Meet the winston

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Aubrey's pov
My name is Aubrey Winston, yes the kid sister to the infamous Dallas Winston.

Me and Dallas are the same person, were both well known for our bad rap sheet. When my mom died my dad went a little crazy and my aunt send him with dally to Tulsa. I wanted to go but my aunt wouldn't trust my dad. Then again, I knew I was gonna be sent there someday. It's been five years since I've seen Dallas and I gots to say, I miss him.

My aunt warned me if I got in anymore trouble with the cops, I would get sent to Tulsa but, nine police office pickups and one time in the cooler, I have never been sent. After I got out of the cooler my aunt said one more time, I'm off to Tulsa.

One day I got bored and ran out of cigs, I decided its a good day to steal some cancer sticks.

I walk in and ask for a pack, before I pulled out the money I swiped the cigs and ran, knowing me my parol officer, officer Ramirez was waiting outside and I got grabbed

He searched me and found my switchblade, stolen cigarets, and some beer. "damn it Aubrey, how many times do we got to go over this," he says

"Whoops" I say sarcastically

"I got to call your aunt" he says and my eyes go wide

" Why don't we keep this between is as I pay the fine" I try to bribe but know it's not gonna work

I sit nervously in the back of the squad car "Ramirez, if you call my aunt you will never be able to see my beautiful face again" I say

"Poor me" he says sarcastically.

We go to the police department and I get put in a holding cell, my last time in here.

I got picked up by my aunt and she finally broke the awkward silence

"Your going to Tulsa" she says and I looked at her wide eyes and scared

"I got your ticket, your leaving tomorrow," she says with no emotion

"Why the fu-" I got cut off

"I won't have you die in jail so I'm sending you with dally, pack up and were gonna head out"

I storm into the house and slam my door, I slight smirk appeared on my face as I packed up, I'm gonna get in more trouble with dally so I'm pretty excited.

We got out to the train stop "any second thought" I says she shakes her head

"Next stop, Tulsa, Oklahoma" say the intercoms lady.

I didn't hug my aunt and just boarded the train.

~ few hours later~

I'm shaken up by a strange lady "miss," she says sweetly "were in Tulsa"

"Oh..okay thanks" I say as I grab my many bags

I see Dallas waiting around with a group of friends.

"Well hello my loving brother, long time no see" I say sarcastically hugging him

He hugs back "well you got big my loving twin" Dallas says with a smirk. Me as dally are five minutes apart, I'm older. "so your not going to introduce me to your hot friends" I say smirking

"Jeez your just like dally" says the guy with the eagle tattoo. "well we are twin idiot" I respond to him.

"His name is Steve" dally says, " this is Darry, sodapop, and ponyboy, there the curtis"

"Hey" I say Darry pretty hot, I shake there hands and me and Darry make a pretty awkward eye contact, I start to blush.

"And, this is two-bit and Johnny" says dally ruffling Johnny's hair

"Aye quit that," Johnny says and puts his hands in his jean jacket pocket.

"Well, I don't think I should get in trouble the second I step off the train so, let's go grab a bite." I say

"Yup, just like dally" the whole group says. I smile at Dallas and I laugh, this is gonna be fun.

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