Home sweet home

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Darry pov
Our drive was grueling and I was drained to all hell. Aubrey drove majority of the time and she seems to not mind.

"Superdope, were home" I hear someone calling out and I see Aubrey sitting on my lap shaking me awake.

"Superdope?" I question and she kisses me.

"Hurry up I want to sleep" she says and I laugh. She rushes out and I follow her.

"Excuse me mam, I'll get that door for you" I say opening the door for her. She curtsis as she enters the house. I pinch her butt and she swats my hand away and laughs

She takes off her pants and shirt and collapses on the bed, I smirk and strip leaving me in only my boxers. I lay on top of her and she groans

"Darry, not now" she moans out and I start to kiss the back of her neck "d-Darry.." she moans out and I smirk. I roll off her and she looks at me, "you know now you have to finish the job" she says in a tired tone.

"Nah, your to tired" I joke and she jumps on me

"Do I care" she says kissing my soft spot making me groan. I pull out the package and get to work

"Your forever mine" I whisper after we finish. she's still shaking and she has a little smirk and satisfaction in her eyes.

"No matter what"

-next morning-

Last night was probably a bad idea. Aubrey was sore and tired out of her mind.

"Baby?" I ask poking my head into the restroom I hear a groan and see Aubrey falling asleep. "get up dear" I say pulling her off the toilet.

"Darry," she says and I kiss the top of her head

"You don't have-" she cuts me off

"No Darrel we need the paycheck" she says and I hug her.

"Baby, I got it" I try to reassure her but she looks at me

"I can't afford it, we need the money" she says and I look at the ground

"I love you," I say and kiss her

"Besides all I do is sit around and take money" she jokes and I smile. She grabs her DX outfit and changes quickly. I make her breakfast and she kisses my back.

"Ready to eat" I say and she smiles, I hand her the plate of eggs and she makes sandwiches with tomato. I go to pony and sodas room

"Wake up, soda you got work" I say and he opens his eyes,

"Darry, why? Work sucks" he question and I pull him over my shoulder.

"Why are you so tall" soda asks and I laugh

"Dad was tall" I say back and soda nods

"Cool" he says clearly tired and I put him at the table. "hey bre" soda says and Aubrey's just as tired as him.

"Oh hey pop" she says popping the p and I motion for her to sit.

"Ponyboy Michel Curtis get up!" Aubrey yells and we hear pony groan loudly. I hear rustling at the couch and see Johnnycakes on the couch.

"Hey kid, get up" I shake him softly and he opens his eyes. Pony comes walking in seconds later and well, he's only wearing nothing but underwear.

"Boy you need some coverups," I hear Aubrey yell and pony smiles.

"But how come Darry can do it" pony says and she replies

"Because I own Darry" she says smacking my butt, there's some hoots.

"Y'all shut y'all's mouth and eat," I say clearly red.

Two and Steve come over later and were still missing dally.

"Y'all gonna walk to school today" Aubrey says and pony groans, "pony is that the only thing that comes out yah mouth" Aubrey snaps and pony laughs

"Oh sorry"

"Sorry my ass" Aubrey says.

Soda gets dressed and Steve eats. I pack up my car with my tools and such, Aubrey, Steve and soda follow and get in. Aubrey red lip and smokey grey eye made me do a double take

"What" she questions

"You never wear makeup," I ask and she stares at soda

"Because some douche told boss that we needed more eye candy " I say "so now little miss Winston needs makeup"

"Well, you do look very beautiful" I say and peck her cheek and drive off to their work.

"Love you" Aubrey yells and kisses me.

"Love you too" I yell back.

Now it's twelve grueling hours of work.

Aubrey's pov

I'm glad I get off at five today, I enter and signal the over night clerk she can leave.

"Bye bre"

"Bye candy" I say back and take my place behind the counter.

"Well hello gorgeouse" I hear someone say, I look up from my newspaper and see Steve

"Shut it Steve, I don't see you taking your shirt off" I say and point and soda with all the girls.

"I got evie" he say sternly

"I got Darry" I say back.

"Anyways I'm gonna buy a coke" he says and places it on the counter

"Shouldn't you get a water, hydration is key" I say with a smirk.

"Hydration whatever" he says and gives me twenty five cents.

"Now get back to work" I say taking the quarter.

"You first" he says running back outside to the cars. I laugh and continue to the newspaper.

Hours go by and people come in and out and I get hit on quiet a few times, but I already have Darry so they can go and stick it were the sun don't shine.

My shift ends and I trade with a young girl name Marley.

"Bye" I call out and she waves out.

I exit to see a sweaty soda shoving off the last girl in the lot with her car

"Bye marissa" he says and I stare at him

"Getting friendly with the customers" I say laughing

"Hey, they give you tips"

"Our do you give them you tip" I say and soda fake gags and I'm dying of laughter

"Oh jeez what did I walk into" Steve says catching up to us

"Oh Steve, you don't even realize" soda says still pretending to gag "Besides half those girl have herps" he says and I fake gag and so does Steve

"Jesus I treasure our after work conversations" I say and we continue the jokes walking home.

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