Track meet

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Darry's pov .

Ponyboy has a meet today so I took a half day to go and support pony. Ever since mom and dad passed he's always wanted to impress me the most and I feel honored, he's a terrific runner.

Aubrey also took a day off and so did Steve and soda. Aubrey was making cake when I came in. She made icing with Oreo crumbles and iced the cake. She stuck it in the icebox and kissed me as I entered the house "hey love" she says wiping the flour and stuff from her face. I smile and stick my finger in the remaining icing and taste it, delicious. I dip my finger again and put some on Aubrey's nose. "I'll get ya curtis she says grabbing some and flicking it at me.

We chase each other and fall in the floor, she falls on me. she smiles and I kiss her, softly and loving. Her plump lips against mine made me melt.

"Can y'all like not" Steve calls out and gags a bit, we break away and laugh.

Soda walks in and gives us a 'did-y'all-do-it' look and I shake my head and he smile "for once"

"Shut your trap" I say and ruffle his hair. He swiped my hand away and I laugh.

It's about five thirty and we pile into the car. Aubrey sits in the front and pushes soda, Steve Johnny and two bit. They squish in and we head out. Aubrey found out ponys running hurdles, 800-meter and a mile race. I feel like he pushes himself hard but it's all worth it.

We get there and we see Brianna, it's been awhile since we've seen her but Aubrey walks right up to her.

"Brianna, how are you" I say ad she nods

"Good, I'm here to support pony," she says and I nod in agreement

"Mind if we sit here" Aubrey ask and she motions us to sit.

"C-can we go get a coke?" Johnny ask and I hand them a dollar to get us all one. As soon as they come back pony was starting for the hurdles. I get nervous like how I use to before football games, I grab Aubrey's hand and she squeeze back. I look down at her and nervous covers her face, she looks up and her big green eyes and I smile and kiss the top of her head. The starter pistol blows and pony shoots out

"Go pony!" we all yell as he jumps over the first hurdle. Mine and Aubrey's hand never breaks as she jumps up as cheers him on as he is the first to cross the finish line. She grabs my face and pulls me into a deep kiss, she breaks away and I smile.

Pony gets first again in the 800-meter and second in the mile. We go to pick him up and he jumps on my back with a smile in his face "you did a great job little man" I say picking him up more.

"Did I ? are you proud" he says with a smile on his face.

"Pony, you couldn't make me anymore prouder" I say and I can see ponys eyes well up. I out him down and hug him, Aubrey and soda join the hug and Johnny, Steve and two also join.

"Now can y'all fattys get off me" pony jokes and everyone laughs.

"Now how is everyone gonna get to the car?"

"Whoever to the car last has to run home pony says and pony and Aubrey are off, and I'm close behind, needless to say two bit and soda walked home that day.

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