Dirty dancing

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Darry pov

After we go down the river we all head back to camp so we could go to the dance hall. I don't plan on dancing but knowing Aubrey she will somehow make me. Two bit is already drunk and dallys on the verge of sober and drunk. I haven't touched a drop since last night. Last night was just another weird night that involved me being naked and dancing around the fire is pretty embarrassing.

We get back to camp and everyone gets dressed, good bottoms and a button up.
Aubrey puts on a white, flowery skirt and a tight, white v neck.

We go up to the dance house and well, people are mostly dry humping eachother, beautiful. Aubrey looks disgusted it seems like everything seems to calm down and a slow song comes on.

"Darry," she says trying to pull me on the dance floor,

"No, I'm terrible" I tell her and she flashes her big puppy dog eyes,

"Please," she says and I finally give in, I can't help Aubrey, she has that charm that her brother has.

We get on the floor and the guys are watching us, I grab her waist and we dance to a slow song, I stare into her eyes and she does the same,

"Your beautiful," I say and she lays her head on my chest. I kiss the top of her forehead and I feel someone bump into me, it's the guys trying to dance. Steve and pony stand and watch since really they got there own women.

"I love you," I hear Aubrey say and I pull her chin up to face me. I kiss her softly and we break away.

After this dance we start to cha cha and Aubrey I see is have a great time. the guys are dancing with different girls and Steve and pony are joking around dancing with each other.

Aubrey's pov

After convicting Darry were having a blast. We dance and joke around with each other and the gang.

"So, what's it like under all theses clothes?" Darry says and I push him away laughing.

"You will have to find out" I say swaying my hips walking away. He catches up to me and grabs my hips,

"Mabey I will," he says and kisses my neck, I dance away leaving him in suspense.

We get to the camp site and we enter the tent. I start to take off my shirt. Darry comes up behind me and kisses my back

"I'm liking what I see," he says and raps his arms around me, I break away and kiss his neck, he bits his lip and I break away, he looks at me and kisses me.

"Darry," I manage to get out and he looks at me, I melt under his gaze. He grabs me and kisses me softly,

"I have to change," I say laughing

"I can help you with that" he says grabbing at my shirt and I swat his hand away. I put on some pj shorts and a lose fitting shirt. Darry kisses me for the tenth time and I laugh at him

"I think that's my shirt, I'm gonna have to ask for it back" he says smirking and I look at him

"What's mines yours and what's yours is mine" I say

"Then can I have all your clothes" he says and I laugh

"Guys don't wear bras" I say and he looks away "I win" I say under my breath.

He looks at me and I get into bed

"We will see who wins" he say smirking, he jumped on top of me and starts kissing my neck, I hold back the moans and I flip him over, I'm on top now.

I kiss him neck and he grips the floor, I hear a moan and I break away

"I always win"

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