knew that everything was going to be perfect for Alyssa’s wedding and he couldn’t believe that the big moment had arrived.

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