Im gone

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Aubrey's pov

Dally and I haven't talked in over a month and everyone's is wondering were he is. All the memories flood back to my brain making me wonder sometimes is life even worth it? Worrying twenty four hours a day about your brother who probably doesn't care about you?

I lay awake at night waiting, wondering, if Dallas would show up. Darry lays asleep in bed with his arm over my stomach. I watch his back rise and fall with every breath taken, a low snore escapes his mouth every once and a while and I can't help but laugh at him. Darry worries about me but I just shoo it off him.

I too notice my mood change and hate the fact that it's happening. My normal loud obnoxiousness, fun personality and loving forte is completely gone replaced with sorrow and guilt.

"Baby?" Darry whispers in my ear in his groggy voice, sending chills down my back. I kiss his forehead and rub his aching muscles. It's about three in the morning so I shoo Darry off to bed.

"Go to sleep superman," I whisper back and a smile peeks it's way on his mouth. His icy blue eyes glimmer in the light that enters throw our room. I rub the back of his neck and sooth him to sleep, "sleep tight sweets" I mutter and the beast is back in its cage.

Another thing has left me, my sexual drive is no longer there, Darry try's and try's to excite me, but nothing seems to erupt but a frustrated Darry.

As he sleeps I can't but help To let a tear slid down my cheek as I think that Darry deserves more than a slut like me. The trash I crawled out of in New York. I am nothing but disgusting filth. I realize that my tear have gotten louder and a frightened Darry perks up.

"Baby what's wrong" he say frightened

"I'm trash that belongs on the curb" I say and Darry looks at me with pity and helplessness "and don't look at me like that Curtis you know I hate sympathy"

"Aubrey Winston your more than I ever wanted and I would never in my whole life think of you that way, and I don't want you ever think less of yourself" Darry holds me close. He kisses me passionately and I can't help but smile, but deep down with every scar and mark, I will always know I not good enough.

"Now right now I want to make you feel beautiful," Darry whispers in a low draw voice as he kisses me lovingly.

"But you have work," I try to say

"Fuck work" Darry moans in my ear and I can't help but succumb to Darry and for once since this whole ordeal I felt wanted,needed. My worries seem to float away


Sorry guys I have t updated and I know you expect more it's just a lot of personal crap has been going on and I just appreciate every vote and comment 5k wow I never new my writing would pull me this far!

More updates coming school and volleyball and basketball and all my many stuff happening has got me booked so I'll start writing on my free time!


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