Chapter Seven: Needing a Break

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Alyssa sighed as she watched the team warm up for their opening match against Italy, they were currently in the PGE Arena in Gdańsk, Poland; which had been hour and a half trip from their hotel.

Monica sat next to her as they watched the team warm up, it had been a tough couple of days for Alyssa and she knew that her friend was still struggling to make a decision.

“How are you feeling?” Monica asked making Alyssa look at her and shrug; it had been nearly three days since she had taken a break from her relationship with Iker, Fernando and Sergio.

It had been hard for her to see them every day and most of the team were now aware what had happened between them; she was happy that they didn’t push her for her decision.

“I’ve been better,” Alyssa said honestly, she had no idea what this break was meant to accomplish; she knew that she needed time to clear her head, but all she thought about was them.

Monica sighed, it was all too clear that Alyssa was struggling with the break from the boys; they seemed to know that this was hard on her and were giving her space.

“Alyssa, you’re a good friend… but how long do you think this will last?” Monica asked her, the brunette sighed as she looked at Monica and shrugged making the older woman frown.

This wasn’t helping anyone and was only causing suffering for those involved; Monica knew that a decision had to be made sooner rather than later.

“I don’t know, seeing them all the time isn’t helping,” Alyssa said making Monica nod as the boys headed into the tunnel; the brunette sighed as Vicente past them, she wondered what he thought about all of this.

Iker and the others had been a little distracted and with their big opening match coming up, for their title defence after winning in 2008; it was clear that Vicente wouldn’t want any major distractions.

“I have an idea… how about we take a couple of days off after the match,” Monica said as they walked into the tunnel, Alyssa looked at her confused making the older brunette grin as they stopped outside the locker-room.

Monica was brilliant at organising and she knew that this was something that not only Alyssa needed right now but she needed as well; it had been very stressful pulling this trip together.

“You need to clear your head for a while and I need a vacation before I have a violent mental break down and kill the entire team,” Monica said as she fished something out of her pocket and grinned at the Alyssa, knowing that no one would deny them this perfect mini-break.

Monica handed her friend the leaflet that she had picked up from their hotel for a Spa on the other side of the country.

It would certainly be the perfect way for them to relax and take their minds off their problems, they would go for a few days and come back before the match against the Republic of Ireland.

Alyssa chewed on her lip as she looked at the leaflet, she knew that this could be the answer that she was looking for and she hoped that they would be able to get the time off.


Fernando frowned as he watched Alyssa pack for her mini-break with Monica, Spain had drew their opening match with Italy and he was less than pleased to hear from one of the trainers that Alyssa was going away.

“How long will you be gone?” Fernando asked softly as Alyssa fought with her suitcase, he watched her closely before moving to help her; he was the only one that knew about her trip and he knew that when the others learnt of it then they would come and see her.

The brunette sighed as she let Fernando close her suitcase for her, she wasn’t taking much with her and she was only taking her red holdall with her while her suitcase would remain at the team hotel.

“Four days… I’ll be back before the next match,” Alyssa said surprised that Vicente had given them that much time off, she knew that this wasn’t going to be easy and she hoped that this would allow her the time to think about what she wanted to do next.

Fernando watched her for a moment and leant into kiss her but Alyssa stepped back from him, he stared at her as she picked up her passport; they were flying to Muszyna which was eleven hours away from Gniewino.

“I need to do this, some time away is what I need right now,” Alyssa said making Fernando nod sadly, he wished that she wasn’t leaving that there was some way to convince her to stay and that she had no need to worry about their exes.

Alyssa pressed a kiss to Fernando’s cheek and smiled at him softly; he wanted to feel her lips against his again if even for a moment since she had resisted him before; he hated that she was pushing him away.

Monica popped her head into the room, she looked at Fernando knowing that she wasn’t even surprised to see him since her husband had been the one to tell him that Alyssa was going away.

“Are you ready?” Monica asked smiling at Fernando as Alyssa nodded; the footballer watched her pick up her suitcase and leave the room knowing that when she came back everything could be so different.

“Monica… por favor look after her for us,” Fernando called making the older brunette stop and look at him; she nodded before she followed after Alyssa so they could make their flight.

Fernando sighed as he sat on the hotel room bed, he would do anything to have her back with him right now; he just hoped that this break would bring her back to them and not force her even further away.


Sara sighed as she sat at the bar and sipped on her drink, she was growing tired of Iker ignoring her and she wished that she knew who his new girlfriend was.

No one would tell her anything and she was growing frustrated that no one could give her the answers that she was seeking.

“Hola Sara,” Lara said as she sat down beside the older woman, she had been waiting for this moment and had decided it was time that she acquired some recruits.

Women that wanted the same thing as her and she knew that Sara was one of them; Sara wanted Iker back as much as Olalla wanted Fernando back and she wanted Sergio back.

“I have a bit of a proposition for you,” Lara said as she smirked at the older woman and waved Olalla to come and join them, she had already convinced Fernando’s former wife to join her and now it was Sara’s turn.

The reporter looked at Lara knowing that she didn’t have anything that she wanted, she opened her mouth to say something before Lara dropped pictures of Alyssa and Iker down on the table.

It was very clear that the two were on a date and Sara’s stomach turned as she realised just who her love rival was; she carefully looked through each of the pictures before realising that Alyssa wasn’t just dating Iker but Fernando and Sergio as well.

“So are you in?” Lara asked smirking, she wanted to get rid of Alyssa for once and for all so that she could take her rightful place at Sergio’s side. All she needed was for Sara to agree and her plan would come together and they would each get what they wanted most.

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