Chapter Six: The Third and Final

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Alyssa moaned softly as she felt someone's lips nibbling down her neck and as much as she enjoyed being woken this way; she knew that whoever it was, was meant to be at training at that moment.

"Mañana," Fernando murmured as he continued to kiss down her neck, the brunette glanced at him as she slowly woke up; he had been ever so attentive since Olalla had arrived in Poland to see him.

Iker had also been the same when they learnt that Sara was part of the National Team press that would be staying in the same hotel as them.

"Shouldn't you be at training?" Alyssa asked offering her clock a tired glance to confirm the time; Iker chuckled as he slipped into the room followed by Sergio carrying breakfast.

The brunette rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, wondering why they had woken her; she was exhausted and she knew that she didn't have much time to rest.

"Team photographs," Sergio said as if it explained everything, the three footballers were wearing their team-polo and looked like they had been awake for a while.

Alyssa yawned as she nodded, Fernando continued to kiss her neck while Sergio quickly kissed her lips; she glanced at the three footballers warily, she could tell that they were keeping something from her.

"Okay... what's going on?" Alyssa asked making the three footballers look at one another, Fernando shook his head and opened his mouth to deny that there was anything going on. However a glare from Alyssa stopped him, she looked at Iker and Sergio waiting for answers, she started to feel uneasy when none of them spoke.

"You know we love you, nena," Sergio said finally making Alyssa nod nervously; they knew this was going to upset her slightly but they needed to talk about it.

Iker sighed as he sat on the bed, Alyssa watched him wondering what was going on; she hated the feeling that bubbled inside of her at the fact they weren't telling her.

"And we know that things are going to be difficult with Fernando's ex-wife, my ex-girlfriend and now Sergio's ex-girlfriend being here..." Iker said carefully making Alyssa stiffen as she realised what was going on.

It had been one thing to know that Iker and Fernando's exes were going to be around but all three exes were something that she really didn't want to have to deal with.

The three footballers shifted nervously, they knew she wasn't going to like this; she hadn't been happy since Fernando's ex-wife had turned up and Sara had checked into the hotel.

"Lissa, you know that we wouldn't leave you for them," Sergio said trying to reassure her, but they could see that she wasn't listening anymore; her mind was locked on the one place that they didn't want it to be.

Alyssa ran a hand through her hair; she looked at her three boyfriends, she needed time to think about this, she didn't know if she could deal with the three exes hanging around.

"I think we should take a break..." Alyssa said softly making Fernando stiffened while Sergio nodded eagerly as he munched on some toast completely missing what she had actually meant.

"Great idea... we'll eat and then discuss this," Sergio said but Alyssa sighed as she wrapped her arms around her legs; Iker watched her concerned wondering what was going through her mind right now.

"I meant from us..." Alyssa said making the three footballers stare at her as her words slowly sunk in, the brunette looked down at her hands unable to look at them as her mind raced.

They couldn't believe what she was suggesting, they knew the past few days had been hard for her with Sara and Olalla about but they hadn't thought she would do this now with Lara turning up.

"We can work this out," Fernando said as Alyssa ran her fingers through her hair as she moved out of bed, she needed time to think things through and she couldn't do that with them around.

The brunette knew she was being harsh but she needed to think for a while and that was all she wanted, Alyssa was sure that her mind was just over reacting.

"I just need some space," Alyssa said making Iker nodded as he stared at her shocked; he hadn't thought she'd take it like this, he knew it wasn't going to be pleasant but to ask for a break was scaring them.

Pushing himself to his feet, Iker signalled for Sergio and Fernando to leave the room; he looked at Alyssa sadly hoping that she would come back to them.

"We'll see you at the team photograph later," Iker said making Alyssa nod, she couldn't bring herself to look at them now that she had told them that she wanted to take a break.

Leaving her alone, Iker stepped out of her hotel room and closed the door where Fernando and Sergio were waiting for him; he sighed as he moved down the corridor to where his hotel room was.

"What do we do?" Sergio asked softly, they couldn't lose Alyssa over this but she had every right to feel threatened by their exes hovering about; Fernando sighed as he watched Iker disappear into his room alone.

"I don't know," Fernando whispered making Sergio look at him scared, he didn't want their relationship to end like this; not after all they had been through.


Monica watched Alyssa concerned as they prepared for the team photograph, she didn't know what had happened this morning but the brunette didn't seem herself and it worried her.

"Is everything okay?" Monica asked glancing over at Iker who was being interviewed by Sara; Alyssa nodded not looking at any of her boys, she was still confused about what she wanted right now.

Alyssa was wearing a red long sleeved twist knot jersey dress with side detail paired with black shoe platforms for the staff pictures that would be taken at the same time as the team photographs.

Alyssa sighed knowing that she needed to get over this, it was her decision for them to take a break and maybe it was what she needed right now before she got in completely over her head.

"We're taking a break," Alyssa confessed making Monica stop what she was doing and look at her shocked, she knew that the younger woman was under a lot of pressure with Olalla, Sara and now Lara being there but she hadn't expected this.

Monica sighed as she moved closer to the brunette to comfort her, she smiled at Alyssa reassuringly as she looked over at Fernando and Sergio; the two didn't seem themselves and neither did Iker.

"Are you okay?" Monica asked her, she could see that the brunette was struggling to hold herself together; she knew that she was going to do whatever it took to help her friend.

Iker was currently doing an interview with a flirting Sara and while the footballer was trying his hardest to ignore his ex-girlfriend; it was clearly bothering Alyssa that Sara was flirting with him.

"I've been better," Alyssa said as she forced a weak smile, she knew this was her own doing but she needed to focus on herself for the moment.

Monica nodded as she gave her friend a hug, her eyes looking over at the three footballers knowing that they had to fix this; they couldn't allow Alyssa to slip through their fingers.

Unknown to Alyssa and Monica, Lara Álvarez was watching them; her eyes focused on the younger woman that had something that she wanted.

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